My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

Ahhhhh no wig, no dressing up!!! lol..... ur post made me smile 🙂

That was a gr8 post, u r doing brilliant Flagg and I know like me that u appreciate how strong this addicition is... I don't think we can ever become complacent!

Thanks 4 ur continued support, it means a lot 🙂

Have a gr8 wknd 🙂

Posted : 4th August 2012 10:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

That is a very strong post there on your diary and it bought a smile to my face because I think i share the same determination to fight until my last breathe to stop gambling because i am afraid of that darkness that so often covered me when i lost in gambling.

Now I am fighting to stay in the light and never want to be a shadow of that darkness again. You are a massive inspiration on this site and to me and i am very grateful for the amount of support you put into this site to help people trying to put that darkness out of their lives for good.

Keep doing what you do and I will keep following for your posts and complete that 90 day challenge.

Kind Regards

Ricky day 82 gamble free 🙂

Posted : 4th August 2012 11:58 pm
Posts: 0
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Afternoon Diary,

Day 119 - Chalk up another week bet free. I calculated this morning it is 17 weeks which for a numbers guy sounds pretty good. Really content right now with how things are going. Stable moods are leading to much happier relationships. More motivation is leading to more exercise. More days gamble free is leading to more money. On top of this I have my work secondment to look forward to. It's all a bit up in the air still but I do know it's happening and I need to be ready.

So today I will say life is on the improve and I honestly believe now this is because I don't spend my 80% of my life gambling.

It can be done if you put the appropriate measures in place.

Day 119 - 17 Weeks

Posted : 5th August 2012 12:43 pm
Posts: 0

Good afternoon Fit Flagg,

Think we are doing the rounds at the same time......Whats the odds on

When you post to me there is always something to take away from what you have said and ponder..............

This Womble is definitely taking huge strides!

Thank you Flagg....for being you!

Sue x

Posted : 5th August 2012 1:07 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Love the 118 post , 1st it made me laugh with those cheesy adverts but then the pride I felt for u when u revisited ur life 4 months ago when u found the strength to fight and fight u did , and for me that's what's this site is all about

I watch the Olympics and feel pride of the athletes who av given there all , the hardwork dedication time and effort they av put in and they now get there reward

Many of us on this site put the same amount of effort in to our recoveries and we are now showing our results , the only difference is they are national heroes and we are the unsung ones

All the same we should all be very proud


Posted : 5th August 2012 4:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Diary,

Day 120 - Another nice round number, another Monday, another start to a bet free week! That's the plan anyway! I think much of the time it's about remaining vigilant, I cannot see where an urge is coming from right now and If it did i have sufficient barriers in place so why worry? I think that's where the respect for the addiction comes into play, if the urge was strong enough, if I let my guard Down too much I'm sure I would lose! So today i remain on my toes and continue my countdown to the half year 63 days 9 weeks to go!

Day 120 - Guarded

Posted : 6th August 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 1172

Nice one Flagg. Great reading your last 2 posts all seems very positive. Good to hear things going well in your life and getting better everyday gamble free.

Posted : 6th August 2012 11:50 am
Posts: 4422


Fella keep making that choice, just for today. The answer Flagg WINS, keep the streak going by the choice for today NO BET. Tomorrow will be all the brighter for it.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 6th August 2012 12:03 pm
Posts: 0


Just a quick pop in to let you know I am never far away .

Having a vision of you , eating your dinner lining all the peas up , in groups of even numbers .

Imagine your home is one of every thing has its place ,

So am I wrong or right .

You and Tomso have a real analytical approach to recovery which I envy , cause it feels like things make perfect sence,

Anyways just wittering on , hope you do not mind .

Cause at the end of day recovery is path to be traveled , It makes no difference if its a nice peAsefull walk along it with your dog at your side , or take a hop skip and a jump as long as you stay on the path and continue the journey .

And yes 120 is nice number , plenty more of them to come along , lol

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 7th August 2012 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Hey flagg my brummy friend.

Your posts continue to be strong determind and focused on the task in hand whilst also remaining firmly in the middle and enjoying your recovery.

I dont recall the last time i had any kind of urge which in itself is something to be extremly proud of as it proves how far I have come and that also applies to you.

Keep on counting those numbers and having that clarity of thought about why its so important that we remain guarded and yet relaxed enough in our recovery.

Blondie x

Posted : 7th August 2012 11:23 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg thanks for your post, we'll get that gamcare calendar ready for Chrimbo. I can see it now, naked in the bookies mingling with the punters, no one will ever want to gamble again because of the revulsion of seeing my hairy a**e hanging over a plastic stool.

Anyway really enjoying the 90 day challenge, keeps me focused and appeals to my competitive nature, so thanks for taking the time to organise that. Yes we've done a 1/3 of a year can you believe that! Well done us.

Gotta go I'm cycling next to a fit bird in the gym. I wish she'd *** off. I want to blow my nose and it's murder cycling at this speed whilst continuously holding in your gut. Take care Flagg, keep happy, keep playing football you jammy git.

Stevo, dying inside but trying to look like I'm cycling effortlessly.

Posted : 7th August 2012 12:40 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Day 121 - Hoping to squeeze the post in whilst it's still morning usually start and then get sidetracked!

Not a great deal to say today and not much on my mind! I guess that's means things are ok so

I'll leave it at that!

Oh I wrote 5 lines and it took an hour and a half!

Day 121 - Quiet Flagg

Posted : 7th August 2012 1:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hummmmm...Quiet Flagg

I like Fit understand, sometimes it flows...sometimes it's a slog!

Did I tell you I have new I can see again.......That man I saw in Sainsburys that I thought was mr hunk......yukk

Men of the south beware.......Womble on the hunt!

Made up for your lack of words today Flagg

Sue x

Posted : 7th August 2012 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks 4 ur continued support and ur post on my diary 2day. I was feeling really down and it meant alot 🙂

I can always take something positive out of ur posts, and it always makes me smile how u always find a positive in each situation 🙂

Thanks 4 the 90 day challenge Flagg, it's helping me stay focused 🙂

Stay strong and keep going x

Posted : 7th August 2012 10:58 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good afternoon diary,

Day 122 - Still moving along very nicely thank you! Things are good and much of my thought process is about things far removed from gambling this can only be deemed a positive thing!

In the process of sorting out a 10k run at work raising money for a local charity really looking forward to that! Still torn as to whether I should enter the birmingham half marathon it's in October and part of

Me really wants to but I'm concerned it may come 6 weeks too soon and if I don't complete would it knock

My confidence etc! I'll plug away with the running for another couple of weeks and see where I'm

At then before making a final decision!

Nice to have that dilemma really tho shows I'm now committed to other things and regaining some control over life!

So today no bet for me just how Ive come to

Like it!

Day 122 - Should I?

Posted : 8th August 2012 12:45 pm
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