[Closed] My Last Bad Day

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How about Rachel Platten, Fight Song. Check out the lyrics ?

Posted : 22nd November 2019 10:32 pm
Posts: 920
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Anna Kendrick - Cups

Posted : 22nd November 2019 11:13 pm
Posts: 1355

? can’t follow that one, miserable words in an upbeat pop song.

My own  tune is utterly depressing so I will have to rethink it. 

Posted : 22nd November 2019 11:28 pm
Posts: 1492

Hope you sleep all the lows of the week away. 

Thanks for cheering us on and sharing your wisdom.on here and chat. 

You set out the the truth and we return knowing the ups and downs we have to face. 

Think we are all battle weary.. But the grit and backbone plus the strong viking genes  we maybe possess keep making us set sail..

Take care ?

Posted : 22nd November 2019 11:30 pm
Posts: 920
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Boo knows. We got this. x

Posted : 22nd November 2019 11:31 pm
Posts: 403

Hi Drama

sorry you didn’t have a great day, I hope the weekend will be calmer and you have a chance to rest - you certainly deserve it!

Glad you let your hair down, it’s very much needed once in a while. I hope you won’t be suffering for it in the morning. I very rarely drink these days, gone were the days of waking up after a heavy session and feeling spritely. These days, after only a few drinks I wake up feeling like I’ve been dragged through a field, trampled on by some bulls and then for good measure, hit by a ten ton truck. Oh, the joys of getting older. 

Remember be kind to yourself and that you are a very valued member here who adds a lot of value to others lives - mine in particular. 

Sleep well 


Posted : 23rd November 2019 1:08 am
Posts: 569

Good Morning Dram,

I hope you are feeling better and hope you have a lovely weekend.

P.S. I’m sorry for my post earlier in the week on your diary. I was trying to be light hearted. I’ve just read it back and you were struggling a little and, well, I’m an idiot sometimes.

I hope you feel better. Take care.


Posted : 23rd November 2019 8:42 am
Posts: 920
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Bex, yup, that hangover description is fairly accurate for how I felt this morning. Lol x

RR, no idea what you found wrong with your post. I found it supportive. I got your joke about my boss. Bless ya x

Law School. 

I woke up with a thick head. Hubby bought me my tea and pills. I grabbed my books, my notebook computer and some pens and he took me to Town. I couldn't possibly drive and it was rainy and horrible weather so I'm glad he offered to do that. 

I got the worst bacon sandwich I've ever eaten in my whole life from the buffet lounge at the station. It was thick cut fatty bacon that were under-cooked. Absolute rank. Still ate it cos I'm from Yorkshire and I've ruddy paid for it, I'm gonna ruddy eat it. Haha. 

I love train rides when they aren't horribly busy. Watching the world go by out the window, it's lovely and relaxing. I used to get day-rovers when I was kid and travel all over the county. I might do that one weekend.  

School was hard for the first couple of hours, it was all legislation and I find that this tutor just talks all the time. I need a minute to read what's on the slide and digest it before you ask me a question but when she's talking about subsection 3, paragraph 4 and I'm still on subsection 2, it's really off-putting and I can't take in what I'm reading. 

There was a water fountain outside the room so I drank copious amounts of H20 and felt much better for it. 

After lunch (egg sandwich, granola bar, an orange and some pop) we did some mooting which is like playing court. I played an absolute blinder defending a pretend client who had sold a car that had packed up later. The claimant's solicitors were trying to use the Sales of Goods Act and quoting from that and I knew I had them there and then. I said that the Sales of Goods Act didn't apply as it was a private sale between two individuals and that the buyer beware principle (Caveat Emptor) applies. I said that it was sold as seen and the buyer should've inspected it or taken an engineer with him or summat. I said that the fact that it broke down after a long journey and trip on a ferry demonstrated that it was roadworthy when sold and that the seller was honest. I won that case! 

I won another one but harder to explain and my brains a bit boxed to go into it. 

Hubby picked me up at the station. I am really pleased he did that for me. Got home to listen to the football on the radio. My team scored just after I sat down. Then shortly after the other team equalised but a point's a point. 

I'm gonna go work now and do that cleaning I should've done last night but blobbed to get wellied instead. Regretting that decision now like.  


Drama x

Posted : 23rd November 2019 4:58 pm
Posts: 920
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What is the actual point of a moderated chat? 

Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:11 pm
Posts: 1355

I thought it was there to protect folk. Shocked tbh 

Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:17 pm
Posts: 920
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Posted by: Murlo

I thought it was there to protect folk. Shocked tbh 

Same. I am not taking sides. I think we are all struggling with our own ids. Recovery chat should be a safe place for us all to chat. 

I blobbed work in part because I wanted to go to chat but I won't do that again. 

Drama x

Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:19 pm
Posts: 0

Never a nice situation. The Mod needed to take control and kick people out of required.


Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:23 pm
Posts: 1355

You should be in chat whenever you want to Drama. If it carries on like this there must a different way.


Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:25 pm
Posts: 7071

Mod didn't have time to react. We should leave it at peace.


I will go..for good 


All the best



Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:26 pm
Posts: 920
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Posted by: Bal

Never a nice situation. The Mod needed to take control and kick people out of required.


I agree Bal. When things are getting out of hand. Don't do a retrospective ban from the site. That's not helpful to anybody's recovery. Just nip it in the bud. We are all ill people trying to get well again. If we're having a bad day, help us out or give us a time out so we can calm down. Simple really. I know what it's like to get angry online. It's hard to control. I cannot judge anybody. 


Posted : 23rd November 2019 9:27 pm
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