My first diary!

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Hello Diary,

Day 134 - Back to Monday again! My Sunday ended up playing out perfectly managed my run had food watched a film had more food and watched Barca win! Felt like collapsing after 4 miles but managed a second wind and got to my end goal! To run the half marathon I might need a third wind or a fourth wind but starting to think I might just make it round!

Hoping for a nice peaceful week but I suspect work is going to be pretty busy with my project kicking off in less than 4 weeks! This only serves to keep me busy and focused tho so I won't complain!

Wishing every one a happy bet free week!

Day 134 - Not too peaceful!

Posted : 20th August 2012 9:28 am
Posts: 0

Well my friend......You are most certainly.....Fit Flagg today.......very impressed!

Funny when I heard that Barcelona had won...thought of you....Just shows how powerful this message board is eh?......Nuff said!

Sue x

Posted : 20th August 2012 5:14 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

well done on day 134, your doing a great job, and your going great guns with the running by the sounds of it the first few miles is the hardest trust me it does get easier, as you sort of get in to auto-pilot and just do it without thinking about it

im sure you will be fine for the half marathon

keep up the good work your doing


Posted : 20th August 2012 6:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

I thought I signed in on the 90 day thread on Friday, maybe it never saved.... I am not sure wot happened there. Ng reminded me 2 sign in. I am sorry about that, I have signed in now. Hope that's ok 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 20th August 2012 7:12 pm
Posts: 4422


Great to read fella, i feel worn out!!

And as for barca, our eldest did an IB in spanish along side his A levels just to enhanse his love for all things Catalan!!!

Inspiring my friend i fee llike running forward always!!!

Duncs compulsive gambler NO BET TODAY.

Posted : 20th August 2012 9:46 pm
Posts: 0


Wow you certainly do nothing by halves .

This was the man who only a few weeks back was struggling to find the motivation to put one foot in front of the other .

Good for you my friend , those days seem long gone .

Keep going at this rate and it will be a full not a half before you know it !

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 20th August 2012 11:00 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Afternoon,

Day 135 - Been mega hectic at work today Tuesday is the busiest day anyway plus bank holiday this weekend so even busier than normal! Can't complain tho day has flown by and prob be home within the next hour!

I get paid monthly and today I looked at my wage for this month, I get paid overtime and so my monthly pickup is never the same month to month! Last month was really poor so this month I will get £80 more than last! I had never taken any notice before but today I looked and thought how that extra £80 is nice! In the past it was all about reaching payday and having a bet or how much I would have left after just paying the minimum off my debts! Sign of how things have changed that £80 has value once again and that will pay for a nice meal this weekend!

Also picking up on what Shiny said its so true 6 weeks ago I had no motivation at all literally getting out of bed was an effort! I cannot describe how it changed because it was so sudden but it was very strange!

No idea what it was but I won't complain as its been a great six weeks and I hope life stays like this for a long time to come!

Day 135 - £80

Posted : 21st August 2012 5:34 pm
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Hi Diary,

Day 136 - Another totally mad day at work. Really need to catch up on a few diaries but time has failed me this week there just isn't enough of it.

Really have not got anything to add today just been mega busy, I am really tired, and I am literally slapping myself to get motivated to run right now as my legs are saying don't be a fool.

Other than that life is as bright as yesterday.

Day 136 - The Fool

Posted : 22nd August 2012 5:37 pm
Posts: 1172

Glad all is well with you. The running seems to going well, well done for getting through your 10k. I may and i stress may start some running next week. I have a week off and will hopefully use the time as a way to start getting my fitness back. Will see. Anyway glad your fitness is going as strong as your non gambling mind set.

Posted : 22nd August 2012 7:08 pm
Posts: 0


Missed one of my posts how very dare you

Well did ya , win tonight's battle , mind over matter

Did you push the tiredness to one side and run ?

Me I think you probably did , cause one things for sure you are no longer a man to be beaten.

Oh and by the way , always good to have someone keeping an eye on me, just in case i get a puncher.

Shiny xxxxxx

Ps this is posted 555 m just thought I would point it out , you know you and your numbers

Posted : 22nd August 2012 7:51 pm
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Morning Diary,

Day 137 - Managed a short run last night in the end as then my sister came round asking if we could do the YouTube workout I've been harping on about to her! So in the end last night I went from not wanting to exercise to being bloody exhausted from Over exertion! Must say it feels good tho!

Noticed our friend Steve (steg, lazarus) reached 20 weeks today 140 days and it's brilliant to see! I will always be very happy to stay 3 days behind him as it means we are both still going strong! When I first joined this site I regularly posted to another lady who joined the day before me, I always stated that I was a day behind her and I wanted to remain behind (must be a guy thing). However, it's been a couple of months since she was on and Altho I hope not I kinda fear the worst!

That's where the selfish part of recovery comes in really as ultimately it doesn't matter where she is as long as I'm still here! I was told recovery is selfish but in a different way to gambling and I can see the point!

20th GA meeting for me tonight it will be strange next week as Im not going to be there but 20 weeks straight attendance is good going and I intend to find another meeting next week as I can't attend Thursday! On my 20th week tonight I take the hot seat and will be chairing the meeting! Certain people said they are surprised its taken me this long to start chairing no idea what they mean!!

Anyway, was meant to be as short post today got carried off on one of my many tangents!

Have a good day all!

Day 137 - In the chair!

Posted : 23rd August 2012 9:02 am
Posts: 0


Hope your meeting goes well tonight , if you run there you could kill two birds with with one stone lol

Just jesting with you , never made it to chair when I went , being the only girl , bit out of places, plus just out of rehab was still like a rabbit caught in the headlights . But the guys were very kind and very supportative , something I for what ever reasons could not get at home , I will always be indepted to them for being the helping hand through those early days .

Looking forward to your next post to see how it went ,

Any women in the room ?

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 23rd August 2012 2:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur post on my diary as always 🙂

Reading ur posts about running make me tired, I wish I had half the energy u seem 2 have lol

Good luck with the meeting 2nite, I think u will do a gr8 job chairing 🙂

Take care 🙂

Posted : 23rd August 2012 5:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Super Fit Flagg.......Dont get big headed now!

Womble is extremely impressed.......Thought my 800 metres was fit last week....You just go and spoil

Seriously though...well done!

Know how you like numbers....I like ones with a nought.......Whoop...whoop...thats me tomorrow!

Hugs.... or press ups.........Posh Womble xx

Posted : 23rd August 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Day,

Day 138 - It really is a nice day today! I feel tired but that Friday feeling is very much present! Long weekend ahead and then just 2 days at work next week!

Meeting went swimmingly last night Managed to hold it together! Even finished 3 minutes early to the delight of others! Looking ahead to the weekend Sunday is 20 weeks without staking a penny of my money that looks good written down! Monday will be exactly 6 weeks away from my next target of 183 days or 6 months! That's my big focus right now and if the next 6 weeks are as smooth as the last 6 I'll be super pleased!

Day 138 - Looking Ahead

Posted : 24th August 2012 10:44 am
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