Morning diary,
Day 107 - Not going to bet today got my barriers in place and 99.9% sure I don't want to anyway! Sometimes certain things in life make you want to question yourself or re-evaluate situations! However, I have 107 days proof that I've been making the right decision and I'd rather stick with that decision just for today!
Day 107 - No Bet
Hi flagg,
107 days and still counting, so am i by the way cant seem to drop it just yet.
Great work your doing on the 90 day thread mate it will come round each week before we know it. I have a question as your a G.A member have you started are doing the steps, i was thinking about getting a sponsor to help me with them ?
Hope your day is sunny and bright, i think thats a song lol
Take care
the blonde one 😉
Congrats and keep it up Flagg, No matter how tempted we get we know there can only be one winner! And its not us! How do u get on in GA? Not sure if its for me? But going to one - one councilling thurs. I also hear u like horror films, i watched david cronenburgs the fly over the wk end, classic film.
107 Days still going strong nice one. Thanks for your post on mine, very nice to read, i hope i am one of the lasting members - i'll try thats for sure.
Fella just a quick dip to say a massive well done on as you say my friend
"just for today" No bet.
Tomorrow will be better for it .
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Hey Flagg
Just wanted to say thanks for setting up that 90 day challenge I didn't see the previous one mike did. But I am determined to stop gambling and your a great inspiration to follow on this site. I am day 71 gamble free. So i know that challenge will be hard because it is a long time. Because i gambled for 7 years. Not gambling for 71 days has been very tough. But the benefits are amazing.
Sorry to ramble on just wanted to say thank you your work on this site doesn't go unnoticed.
Kind Regards
Ricky 🙂
Good Morning Flagg
Just a fly by to say 107 days wow , go Flagg!
As ever Flagg you continue to make the right choice, if we don't then well it's just not even worth the thought is it?
Flagg thanks as lways for your support and so proud to still be on this journey with you!
Keep Strong
Smiling Lucy 😉
Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur support on my diary. It means alot 🙂
U r doing brilliant. U should be soooo proud of urself. Ur determination shines thru 🙂
I like ur diary, because ur posts make alot of sense, I like how u always try 2 see the positives in things. That always makes me smile 🙂
U give me alot of hope, thanks 🙂
Stay strong and keep going 🙂
Hey diary,
Day 108 - Wow this place is busy this morning lots of posts! Tend to think that's a good thing those that keep this site close are the ones that make the positives steps forward in their journey!
Not really a great deal to say or on my mind today I have a big work meeting tomo which could mean some changes not permanently but temporarily I would be in a bigger role and that's exciting! I would just need to look at the gambling side as it would involve nights away so ensuring my barriers are fixed and based are covered would be high on the priority list! Exercise still going well have stuck to my running plan to the minute except Monday when I couldn't manage my short run after playing footy for 2 hours in the heat! I let myself off with that one! All in all a positive start to the week and amazingly it's already Wednesday again where does the time go?
Have a good day all!
Day 108 - No Issues!
Just wanted to say , hope your meeting goes well tomorrow , and that you get what you want out of it.
Looks like you may well have a few new challenges to contend with, but I think that's good , not to test your resolve to give the opportunity to move forward in you life or your recovery .
Being aware of what they challenges are , allows us to preempt them.
No issues sound great to me .
Long may it continue .........
Shiny xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Flagg,
Thank you so much for the post on mine.
I am in no doubt whatsoever as to how I have stayed gamble free...........keeping this site close....very close. You see time over guys and gals with few posts then dissapear, the ones who post regulary seem to be the ones to make it...........Flagg....I intend to make it.
Thank you for your encouraging words to me, it has helped me soooo much!
Anyway....2 hours footie in that' re becoming bit of a superstar!
Will echo what shiny said with meeting.......hipe all good for you!
Sue x
Good Evening Diary,
Day 109 - Been a busy one today stuck in with my boss pretty much all day writing a project plan which will see me released into the wild. Dangerous territory! The problem with today was my boss has not really pieced everything together. He has all the ingredients but he doesn't quite know how to mix them just yet. This kinda leaves me with lots more questions and frustratingly they cannot be answered just yet.
What I have found out today is there are 3 overlapping projects the first one now is pretty clear and will involve me visiting our other sites dotted around the country. This will be done in 3 stages. Stage 1 is ok as I will be doing 2 days per site meaning one night out. Stage 3 is ok as it will involve something similar.
