Hi diary,
Day 10
Whoopie........Blondie and I really like days with a nought on........Don't ask why....we just do!
Want to start today with something I read on Char's diary that meant so much.
Gonna start running
Not going to look back
Gonna show the world my strength
Gonna get my life back on track.
Thank you Charlotte for that inspirational poem!
Next on the agenda
Shiney.........Did I get it........In the end....LOL
Zigga......term of endearment that means my people.
Zigga......to posivitvely promote unity and posivity to all people as a whole as opposed to negative words that are derogatory people of different races and culture!
Zigga zagga zoggi zaggy.....,....Was the bleeding Spice Girls !
Cracking up whilst writing this Shiney!
Anyway , think Maisse is baby spice
Which one is "The Steg"
Answers on a postcard..........Shhhhh....my guess is Posh..........LOL
Flagg.......Think I know why I slipped. Was out with Mum and she got lottery tickets and asked for half.....Couldnt say no without going into detail......So things spiralled.
As I said previously, I didnt bet huge amounts......but it was the fact I did that crushed me. All on-line options now closed.
I know that I need to sort other things in my life out....Mostly getting back in touch with my daughter who I havn't seen for 5 years.
Anyway lets get back to being positive.
Today I have cleaned my room...top to bottom
Negative......What is it with "DYSONS"
o*g.........Pulled bits here and there.......tubes that go no-where....mum stalking me saying "what have you done to it"
Think I have done some damage
How to make a fortune....for any entropenours out there
Start a "Dyson" workshop!
Off to cook roast now....keep mum happy!
Week off work.
Going to Somerset tomorrow with bestie to stay with youngest daughter...cant wait.
Will try get back on later and post to others.
Till then
I "Zigga" you all
Womble xxxxxxxxxxxxx
You bleeding nutter .
What an upgrade , in my day wombles had paper bags , we know you moved on to a Harrods one , now all replaced with a dyson lol
Hope you enjoy your time in Somerset , recon the pimms season is finished , but the autumn sounds like scrumpy to me .
Have the greatest time with your bestie and your daughter .
A little post through the week would be good ,.......
now we got you back .........
we want you back for good !!!
( defo chucking in the song lines today lol)
Shiny xxxxxxxx
Ps Gary was my fav , although Robbie stole my heart untill he became totally unhinged , toooooo much like looking in a mirror ....lol
Only going for 1 night........paper bag not big enough for longer........lol
Scrumpy sounds soooooooooooo good!
Yep....I'm deffo "Back for good"
Just have a little "patience" everyone!
Womble xxxxxxxxxxxx
hey Sue
Can see the "You" coming back to life and you must be really excited about tomorrow...5 years?..
Wow....it will be an emotional reunion hun and im glad you have got your bestie with you for support.
You will all have a fabulous week no matter what the weather and no doubt loads to catch up on.
Thanks for understanding Sue...and yes it does seem that these two addictiions are not taken as seriously as some of the others...
But I guess when you look at it they are keeping the pillars of society as we know it ticking over.
Imagine the revenue lost if everyone stopped gambling and imagine the breakdown of family life and society if people all stopped being codependant.?
So all of us can count ourselves as true winners on this site as no matter what we keep coming back and getting the good stuff and the good medicine and making sure we are on the right path..
enjoy your drive tomorrow....and your friend sounds like someone I would also have good chats with ...
wish I was in the back seat chatting on with you....xxx
hugs and bigger hugs
R and D xx
Awww Rach...Bless you mate...wish it was with daughter I havn't seen for 5 years....It's with my other one.........no worries tho!
Wish you were in my car tomorrow....and Dotty
Oh what chats we would have!
Furry hugs
Womble xx
More 'Old Spice,' now Sue unfortunately. I could never be called Posh, still eat me soup wiv me fingers, luvely.
Take care, keep winning, don't be tempted with any form of gambling, they all lead to the same place.
Steve NutmegSteg
Underground, overground, wombling free....
Sooooooo happy to see you back my friend! The place hasn't been the same without you!
Delighted that you decided to come back and looking forward to continuing this journey with you!! 🙂
Stay strong buddy 🙂
Lmm xxxx
Sue pleased you are back, hope you are well. Onwards and upwards.
Hey sue,
Thank you for the post, days with a zero in them are brilliant but any day that is gamble free is amazing.
Hope you had a great trip to see daughter and all is well in womble land.
As for the hat.... Hmmm your the second person who has said that, mystic shiny said the same.. do you know something i dont lol..
Take care
Hugs.. Blondie xxxxxxxx
Hi Sue
Thanks for dropping by my diary. I read some of yours and I feel for you. Really! Life throws all kinds of stuff at us. They say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Hrmphh - not so sure about that but we can try, huh? I'm really pleased you found this site - the wonderful people here have been so supportive to me this year and I hope you've felt the same.
Hello wombly one, just wanted to say its good to 'see' you.
weebit x
Hope you get to sample some of that scrumpy !!!!!
It is good to have you back !!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on making the right choice.just for today.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
sue glad your back,
i can talk strictly come dancing with you now LOL!!
Hope everything ok and you are staying strong
Reeeee member member member what a womble womble womble you are..........
When its foggy down in somerset and you just cant see..................coooo eeeee Sue xx..////////// (thats a mexican wave)
just popping in...and no..ive not been drinking...lol
R and D xxx
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