Did you forget?..Remember your a Womble...
hey hun....Madam Choulet would say "Ou est tu?"...
Miss ya
R and D xx
Miss womble,
I know that people are very irrespoinsible with there rubbish nowdays.... BUT !!! Get off the common STEP AWAY FROM THE RUBBISH and come back and see us sometime lol..
The blonde one xxx
That's it I am stamping my feet , right now MRS where are you .
Do not care if it's no news , bad news , or even good news
If it was me you would have called 999 reported me as missing person, called out the coast guard , sent out the Territorials , done a finger tip search of Wimbledon common , and if all else failed got CSI on the case !
You know these gamcare girls , me , blondie , dotty and Judy are relentless we will nag , conjowl , beg and plead untill OUR womble is back in the fold .....
Awaiting your post ...........
Shiny xxxxx
hi sue hope you are well, whats this you and charlotte both dissappeared.
gamble frees the way forward
Sue hope you are alright. You and Charl are both missing. I hope to see and update very very soon. Take good care x
Hey missus, you trying to put me in an early grave ?? Womble, Womble, where for art thou Womble ?
Get your backside back on here and give us all peace of mind......
We don't care if its good or bad, we miss YOU !!
Cameron :-((
where you been???? where you at?? hope you are well and everything is ok if there is anything wrong there is loads of people waiting to hear and help
take care
Ok miss womble
I DONT MEAN TO SHOUT BUT ? Where for art thou oh womble...
Come back soon.. I miss you
hey Sue really hope all is good with you ! im sending you lot's of sunshine lol xxx
Hey Sue,
Really hope you are ok! Enough said!
Hiya sue
504 posts on ur diary and at a guess twice as many on other diaries that's an unbelievable amount of effort and dedication to this site , tie that in with the stress of work and any other problems in life it's am absolute mountain ur climbing
Take ur time av a rest think bout no 1 come back when ur ready , everyones expectations of u is so high sue the life and soul of this site at the end of the day the reality is ur a compulsive gambler just like the rest of us and I for one feel for u so much
Really hope ur ok I know deep down u will be whatever is on ur mind u av come so far in such a short time for me it was inevitable a blip would come along I know it did for me and has for many others but ur strong and u will get through this
I know it's hard and I should take my own advice but put
urself 1st , I promise u will be so much stronger for this
hey Sue ...
missed you this week.....just popping in xx
R and D x
Missing you Sue, pleez come back soon 🙁
Hi Sue,
I have just been catching up on your diary after a few days. I see that you havn't posted for a few days and that you seem to have been having a rough patch just before you stopped posting.
I really hope that you are okay. Whatever has happened you will find only love, support and understanding from myself and I am sure many others on this site.
You have always been there for me throughout my journey, picking me up when I slipped and continuing to encourage me along the way.
I really hope that you come back soon as I miss your posts and really want to share my baby news with you - nothing yet but hopefully soon.
Take care and I really hope to hear from you soon.
Dave X
Hope all is well wombly-one. x
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