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Hi Diary,

Day 75

Thank you again everyone for the lovely posts.

Feeling very happy at the moment......well actually feel euphoric....Dont know why....but am going with the flow....and lovin' it!

About this party....god am going to have to find a bloody Womble outfit from somewhere!

Off topic slightly but I like to get what i'm thinking down sometimes. I am a HUGE Frasier fan.......Does anyone remember the one where everyone has to dress as there heros....Frasier was Good old Abe lincoln.......Daphnee was elton john........Ros was super women (or summat simular) Martin was joe de maggio...Niles was his Dad...........Absolute classic!

Quite into Cheers at the mo...Hi Duncs.......waving to you down in Dorset!

Sometimes you wanna be where everyone knows your name!

At work today worked with good people. Had a really long chat with the boss.We had a guy in for second interview....I thought he would be so good for our service...and told boss so...He agreed. Only prob he had a criminal record (quite bad...but bout 12 years ago) Anyway we are gona try and employ him...just depends on the directors...fingers crossed........Everyone deserves a chance eh! This also stands true in life.......We all deserve a chance!

X Factor...........Well as I said Lucy but not sure if she is gona go all the way...cos she is different.......bit like Pam Ayres with

Thought the twins that got through were bit weird...but they could sing.

The guy with the see through shirt who loved himself and sounded like Stevie Wonder...was good...but IMHO...not quite good enough.

Lets see what next week brings eh!

Oh ...Blondie will be interested in this when she gets back of her jollies....My friend at work is really into spiritual stuff and all that........Talked to her today about cosmic ordering....So me and her getting together next week to do my list.........hmmmmmm...could be interesting!

Happy gamble free wed to all!

Waffling Womble xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 29th August 2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Well miss ww

Enjoy the moment that's what I say .

Lucy probs won't win, but move over Victria Woods .

Me and my youngest had a bonding moment re that song ,ummmmmm oh she says mum that's a typical night out . Frrrrrrrrrrigtening .


Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 29th August 2012 6:12 pm
Posts: 0


a massive well done on day 75, for a massive character on here, who always put 110 per cent in to everything, so enjoy the day and keep your guard up.

just for the record books im cancerian!!and go lucy!!! i think

take care


Posted : 29th August 2012 7:01 pm
Posts: 0

Good evening Sue, managed to blag the laptop for an hour, so popping into friends diaries for a change !!

Thank you for your post on mine, you and Shiny do make me laugh. Im thinking of doing a Del Boy Batman outfit, wot u think ?

I really take so much of what you say on board, your input is invaluable to me, so keep posting my friend, you're doing a wonderful job.

As you will be aware I have finally been able to admit that Im an addict, and now that I can admit that to myself, I reckon Im finally on the right road. Plenty choices to make, but making the right one is what I must do from this day forward, and thats exactly what I intend to do my friend 🙂

Have a great evening Sue


Posted : 29th August 2012 7:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Sue....

tried to find you your Frasier Heros fancy dress clip but its not sending you this instead which just about says it

Goodnight Seattle...but from Boston xx

Thanks for popping in hun xxx "i'm listening" xx

Posted : 29th August 2012 7:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, hope alls good in Wombles world today 🙂

I was full of the joys this morning but have kinda got a wee bit low as the days gone on, but hey ho, just proves Im normal.

9 days for me today, and all is good on the gambling front.

Nowt much to report today, other than Im still bet free, fully intend to keep it like that.

Have a great evening my friend


Posted : 30th August 2012 3:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Sue...

Can see you doing a little jig from

life is definitely like't happens then 3 things happen at once! lol...

I shall keep you posted ....They said they will let me know in a couple of days...I have no expectations but its nice to be considered...

We are all moving on a gear..


R and D xx

Posted : 30th August 2012 5:05 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 76

Not quite as happy today.

Woman I work with who was always giving me all the hard work but can'tany longer...due to my chat with the boss...........Gave her her jobs(just love role But I can honestly say I am fair. Well she just glared at me when I told I said "is that ok for you"well she bloody ignored me...asked her again...the same.

Well I looked at her and said "In our culture it is extremely rude to igore someone when they talk to you" and promptly left the room!

She refused to talk to me for the whole day!

I refuse to go to the boss and moan...geez we are all adults!

On a positive note the guy from the interview has been offered the happy for him!

Anyway back to happy me!]

Whilst serving blaring...guess what record came on


Service users cracking up...staff sulking...Womble po-going to YA KNOW...YA KNOW ...YA KNOW

Tomorrow is a great day.

Checking in with Flagg

Weekend off

Pay day!

Sue xxxxx

Posted : 30th August 2012 5:21 pm
Posts: 0

..Boing Boing.....po- go- ing in....zebedee style...

Things only can and will get better....good for you for not accepting unacceptable behaviour towards you Sue...

Accepting what we cant change,,,changing what we can .....and if nothing else making a decision to not let it bother us.

New energy coming in in the form of the new chappy ....

Keep on springing and singing Sue...."Thiiiiiiingssss can only get..........

Thank Crunchie it's Friday...


Rach and Doo xxx

Posted : 30th August 2012 5:32 pm
Posts: 0

hi sue

funny you should say that i once went out with a libra and it was like world war 2

what can i say about X-factor im easily led LOL

im off till monday so i hope you have good weekend and will catch up next week

keep your guard up

take care


Posted : 30th August 2012 7:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Sorry 2 read u have had a tough day, I hope u r ok?

Always here 4 u 🙂

Stay strong xxxxxxxx

Posted : 30th August 2012 8:22 pm
Posts: 0

hi sue, glad you stuck up for yourself at work, you sound like a tough cookie, all the better to beat gambling problems eh!

i missed xtra factor so didnt get to see facebook ditty 🙁 tho i imagine it was good.

hopefully the weather picking up for you a bit over there by now?

stay positive, and have a lovely weekend

mark xx

Posted : 31st August 2012 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Morning Sue, god theres nowt like ignorant people to get our backs up eh ? Well done you for standing your ground, you go girl 🙂

All good on the gambling front with me, and I know its the same for you my friend.

Have a great weekend, hope the sun shines on you.

Take care


P.s. Carl up for the Robin role, so we're sorted for the party 🙂

Posted : 31st August 2012 7:12 am
Posts: 1423

Hiya sue

Thanks for the welcome home post .v was such a thoughtful gesture which is a true testament to ur character

Bad day at work hopefully followed by a good weekend off and pay day is a bonus , the difference now how u will be lookin forward to it will be so different to many months ago I guess like me it would be a recipe for disaster , time and money been the factor , I am sure when Monday mornin comes u will av appreciated that time and still av the money

Av a really great weekend and thanks for ur continued support and not just on my diary


Posted : 31st August 2012 8:45 am
Posts: 2163

G'morning Sue,

Well, that person has got a nerve now, don't they? Sounds like you've got the situation under control. They say that everything that goes around comes around.. er, something like that. Anyway, this one will get thier come-up-ins. Happy Friday to you and enjoy your weekend. Hugs -joanxxxxx

Posted : 31st August 2012 9:34 am
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