My first diary!

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Just checking in ,to say hi , pleased to hear that all is going well with your project , and that you sound very fired up with it .

Could it by any chance be to do with providing better Internet coverage across the country , cause that would lift the mood of one and all lol

Take care my friend , probs need those water proofs if you go running , do not suppose its easy in wellies lol


Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 26th September 2012 8:07 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 171 - Another day closer to my 6 month target and another pay day passes! Absolutely startling looking at statements now everything for the month is on 1 page whereas before 3 or 4 pages a month possible with transactions to online betting!

171 days in and I still occasionally recoil in horror at the extent and depth of my addiction! On days like those I appreciate even more the achievement of going 171 days without a bet!

Day 171 - 12 days

Posted : 26th September 2012 2:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

U go from strength 2 strength, ur posts r gr8 2 read 🙂

U give me hope, so thank u!

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 26th September 2012 7:43 pm
Posts: 4422


As six months approach you are my friend testament to what abstaining from the destruction of gambling and its addiction brings, you are so right about the bank statements, mine used to be countless £20-30 withdraws Just one more spin till the big win!! today the same one month,one page.

To add it has brought about a for circle in your fortunes and I know upon your guard and just for today say you are a WINNER.


Well done fella.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 27th September 2012 11:02 am
Posts: 0


First class post from the other day. You are right. We should focus on all the positives and don't do this enough. Seeing all your transactions on one page is brilliant. I remember the first time I noticed this and felt as if it were a load of my shoulders as if the bank were about to quiz me on the ridiculous level of movement in my account.

It is really amazing that you are approaching the six month point. Real dedication and self belief have led you to this point and you should enjoy it to the max.

Good stuff.


Posted : 27th September 2012 8:21 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Massive thanks for the support gettin back on track wouldn't av been able to do without all u guys , so pleased that ur goin strong in ur own recovery full credit and hat off to u my friend


Posted : 27th September 2012 8:44 pm
Posts: 0
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A Very Good Evening Diary,

Day 172 - Very rare I post this late in the day but been one of those days where time has eluded me a little. Lovely to get a post from a few of the top men on here. Castle,Duncs, Tomso always a pleasure to hear from you.

Just returned from GA still attending still not missed a week since I stopped gambling. In it for the long haul and have no intention of missing a week.

All in all another steady day, another weekend approaches and another check in for the 90 day thread just 2 weeks left on that. Been a real success and currently very likely to run a pre xmas one too as I know a few forum regulars would appreciate it.

Will definitely get round some diaries in the next couple of days. Special mention for Sue great to see you back and a week bet free .

Wishing you all well!

Day 172 - 11 Days!

Posted : 27th September 2012 10:43 pm
Posts: 1172

Hiya Flagg glad your still going to GA shows your commintment to your new gamble free life.

2 Weeks to go on the 90 day thread, although lately for me the days seem to be going slower - not sure why but overall these 76 days have flown by.

Take care Flagg and id definitely be signing up for any xmas thread as i know that this 90 day thread has saved me on a few occasions, so a massive thank you for that.

Posted : 28th September 2012 8:47 am
Posts: 0

Hey my little rock,

thank you for the post it was just what i needed and you always hit the nail right on the head.

Im so glad I went to my meeting I always am, amazing what you see in them rooms nothing short of a miricle, Im keeping it simple my meetings work and therfore Im not breaking a winning formula.

Medicine taken for another week raring to go.

6months is approaching for you eh ? Wow. Amazing martin , you continue to show such dedication and determination to your recovery. I made my self a promise that this time I would do "What ever it takes" I still stand true to that promise to myself and its people like you who make it just that little bit easier.

Thank you xx

Blondie 🙂

Posted : 28th September 2012 12:12 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 173 - Just time to dip into my diary before going workout crazy. Another totally 'normal' day. Work early but finished early always nice. No great weekend plans just a steady one. It will be bet free though of that I have the utmost belief.

Happy Friday,

Day 173 - 10 Days

Posted : 28th September 2012 4:04 pm
Posts: 0

Happy Friday to you too Flagg

Good to see your going for the burn , i need to get back into it but so hectic at work i'm too tired but maybe next week!

Weekend sounds so good without the gambling init even if it's doing nothing!

173 days , Go Flagg , your doing great!

Keep Strong


Posted : 28th September 2012 4:08 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg at the beginning of this journey i used to dread saturdays as that when it was the hardest and the strongest urges but now i enjoy saturdays cos i can relax and im not at work, funnt how the attitude chages really. keep up the good work and if you start a xmas thread let me know as i would like to join it.

enjoy the weekend

gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 28th September 2012 4:15 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 174 - Nice pleasant Saturday so far and the weather is great too today. In the past it would have been a full day of gambling but now it's on to my workout for the day. Life is better this way!

Day 174 - 9 Days

Posted : 29th September 2012 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thankyou so much for your support....It's people like you that made me come back!

All I can say is...before I went were fit fit flagg>

Feel bad for not making the 90 day thread...but believe me my friend I sure will make the next one...not one doubt in my mind!

Sue xxxxx

Posted : 29th September 2012 5:48 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 175 - That's another week done 25 down. It was tough to begin with I found the first couple of weeks a real struggle. Things then perked up and then I crashed big time. I went through a torrid spell. My diary maybe didn't reveal the full extent.

I was miserable, I had zero motivation, and did a lot of self loathing. Ironically I would say at that time I was miles and miles away from gambling. I had deep regret and lots of hatred mainly towards myself.

I then one Saturday afternoon had a moment, not one I can explain really. I was close to home driving toward the last island before my house. Lightbulb!! No idea why but I can honestly say since that afternoon I have had an extremely steady run. Mood fluctuating nicely between Happy and content. Motivation to exercise very high, motivation at work Moderate, that's a massive improvement. Gambling thoughts and urges almost zero. Sometimes I even think ahead rather than back that's a huge change for me.

When will the next dip come? I hope it doesn't but what I have done is keep the same strategy, one day at a time, posting daily, attending GA, keeping the barriers in place. Just because I feel better doesn't mean I am better. There is no cure, but there is a strategy and that is something my brain likes. I like the challenge and I now sit 8 days away from major target 2.

Day 175 - 8 Days

Posted : 30th September 2012 10:41 am
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