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hiya Sue...

Great to see your in good spirits...and I also have a smile when i see your name pop up on my diary too...

Its weird really isn't it.,,the emotional stuff..keeping a balance of what comes out and what we keep in....i'm sure its a lifetimes work for us.

I think you are doing a fab job in so many ways ...recovery,home,work...and lots of changes that you are managing always with a smile every day..

Sometimes sleeping dogs have to lie and deep down we are all sensitive souls are we we hurt sometimes where others don't........

hugs and belated roastie dinner hun...

R and D xxx

Posted : 27th August 2012 9:35 pm
Posts: 0

hi sue, thanks for the post, always nice to recieve your positive input.

hope you had a lovely weekend, we are x factors fans as well over here ( tho admitidely i am a bit of a tulisa fan 🙂 ) we enjoyed the last guy who sang, thought he was fab!!!

sorry about the rain over there, my wife got soaked twice whilst she was there last week. still baking hot here, am almost starting to tire of it, but. not a lot can be done about that lol.

glad your recovery is going so well, keep at it, stay positive.

mark x

Posted : 27th August 2012 9:47 pm
Posts: 0

Start of day 74 for you that is awesome!

The support on this site's is great, hope I make it to day 74.

I also am a fan of x factor, I have a soft spot for gary.

Keep up the good work

Posted : 28th August 2012 1:12 am
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

Just a quick flit to say I hope you have a great day, and I made it through my first week. Without the support of you and my other friends on here, I know it would never have happened.

Thank you my friend 🙂

Take care


Posted : 28th August 2012 7:33 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

U r doing gr8 and I enjoy reading ur posts, stay strong and keep going 🙂

Did u enjoy the xfactor?

Have a gr8 day xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 28th August 2012 11:06 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Great to see that you are continuing to do so well. Day 74 is fantastic! Go you!!!

How was the x factor?

Busy as ever this end but all good.

Take care and stay strong.

Dave X

Posted : 28th August 2012 2:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue

Sounds like you had a great weekend!! Good for you! Another xfactor fan here so will probably be passing on my thoughts throughout the series 🙂

Hope you're having a great day xxx

Posted : 28th August 2012 3:42 pm
Posts: 0

Sue hope you are alright and doing well. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 28th August 2012 4:43 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Diary,

Day 74

Must admit for once...for today...I am totally lost for words........What lovely posts you lovely people have written for me,

I have had a really long day at work today...went to my special place with my service users....had great time...just very tiring for me as had to drive there and back!

Logged onto my diary and was summwhat stunned by so many messages........actually brought a tear to my eye.

This illness is so destroying .......not just for the soul...but....for familys of gamblers.

I take my hat off to each and every one of you for trying to rebuild your lifes....just like me and countless others out there.

Please nobody underestimate the power of your diary....It's saved me!

Womble..........with a huge heart on her sleeve today for all the gamcare family!


PS.............Post tomorrow will be about x factor!

Posted : 28th August 2012 8:14 pm
Posts: 0


day 74 WOW that is great, i am on a day ending in four so it helps me when i forget what im upto i check your diary out to let me know.

i must agree with you the diary is a life saviour and i will be continuing for the forseeable future,

especially when there are people like you on here to help me out!!

mind you anymore talk of xfactor and i might just stop LOL

take care and keep your guard up


Posted : 28th August 2012 8:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, may I be the first to say a massive congrats on this your 75th day gamble free !! A huge well done to you my friend 🙂

Thank you for your post on mine, a party sounds good to me, think Shiny's got the invites in hand , lol.

Who was it who sang that song "lets get it started, lets get it started", God I'll be humming that all day now !! lol.

Sue, you so deserve all the accolades, and praise that we post on your diary, since you first signed up here you have been a massive support to so many, and for that I thak you my friend. Nthings ever too much trouble for you, whether its at home, work, on here, you just give so much and "thou shalt reap the rewards" (not scripture, just appropriate words) 🙂

Have a great day, gonna look for something to wear to the party !! lol

Howz about we make it fancy dress ? lol

Take care


Posted : 29th August 2012 8:19 am
Posts: 2163

G'morning Sue,

Checking in and just a quick wave from across the waves as i will be off to work myself in an hour or so. What the heck is X Factor? LOL! gottcha!! -joanxxxxx

Posted : 29th August 2012 10:36 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to post on my diary. Its good to have support and i really appreciate your kind words.

Sounds like you're really enjoying recovery right now, just keep enjoying life 🙂

Posted : 29th August 2012 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Sue hope you are alright hun and still doing well. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 29th August 2012 2:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue

Thanks for your post as ever... I didn’t just smile when I read it.... I cracked up!

Just imagining you standing there flashing to all and sundry using a mahoosive moth as an excuse!! No, I’m sure you were chasing the moth really 😉 Or is it just an excuse to get on page 3 like me?! 😉 Just kidding!

Oh and that Lucy song from X Factor… can see me singing that song a lot!! Lol! Not sure how versatile she is to win the whole thing but she was definitely entertaining! Look forward to your X factor post today!

Day 75 for you today Sue.. doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun and living life? You’re doing great mate, keep going!

Lmm xxxx

Posted : 29th August 2012 3:03 pm
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