Hi Diary,
Day 77
Well all I can say is "What a a difference a day makes"....tune coming on anyone?
Worked with the lady who was a bi*** yesterday...guess what....she was nice as pie today!
I didn't question...just went with the flow!
I really hate confrontation, had way too much of it before. So was happy that she was happy and nice.
So consequence.....Had an absulutely brilliant day at work........and got paid for it lol
Weekend upon us eh....weekend off....no plans really......just gonna see where my mood takes me!
A very happy Friday to all.
Sue xx
Funny you should post that , I an addicted lol to watching Queen at live aid . I have watched it almost everyday for the last month , but it was a soooooo good. Crazy mixed up kid that I am.
Things are looking up for you , confrontation turned into assertiveness I think . Once people see you can not be walked over , they take a step back . You go girl
Have a super doooooper weekend ,
Shiny xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sue,
Thank u so much 4 ur lovely post on my diary. It means alot 🙂
I am glad u had a good day 2day , u r such a kind, caring person.... U deserve soooo much happiness 🙂
U r doing brilliant, u should be soooo proud of urself 🙂
Have a gr8 wknd xxxxxxxx
hi sue, glad things have turned in your favour at work, enjoy the weekend!
here in spain?
lol,i dont read the papers or watch the news (all to depressing) so ive not heard about it, tho there have been a few in the countryside where we live! they have to put them out with helicopters carrying water,
takes forever.
am safe and sound, very kind of you to think of me!
stay positive
mark x
Hiya Sue....
Thanks for thinking of me and also shedding a tear too as last two days seem to have happened by coincidence...or Higher Power?...
Good for you at work today too....today you have the choice to respond or not respond to other peoples behaviours...and that alone gives you a sense of not being pulled out of yourself....
you did good hun..be proud...all of us on a learning curve and on the right path...
big hugs and chinking a glass...
R and D xxx
hi Sue how are you ? your doing so well : ) just wanna say thankyou so much for your support and all your post on my wall ! it helps me so much knowing we are all fighting this together ! stay strong and takecare X
Morning Sue, gee-zo mrs, thats some party list, but know what ? Im suited and booted, just tell me when !!! lol.
When I read your posts it makes me glad that I came back, without my friends on here I dunno where I would be.
In a reflective mood just now, cant dwell on it though, pocket rocket will be here at 9 so gotta batten down the hatches in the house before he comes.
Glad things turned out well at work, makes the days worthwhile, as do you and all my other gamcare friends 🙂
Have a great weekend Sue, see you at the party
Missed ya this week. Been a busy one and just been getting a few words down on my own diary. Flagg is back today though spreading some love lol!
See you are something like 78 days in now. Going from strength to strength and still the endless support for others. A true champion.
So, I hope your weekend off takes you on adventures to places and lands far and wide or even just down Pimm's central.
Off on a rare night out myself tonight being treated for my birthday. Only whispering that tho as next week I get one year closer to that 30th birthday. No longer the young stud.
Catch you soon my friend,
Hi Sue,
Thanks as always for your messages. All good this end. It could be any day now so getting v excited!
From the moment you joined this forum you have always been and I really hope will continue to be such a positive means of support and encouragement to myself. 🙂
I hope that you are having a great weekend.
Take care
Dave X
What a difference a day makes indeed!!!
keep piling yours up and I know gamble free you will keep getting rewarded.
Well done u!!
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Hi Diary,
Day whatever
Why is life never straight forward....why do dramas always seem to follow me!
Right now I am really angry....Cant really believe what has happened today.
I really need to vent on here as I need an outlet.
Phoned bestie...no answer.....hence diary.
Went to meet a work collegue (won'tsay friend now)
We were meeting for bit of shopping and lunch. Her husband has had to go away for a few weeks back to Pakistan....father just died.
She has been left as sole carer for her 3 year old daughter........so has had to take 2 weeks off as anual leave....hence me agreeing to meet her......Am a bloody softie, knew she was feeling lonely.
Well met at said place....long and short of it.....her car keys inside...daughter inside.
Her daughter wouldn't open car door.
Well she spent a lot of time trying to coax her to open door....no chance. I suggested calling the police...eventually agreed. Police just said call AA. Well she called on my phone (hers locked in car) and asked if she was registered with them (hubby did all car stuff) She wasn't.
I kept saying we really need to get her out....was 30 mins gone by now. Well she actually wanted to leave her in the car and go shopping...w*f
I was starting to get really angry by now.
Well she told me to drive to one of her hubbys friends so he could help.
So went off in my car with name and address......Got to top of the road and drove to the police station..........Poor child had been in the car nearly 40mins by now....sun out!
Police were great, got a car there by the time I got back. They had to smash the window as it was getting really dangerous for the babe.....they dont like doing it because of the danger of glass hitting the babe ..,....no option tho!
Anyway got the girl out....she was sweating buckets but safe at last!
I just am gobsmacked at this woman who has the audacity to call herself a mother....Why bloody well have kids if you can't love and cherish them when they are so helpless.
She was also saying she was going to give her a bloody good smack when she got home!!!!!
Not feeling like going out now......left a really bad taste in my mouth.
Really needed an outlet for my anger!
Am starting think it's me....always a drama!
Why is life never straightforward!
Hi Sue,
It sounds like you are having a very stressful time. I do not mean to intrude on your thoughts but, thought I would send this on to you. It was a little sign that I used to have hanging near my desk in my office back in the day... Went something like this: "The definition of Stress: That confusion that results when the mind overrides the body's desire to choke the living s**t out of some a****** who desparately needs it." I hope you feel better Sue. Hugs! -joan
Morning Sue, hope this post finds you calmed down from your fiasco yesterday. Have to admit that I could feel my own blood boiling as I read your post, that poor child, wanted to reach out and 'pop' the window myself, thankfully she was safe and sound at the end of it 🙂
Had a busy day with my rocket yesterday, had us doing Olympics, feel Ive added 10 years to my body, stiff as a horse and aching, but its a 'good' ache.
Relaxing day for me today, hope alls good in Sues world today.
Take care my friend
hiya Sue...
Hope you are feeling a bit better today...and like the others I also find your collegues behaviour towards her little one unbeleivebale ....
I wouldn't even leave Dot in a car in this humidity for 5 mins ! let alone a child while I went shopping...I also would have smashed the window...poor child...trapped.
Its kind of bittersweet that if you are a kind and sensitive person...drama will always be there in some shape or form...
In one way I'm kind of glad as it means that people like you,me and i'm sure all on here haven't become so desensitised that we just shrug and walk away.
Hoping today brings calm and that you can catch up with your bestie...
You did good venting on your diary...thats what its for hun as you have a safe way to get all your feelings and thoughts out....
R and D xx
Some people, eh...
What really matters is just one person...
On here, we are all lovely people with huge morals for life. We have just been unfortunately sucked into a horrible gambling world but that's all in the past.
Let's just concentrate on ourselves and the future, eh?
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