My first diary!

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Morning Diary,

Day 149 - Intend to get lots done at work today after basically doing nothing yesterday. Just could not get going must have been the long weekend.

Other than that nothing to report today. My posts are on the short side lately and I hope like Shiny suggested this is a positive thing as life is stable right now.

Caught up on a few diaries over the weekend and I will get round some more before the week is out.

Day 149 - Motivated

Posted : 4th September 2012 8:28 am
Posts: 0

Howdy Mr Flagg,

Im not surprised to see your still here and ticking along nicely thank you very much ! Short and sweet is like small and beautiful it doesnt always have to be war an peace to be effective, And effective is what you are my friend 149 days and still counting. Go you !

Nice to be back hope you didnt miss my dulcet tones to much lol.

Blondie x

Posted : 4th September 2012 1:24 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

thanks for your posts it means alot, and the reason im doing well is because of people like you on here, your doing a fantastic job keep it up

gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 4th September 2012 4:33 pm
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Good Morning Diary,

Day 150 - Although not a milestone or a target day, 150 looks like a solid number, a significant dent in the year 5 months if you work on a 30 day month! 33 days to go until my next target and by my calculations that's less than 5 weeks! Many numbers there but I like to keep track!

Another number today is 29 that's the age I have reached! My ultimate goal is to make my 30s far more enjoyable than my 20s but I still have 1 whole year to make something of my 20s! My debt free date takes me to age 31 and a bit so that's a long way off! However, I'm determined to make a real go of life and not throw it away like I have for the past 5 or 6 years!

So, on that note gambling remains far removed from my thoughts and that's how it will stay! Sure I will be given a bit of extra money for my bday but that's going straight to the 30th bday Dubai fund so nice and safe! Back to my regular GA meeting tomo and quite looking forward to it altho I only missed one Thursday!

Day 150 - Happy Birthday to me!

Posted : 5th September 2012 9:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Happy Birthday to you indeed! and 150 not out, a solid innings and one that can continue for how long you want it to. Well done. You come across as a very mature guy for 29!. You are so young and I am so jealous of your youth lol!

So celebrate your successes in whatever way you see fit and continue to set those targets and reach your goals. You deserve it.

Best wishes,


Posted : 5th September 2012 10:23 am
Posts: 1172

150 sounds like a good number to me. Very well done.

Happy birthday. Enjoy your day. Don't put all the money away treat yourself to a little something, you've earnt it over these last 5 months. Have a good one.

Posted : 5th September 2012 10:26 am
Posts: 0


So many surprises on this site today .you 29 no really are you one of those people who lyes about there age lol

Thought you were older , the wisdom your impart . Just imagin at 52 my age 🙁 well you could start your own cult . Seeing as that guy from the moonies has left a vacancy .

Anyways enough of my rubbish . As you may have read the Shiny one has slightly veered into the slow lane over the last few days . But do you know what has pulled me back the good people on this site , but mostly you ! Ive been thinking bout you and your challenges with this work project , how you the organised by the numbers fella you are , and i thought right Shiny take a leaf out of the Flaggs book , set up blocks , work it out , limit the temptation .

This I have done , sometimes one does not need a post to tell jm what to do , cause some insirational person ,wrote an innocent post and there it is in the subconscious to call upon when needed .

For that I thank you .

Enough about me lol

A very very happy birthday , have some fun , maybe give yourself a day off from the running .lol

Really really looking forward to your birthday next year , another year gamble free , I should say so , already placed the order for 30 candles off amazon as we speak lol

Sending you birthday kisses , do not worry its like that old crazy aunt kissing your cheek, now now do not back away lol

Shiny xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 5th September 2012 4:40 pm
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Afternoon diary,

Day 151 - Thanks for the messages yesterday I will be returning posts soon! Another busy day today but they don't seem so bad when the sun is shining!

As a result of my bday I have a few dates in the diary to look forward to and that should keep me rolling for a few weeks!

