My first diary!

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Morning Diary,

Day 154 - Yet another week passes. 22 by my calculations. 4 weeks until the 26 but 4 weeks and 1 day until I reach day 183 which is my next target.

Had couple friends over last night so spent the morning so far washing up and making the place look presentable again. About to head out for my run. Sunday is when I attempt to run further than before. 8 miles is the target today but I must admit the weather is daunting popped onto the balcony about an hour ago and it already felt pretty warm. Oh well, will give it my best and see where it gets me.

Good start to the footy season yesterday a win and a goal. Not really many if any negatives in life right now. Tie up your time and get those barriers in place and this addiction can be stifled.

On another positive note it was great to our 2 missing in action friends return and still bet free.

Day 154 - Week 22 Done

Posted : 9th September 2012 10:03 am
Posts: 0


Finding it harder and harder to think of what to write you .

Do not want to send you one liners , to say your doing brill, keep on keeping on ect ect .

Think that it just a testament in how far you have come. So with that I wish you a good week .....

Shiny xxxxx

Posted : 10th September 2012 9:09 am
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Early Evening Diary,

Day 155 - Honestly the busiest work day I have ever had I think. Project started finally and all in all a successful day. Lots of minor tweaks to do and a great deal of work left but in 3 weeks time I will be heading around our other sites confident we have something that adds value to the jobs of many and even the company as a whole.

It really does feel like a long time now since I genuinely thought I miss having a bet and it feels like a very very long time since I actually did have one. My guard and barriers will remain and there is no complacency to be found here but I do feel on top of things right now. I feel very fortunate to say I have had what seems countless weeks of inner peace recently.

I guess the message is to anyone going through a tough spell with their recovery is hang in there. My diary was very up and down for a period infact mainly down and I remember going to one GA meeting after about 8 weeks and just saying I felt so Sad. Sadness was horrible it's a very difficult emotion to describe but it is a powerful one and I genuinely had days where getting from the bed to the floor was a massive struggle.

Persevere and life will improve I can say that truthfully!

Day 155 - Project Begins

Posted : 10th September 2012 5:32 pm
Posts: 0

How amazing Flagg and be proud of where you have got to!

Forwards not back


Posted : 10th September 2012 6:33 pm
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Day 156 - Today I won't be gambling! Today I remain at peace. Today life is better than it was 23 Tuesdays ago! Today I enjoy for today and won't dwell on my past!

Day 156 - I feel fine!

Posted : 11th September 2012 10:50 am
Posts: 1172

Glad your life Is moving forward and that your work project is going well. I'm sure the hard work well be worth it. Just like with this recovery, you get out what you put in. Keep working hard and I'm sure the rewards will be there.

Posted : 11th September 2012 11:11 am
Posts: 0


Lots of T's in that post , thought I would post you one back .

Terrific 🙂


Posted : 11th September 2012 11:25 am
Posts: 0

Flagg an update on the 90 day post would be good mate. Its been a while. Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 11th September 2012 12:05 pm
Posts: 0

Good morning my friend.

I trust that Wednesday is treating you kind. Thank you for the post as always your support has always been appreciated.

So this swagger on the beach then, Im flying out to cape verdi on the 31st of December , very very excited about that. Its where I met my Boyfriend 3 years ago in december.

So lots of lettuce to each, lol only joking im taking it nice and easy.

Hope all is well with you, Hows that barcelona fund looking ?

Enjoy your day

Blondie x

Posted : 12th September 2012 11:19 am
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Day 157 - Thanks for the messages everyone! I will endeavor to get a 90 day update in aswell before the day is out just to keep everyone interested and focused!

Been mega busy today again just one of those weeks really! Absolutely no time for anything really other than work food and sleep! Hoped to be finished today by 5 and not looking promising! Oh well things like this no longer bother me and thats a sure fire sign of progress! So, today I'm busy and things not quite going my way but I can still eke out a few positives and get through without any problems!

Day 157 - Progress

Posted : 12th September 2012 2:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot to me that people even bother to read my blah, never mind find it amusing too.

I have also noticed your valuable contribution to this site too. You're not far away from that big 6 month target as well. I am rooting for you all the way, one day at a time of course. I am sure with an attitude like this you will have no bother. Keep on guard though always.

late night joke: A woman approached me the other day with an unlit cigarette to her mouth and says "Have you got a light c**k?"

I replied "Well it floats in the bath"

Goodnight mate.


Posted : 12th September 2012 11:46 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post Flagg. You're right of course we both started this journey filled with doubt, despair and in turmoil but by sheer determination we've got this far and turned things around. I'll try and sum up how I feel in two words and I'll use a tennis analogy too.....*** ace.

Posted : 13th September 2012 8:02 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank u 4 ur post on my diary. It means alot 🙂

U r rite about the 90 day thread it's def helped me 2 stay focussed so u r allowed the big head lol 🙂

I read a few of ur earlier posts on ur diary the other day, I think I was curious cus I read somewhere that u never self excluded and I was surprised!

It is soooo clear 2 see how far u have progressed on this journey. U have done brilliant and u also put everything in 2 ur journey and help others 2. U give me hope 🙂

I am proud of u 🙂

Have a gr8 day, I hope it is not 2 busy 4 u 🙂

Posted : 13th September 2012 10:47 am
Posts: 0
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Good Evening Diary,

Day 158 - Nothing to report today. GA tonight and I think I exhausted all my words last night catching up on a few diaries. Still in a good place, still keeping busy, still on this health kick, and still not gambling. Thanks to everyone for messages of support 🙂

Day 158 - GA Week 23

Posted : 13th September 2012 4:59 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Thanks for the post good to av a different slant on life much food for thought , can't believe iv just seen the shortest post ever from u but sometimes it's just so good when life is tranquil , middle lane is much on the agenda at the moment

2013 will be a good year hopefully for many others on here and even some newer ones to persuade as well and start seeing that light that is now shining so much brighter

Enjoy the GA meeting I'm sure many other will benefit from us presence and rightly so

Take care


Posted : 13th September 2012 5:12 pm
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