Morning Sue,
Thanks for your post yesterday! At times it has been tough but I think now the true benefits of not gambling are coming through for me! At first it was a necessity to stop as life was getting out of control! Yes there are some benefits you see almost immediately but over time, and through perseverance, determination, and using this site regularly the real benefits of being bet free begin to shine!
Really pleased you had a less eventful work day yesterday altho it didn't quite provide the chuckles of earlier in the week! It would have been ten times worse on a Friday and I agree whilst gambling a situation like that would have driven you crazy and made you financially very poor very quickly! So, you also are seeing the real positives of staying bet Free remaining close to this forum!
Excellent progress to reach day 36 today I believe! One of the forums real gems and I hope your progress continues apace!
P.s I'm pleased we have been able to put the whole Macbeth thing behind us lol!!!!!
Stay busy during your holiday, eh?
You don't want to totally spoil it by throwing your hard-earned money away don't you?
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Diary
Day 36
Not got time to do lots of posting quickie update on my diary
Off out later....friend text me and wouldn't take no for an answer.......Afternoon of few drinkies and girly it!!!
Started my getting ready to go out my age takes 2 flippin hours!!!!
Well.....shall me make that 3 now........Just slashed my leg in the shower whilst shaving .........And not just a little cut.....freekin BIG g**h....wont stop bleeding.........shower resembled the phsyco scene....grrrrrrrrrr..........Waxing way to go next........sorry for any guys reading....things us women do!
So for today I am going to meet my friends.......I will have a good time........and...most importantly....I will not gamble!
Sue.....still bleeding!
Ouch! If it is still bleeding, I would get it looked at.
Enjoy your cycle ride, it doesn't matter how long you take as long as it's enjoyable. You're not doing the Tour de France aren't you?!
Enjoy your weekend.
o*g..........NT....Am laughing so hard ............nearly tear laughing!
Realised what I wrote but guess you didnt realise that "2 hour cycle" is the time it takes a lady to get ready to go know make up , hair, nails....etc
Thanks sooooo much NT you area real sweetheart!
So Sue...not doing tour de France....still bleeding...and still laughing!
My goodness, 2 hours to get ready/cycle?!
Oh well, better than gambling I suppose! 🙂
Hi Sue,
I hope that you are okay. Thank you for your message. It means a lot to know that you are looking out for me. All good this end thanks. I hope that you are having a great weekend.
Dave X
Hi Diary,
Day 37
Lovely time yesterday...met friends..lots of laughs. Bonus have made arrangements to do something most days of my week off.
I love being busy as when boredom kicks in we all know what can happen!
I was reading back through my diary and can't believe the change in me!
I feel like I have been given a second chance in life.
I never, ever, ever want to go back to my old ways. The shaking,crying,depression all for the spin on a stupid slot.
I know I have said it before but...this diary has been my saviour.
Anyone going through this evil addiction should give it a try.........It works for me and CAN work for you.
So for today...Am meeting my bestie..........BBQ planned.
Oh life is just great!
Sue xx
Good morning ,
Big high five to you my litter picking friend this morning .
The distance you have traveled in this recovery journey in 37 days is well astounding
Picturing a womble on roller shakes at this point .
You enjoy your BBQ and time off . And just keep doing what your doing cause its obviously working , keeping those gambling gremlins away but also your happiness radiates from the page .
Which only inspires the more grumpy ones among us lol ( I will not name names keep those boys guessing)
But I am sure the BBs know who I am talking about . Lol
Shiny xxxxxx
Hey Sue,
Great post! The commitment you are showing is a winner in it's own right. I hope you have a brilliant sunday because on this journey we really do begin to appreciate the good times so much more.
I remember writing on a few diaries over the last couple of months to people really on a non gambling high. They then seem to hit a bit of a low which lasts a few days. I think if they read this Castle, Lucy, Blondie and myself too will all agree this happens. I would say revel in these happy days and if the tougher ones come just keep doing what you are doing now, stay close to here and keep posting.
If you do this I cannot see anything other than many many more happy times ahead for you!
Great reading.
Just remember how good it feels to be free of this bull**** if you ever feel tempted again.
hi Sue its great to see how positive your feeling and doing so well . im at one week gamble free and with the sunshing too its a great day ! anyways take care sunshine : ) X
Enjoy your bbq sue and your week off and make the most of the weather still cloudy over here wish the jet stream would push further north another few hundred miles haha ahh well the glass is stil half full haha.
Hiya Happy sunshine lady..
Glad my post to Blondie gave you a laugh..sometimes wonder if my sometimes outrageous sense of humour is taken in good
A week off eh?...well you chose the right week...wondering if bestie off at the same time then it will be "Skools out" afraid very
Nothing much to report except a wrestle with 4.99 B and Q disposable BBQ....and the fire brigade nearly had a late tea as the smoke went everywhere....
Keep on keeping on hun....your doing a smashing job xxxx
R and D xxxx...
Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂
Ur post on ur diary about the getting ready cycle made me laugh sooooooo much thanks 🙂
Ur posts make me smile 🙂
U r doing brilliant!
Stay strong and keep going xxxx
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