Hi Flagg,
Thanks as always for your very wise words!
I personally dont think you should think about when the bubble bursts. You are in this for the long haul. Thought processes change but as long as you as a person can stay in "the zone" you will be there for as long as time allows.
You Flagg are one of the members on here that we all look up to!
Thank you...from me...and Im sure from countless other members for all the help and support you give out readily without expecting anything in return.
Thank you.
So today....I think you are.........Fabulous Flagg!
Sue x
Hello Thursday,
Day 130 - Little thought today on choices! I kinda had a short period of thinking where I played down how well I am doing in remaining bet free! I thought I have the barriers in place, and I have a routine in place which keeps me well away from gambling so in theory this is pretty easy! However, after a quick jolt I reminded myself the Barriers are there by choice, and the routine exists cos I made it! It would take seconds to remove a barrier or to break that routine! So, because I continue to make the right choices I can honestly say I am battling the addiction and doing very well in recovery thank you very much!
I think the point is we tread a very thin psychological line each and every day as compulsive gamblers! Every day we stay the right side of that line should be applauded! Hats off to anyone doing their first day bet free your achievement today Is the same as the person with 600 bet free days! The distance between you and the wrong side of that line is exactly the same! The only difference is the person with 600 bet free days prob has many great things to show in other areas of their life and that is why we aspire to build up our daily count one day at a time! We want the life we lost! Staying bet free WILL give you that back!
Day 130 - Still the right side of the line!
Good morning ,
Great post , and oh so true .
Quite like the number 130 , seems like a pretty solid number to me , never been into numbers so must be catching it off you lol
You take care , one day closer to Barcelona ......
Shiny xxxxxxx
G'morning Flagg,
You are so right on about day 1 or day 600 it is all the same -- that is why I chose to keep the title of my diary Day 1. I second Sue's remarks about you being someone we can all look up to. No pressure Flagg, just saying.. 🙂 Have a great day! Joan
Flagg, keep walking the right side of the line, cause we all know what the other side can lead to.
I like your 1 & 600 day point, at my GA meeting there is a older guy who is 11 years gamble free and is very much of the same opinion, one slip and he would be back at it in no time. Very thin line but staying on the right side!!
Stay Strong
Hey flagg my friend.
I totally agree with your last post, We are all the same distance from disaster if we choose to make the wrong decision .
Your doing brilliant.. Enough said !!
Enjoy your meeting
Blondie x
Thankyou for your kind words on my diary and your continued support. I loved reading your last post. Very intelligent way to look at it. You are doing superbly well in your recovery and I enjoy catching up with your progress.
Good Afternoon Diary,
Day 131 - Feeling content, life is calm, the 90 day thread is going strong and I honestly cannot think of one reason why I would want that to change! Amen to that!
Day 131 - Content
Hi Flagg
Great post on choices and so true that from a gambling perspective the difference in days means nothing ur only has good as ur last day
Each day we av to make that choice yes some days now are very easy and that choice doesn't need thinkin about a bit like driving a car to a regular destination just seem to go into auto pilot , then some days we still av to make that choice for some now it's the start of the football season then there's the grand national the derby or a work event an invite to somewhere where the possibility of gambling is there , the mindset then has to quickly change and hence the choice has to be made
Further on in our recoveries we become mentally stronger we now know what's right from wrong we know what will happen if we ever went back , ultimately the choice still has to be made and make it we do
Thats something we should all be proud off 1 day or 600 days
Feeling content can only be a very good thing!
131 days is brilliant - long may this continue.
Morning Diary,
Day 132 - Was up fairly early this morning! Been a lot
Of talk about the football starting today and I honestly have not been too worried about it! However, I decided to just keep my focus this morning and post on a few diaries! Keeps my mind firmly on the task for today and that is not to have a bet! Spent an hour or so on here now I'm at my own footy game! Get home have a shower visit my nan and by then all the football will be in progress and I will be safely away from a punt!
It's amazing how much easier we can make it for ourselves just through some pre planning and forward thinking!
Have a good day all,
Day 132 - No bet today!
Thank you for your continued support.
Love your attitude , the pre planning , keeping your self out of harms way .
Enjoy the footy , may need to swop your double decker for a cornetto today ,........
Shiny xxxxxxx
Hey Flagg,
Well done on 132 days that is a real good achievement. and thank you for your continued support on my diary and being behind me in trying to reach a 100 days. I got this far I am not going to give up giving up now. I am going to stay on this road as long as I can and my next challenge will be to complete your 90 day challenge 🙂
Hope you have a good day mate keep up the hard work.
Kind Regards
Ricky 🙂
Hi Flagg,
Thank u 4 ur lovely post on my diary. It means alot 🙂
Well done on 132 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant. U give me hope 🙂
U seem really content atm and y wouldn't u be, u should be sooo proud of urself 🙂
Have a gr8 wknd 🙂
Sunday Diary,
Day 133 - Thanks to all for the messages the support is ever appreciated and I can never tire reading such well wishes and encouragement. Sunday's have become very different for me since I stopped gambling. For a start they always mark another week passing without staking a single penny on gambling. I have also come to like them far more and have a nice blend of activity and rest planned each week.
About to begin week 6 of my running plan which includes a 10k run I doubt I will do it even half as quick as Mo Farah but I am determined to complete it. It means I am bang on schedule and improving my fitness each week. Providing I get through this morning I will be entering the half marathon on pay day so then the pressure is really on :).
Barcelona kick off their season tonight too so all in all it could be a really good day. The flip side is I could collapse after 4 mile and Barca could lose later but for now positive thinking prevails. Story of my last few weeks really lots of positives and renewed vigour. Simple reason I am not gambling.
Day 133 - No Collapse!
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