Day 151 - All Good!

Posted : 6th September 2012 1:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Belated birthday boy,

Hope you had a nice day sorry i missed it. Keep rolling along flagg having something to look forward to and aim for is always good.

Enjoy your meeting tonight, Im hopeing to get to one myself but if not im chairing the on line G.A meeting woo hoo..

Take care enjoy the rest of your day

Blondie x

Posted : 6th September 2012 1:16 pm
Posts: 0


Great to see you breaking through the 150 day barrier. You are making some excellent progress in your recovery.

Forget about turning 30. Stay 29 forever. My body began to breakdown at 30. It is defo down hill from 30 on. Football injuries that used to take a few days to recover from at 29 all of a sudden would rule me out for two weeks at 30. You have been warned. Turning 30 is for losers.

Keep up the good work.


Posted : 7th September 2012 8:30 am
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Hey Diary,

Day 152 - End of another working week! I say time flies way too often but time really does fly! Briefed out my project at work to everyone today for it all to start Tuesday! Then I have 4 weeks to ensure its working before presenting results back to senior management at the beginning of next month! Whilst gambling this would not run smoothly and I certainly wouldn't have been up to taking the lead quite as much but now I'm in a different place and have comfortably managed so far! Plenty of challenges ahead in the next 4 weeks but feeling strong enough to get through them!

On a less bright Note really hope both Charl and Womble are ok! I guess with this addiction we often assume the worst people posting everyday and then bang nothing for 3 days! Even if it is the worst I hope both can find the strength to return here where they need to be amongst those who understand and support!

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Day 152 - Time Flies

Posted : 7th September 2012 4:43 pm
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Good Morning Diary,

Day 153 - Saturday is probably the best day of the week. I guess that's the only thing that has not changed since I stopped gambling. What has improved is my appreciation for the rest of the week. Sundays which I have mentioned many times before are now a very good day. Tomorrow I will get up have breakfast then go for a long run. I have taken one form of torture (gambling) and exchanged it for another (Running). Difference is the running can be very satisfying once you have reached the end goal. Whilst gambling the end goal was never reached. Why? Probably because we could never get or have enough.

Anyway, that was slightly off subject as I fast forwarded 24 hours. One day at a time is the way Flagg come on!!!! So, today the football season begins for me. I am with a new team this season they have been setup to help people in recovery, mainly with drug addiction but I still felt it was a good place to be. As they are new they play 2 leagues lower than I have been playing for the past few years. Hopefully, I will be able to add a bit extra to the team and dare I say now I'm 29 some experience. Yuk what a phrase makes me feel old!

On the whole I would say gambling is well removed from my thinking. I post here daily to ensure it stays close enough to keep in check but really the demon is giving me a break right now. I guess that's why I come here each day though so my guard is up when it makes an inevitable return.

Day 153 - New Season

Posted : 8th September 2012 8:25 am
Posts: 2163

Hey Flagg,

Just a fly by to acknowledge how well you are doing and to give you a great big pat on the back. Well done and keep going Flagg! -joan

Posted : 8th September 2012 12:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank u 4 ur support and kind words on my diary. It really means alot 🙂

Just wanted 2 say, sorry I missed ur bday. Happy belated bday. I hope u had a gr8 day 🙂

U r doing brilliant, ur postivity continues 2 shine thru 🙂

Thanks again 4 starting the 90 day thread that was a big focus 4 me last wknd and helped keep me strong 🙂

Have a gr8 wknd x

Posted : 8th September 2012 8:37 pm
Posts: 0

Good Morning Flagg

Hope the breaky is on and that you have enjoyed your weekend so much better now it's continues to stay bet free 😉

Great to see you tackling a new goal at work and that you can give it your all like never before!

Taking that run too and starting a new season is really a busy time for you but one that can only get better each and every day!

Thanks for your support Flagg, means the world!

Keep Strong


Posted : 9th September 2012 9:04 am
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