My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

Well done on 18 weeks. That is really good mate and also working towards the half marathon. Me and cw have done a couple of half marathons really small world we both did the same 2 which was the great north run in 07 and 09. Which half marathon you planning on doing?

Thanks for your post on my wall I do want to celebrate my first milestone unfortunately I am at the army but at the weekend I will do something special with my wife. Well today i hit day 90. And i will do it again in your challenge. then set a new target to keep going gamble free.

Take care mate and keep with the training And you will do well in the half marathon.

Kind regards

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 12th August 2012 12:32 pm
Posts: 0

well done on the 18 weeks flagg your doing a great job.which half marathon you planning on entering? i now getting back in to my running big time its a good time filler and a way to feel good aswell. keep up the good work


Posted : 12th August 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Monday,

Day 127 - Here we go again, another week begins! Blink and you miss the weekend! Altho the same can be said for the week too lately! So much to look forward to next year and so keen to keep adding to my gamble free days that there is a danger of wishing life away! I wasted so much time gambling tho that I'm keen not to wish life away too much! Fine line really and currently trying to get the balance right! I guess tho it's a good sign time is flying as it usually means life is good!

Still in a good place at the moment no complaints from me!

Day 127 - Slow Down

Posted : 13th August 2012 9:22 am
Posts: 0

Hey Flagg,

Thanks so much for the posts. Great Minds think alike so they say! That was exactly my thought process if i tackle it the same as gambling then I might just be able to *** it, Roll through the urges, come up with distraction tacktics and take it one day at a time. I have just come back from a run with woody from the country park same again in the morning, and see how i go.

Im pretty determined to *** it. So Ill give it my best shot.

I agree so much with your post today, the days seem to be whizzing by and also the weeks now, I keep losing track of the days and the counting, I think once i get to a nice round number 150 which is my next target im stopping. What do you think, i know your a numbers man lol.

Enjoy your evening.

Blondie x

Posted : 13th August 2012 6:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for the post on mine........I love getting messages on my diary...I believe that is why I am beating this. You know..what works for one and all that. We are all individuals and our recoverys are all so different.

I love your idea with the Barcelona fund.

Funny how lots get into keep fit and running, others go to counselling, GA is another. I have found that just staying close to my diary works for me...different strokes and all that. But don't get me wrong....If I fail for any reason doing it my way will use every tool out there to help.

Must say though...god I am out....home...*** can...light leaflet they gave me......Oh S**T........i'm still alive!

Oh and Flagg...I think time flying is a good thing!


Posted : 13th August 2012 6:04 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

hope your well today chap.

well i hope you do well in your training for the birmingham half marathon, what time you getting in half marathons??

i doing norwich and ipswich half marathon in next couple months and i too use sunday now for my big run as before i used to not bother cos it was betting day!! but thats the passed and we on to different things now .

keep up the good work


Posted : 13th August 2012 8:18 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Diary,

Day 128 - Still pressing on one day at a time! Few people mentioning the new footy season starting but I'm not really too bothered or worried about it! Im not actually a massive fan of watching football! During my gambling days that would seem hard to believe because I would have 5 or 6 matches running but I wasn't watching for entertainment It was all about result for bets! So this year I will be watching Barcelona and after that I won't be going out my way to watch football or follow fixtures!

I'll say it again stopping gambling is hard going but the measures we can put in place to help is stop are all very simple! We just need to Stick to them!

Day 128 - Simple Measures

Posted : 14th August 2012 9:55 am
Posts: 1172

Thanks Flagg as always a great and much appreciated post. Funny you should say about reading your diary, I started yesterday. Your on day 39 at the mo. its quite nice reading knowing the numbers are only going one way. I do find reading diaries helpful and I'm sure yours will help me along. thanks again for your help and advice along my journey, your advice does help a lot and im looking forward to us both seeing out the 90 day thread.

Posted : 14th August 2012 10:33 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur post on my diary as always 🙂

U r doing brilliant, u give me alot of hope and u go from strength 2 strength. I always look out 4 ur posts because I like how u always find the postives in ne situation. It makes me smile 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

P.s sorry 4 making u feel old the other day lol

Posted : 14th August 2012 6:46 pm
Posts: 0

Like you Flagg, I too can't wait for the new footy season to start. The gambling sites don't bother me because I'm not tempted anymore, the only response I get is pity for those who get drawn in. With years and years of experience I'm finally beginning to realise that gambling truly is a mugs game and the quickest way to the poor house and depression. Hope all is well, it sounds it, take care, nearly another Friday already, how lucky are we!


Posted : 14th August 2012 9:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hey flagg,

I have a question, I can check in this week on the thread but then im away for 2 weeks, not sure what access I will have obviously if i remain gamble free can i check in when im back or if i have access I will on the day ?

thank you

Blondie x

Posted : 14th August 2012 10:26 pm
Posts: 4422


Fantastic post "simple measures"

Enough said.

Keep making the choice just for today.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 15th August 2012 8:36 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Day 129 - On a roll this week with my morning posts! I was wittering on about time the other day and today I can't help but mention it again! It's already 11am Wednesday it really is blink and you miss it with day's lately! Been pondering last couple of days how long this period of calm im currently having will last! I shouldn't be worried about it really as things going well is a great sign. I guess it's more apprehension that the bubble will burst at some point! Trying not to ponder too much!

Day 129 - Blink and you miss it!

Posted : 15th August 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for your post and encouraging words, means alot 🙂

The days flying by for you, think i need to get a job that doesn't have so many holidays lol lol

Great to see your still staying strong and i know you'll continue even if a few bumps come along the way!

Go Flagg lol

Take Care and Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 15th August 2012 12:03 pm
Posts: 1172

Things are going well and I'm sure they'll continue in that vein. Nothing to worry about. I've just got through your diary. Firstly I'll thank you for sharing. A lot of what you've said, done or felt I could certainly relate to. Especially with some of the things I've been feeling or thinking lately you seem to have gone through the same and that not only gives me some hope but some actual advice on certain things. So thanks again mate. Glad your runnings going well. That's my next aim, don't worry I'm not copying everything thing you do, lol. Fitness is certainly something I've neglected over the years and something I'm keen to get back to but I have said that every week since January. We will see.

Posted : 15th August 2012 6:55 pm
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