Stage 2 is my concern as it is very likely I will be away Monday - Thursday. I want the opportunity and I cannot envisage turning it down but I need to be very mindful of tying up my spare time whilst away. I have a bit of time to mull it over as stage 2 will be late this year/early next year.
The other 2 projects are unclear to say the least leaving me wondering what I will be paid for undertaking this role. So today has been great in some respects but I guess there is still a certain impatience in me as I wanted all the answers today.
Oh well I got home and completed my longest run since I kicked off my plan 12 days ago. It's hot out there but I feel pleased I managed to last it out.
Rambled a bit there about work but it almost helped writing it to get my head round it myself. No time for gambling thoughts today, as is often the case my only thought is coming here and remaining very aware of what gambling did to me without dwelling on it and letting it spoil the future.
GA tonight so will prob catch up with diaries tomo. Until then enjoy the sun!
Day 109 - Thursday Ramble
Hi Flagg
Nice to see the rambling post just love them ur so thorough with every detail covered , ur work sounds very technical way beyond me , backs my claim that ur the most intelligent on here , I love that u av a plan for a plan and a plan for that !
U bring so much wisdom to this site but more importantly support and the 2 together makes a huge difference to us all
Enjoy the GA meeting
Good Evening Diary,
Day 110 - Been a crazy day at work. What makes people drink pop? Answer - Sun and after having a week of that yellow stuff we are now busy, very busy. Was able to check in this morning on the 90 day thread but that's about my only contact with this site today. A rarity.
I think I said this during the last busy period at work but in the past I would have still found time to gamble on days like this. How on earth I did is beyond me! Oh well, day flew by, it's now Friday and I went for run after work kept the routine going.
Only gambling thought today was why I used to do it and how I had time. Now pretty tired but looking forward to the weekend. Hope everyone else is equally content.
Day 110 - Where does the time go!
Good Morning Diary,
Day 111 - Last night I did something slightly out of character and responded very quickly to a thread on the recovery diaries. Ordinarily, I would reflect and think before I speak, I wouldn't want to intentionally offend or at least say something offensive without thinking it through first. The thread I refer to will no doubt be read by many over the weekend and the ensuing madness will also be referred to.
This morning I have had ample time to reflect, I stand by my post last night and more so I honestly believe others will 95% agree with my response. I feel I was passionate but fair and I did not make the response personal. Infact, I genuinely wish the person all the good will in the world and I sincerely hope their partner can find recovery and move forward. My issue was with the very sweeping general statement that "gamblers are compulsive liars, and that we all need to get real".
Not once did I ever suggest that this person should not keep a diary nor did I say that the person should not have a recovery diary. I just suggested that particular outburst would be better in another section of the forum. What was written looked very much like an outburst one written in anguish and despair that was not the beginning of a Gamcare journal.
Just to add they are not strictly diaries anyway as this is a public forum. Journal would be more accurate, people are free to write on the journals of others and within reason offer opinions, support, and advice.
After my comments last night I then withdrew from the ensuing arguments despite being asked to 'step into another diary' I was not looking for confrontation I just felt CG's as a whole were being grouped together and written off as a lost cause. I took it personally and offered a response.
On this forum and at GA I come across truly inspirational people who have removed gambling from their everyday life for years and years. To suggest these people need to 'get real' is outrageous. Personally, I am throwing everything into my recovery and I hope one day I can inspire others to quit.
To live with and support a CG must be incomprehensibly difficult and I respect anyone who sticks with us. However, I think bitterness and resentment should not be welcomed in the place entitled 'Recovery Diaries' Opinions and thoughts yes I would even offer my own support and tell people some of the things I have done to cover my gambling but resentment towards a partner and general sweeping statements are harsh and will offend some very good people on this forum.
Ok, I needed to get that off my chest. On with the weekend. In this part of the world we continue to be blessed with lovely weather. I have a busy weekend ahead plenty of exercise followed by plenty of food. Is that a good combo? I guess it depends what I am eating.
No intention of gambling this weekend plenty to occupy my mind, plenty of barriers in place should my mind wander, and plenty of zest for life now I am 111 days gamble free.
Enjoy the sun while it's here everyone.
Day 111 - Chest Cleared
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