My own personal diary

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Hey 2012,

Not much to comment

...just KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT you are doing brill!!!!

Take care and b kind to urself

great atchievement, b proud!! :-)))

Sandra x

Posted : 8th January 2014 6:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey Sandra

I'm a man of few words haha... eventually i plan to be a bit more exciting with regards my diary entries.. for the first 100 days, just need to keep it simple 🙂

Thanks for your kind words. Appreciated. The people on this forum are all lovely kind people. So sad that we've all encountered gambling addiction however at least we are all fighting the good fight as you say.

I do need to be kinder to myself, far to hard on myself. If truth be told i won't really be happy and "job done" till i go the whole of 2014 without any form of gambling. I know the "job done" will never be done and i'll always have this addiction lurking inside me just desperate to get out so i will always need to take things one day at a time as far as gambling goes.

I'm a lot more self aware as a person which i think is key with regards beating any form of addiction if you really want to.. i can see the signs clearly now, i know what to avoid, etc.

Anyway.. will keeping plugging away and trying to make the right decisions each day. I think and correct me if you think i'm wrong, that when we give up something as heavy as gambling we have all this time to fill and that can be scary also.. however, i'm sure we all know we just need to fill up this time with good fun positive things in life. I've started going back to the gym again. It is a love hate relationship for me haha... sometimes i hate going other times i love it.. its mainly the feel good feeling i love after a good gym session. Its healthy cheap and good for the mental side of things. I know for one, aside from losing life changing amounts of money for most people (hundreds of thousands of pounds) my mental health has also been damaged very badly and it will take a good few years of doing the right thing to get my head back on track again. I think we focus too much on the money we have lost but i believe more importantly is our mental health. Without a healthy mind we are in big danger.. that scares the hell out of me and a big reason why i can't and hope never to gamble again. My mind can't take anymore destruction.

Anyway, a long post from me, just basically typed out what came out of my head at this point in time.



Posted : 9th January 2014 12:46 pm
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Posted : 9th January 2014 12:47 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey 2012 :-))

Ohh, i can't wait to see who is gonna come out of this shell :-))

You sound great, and i do admire ur determination..for put two words down would b killing stuff lol...i have to go on and on and on..ramble as always 🙂

Good stuff with gym..i was very active 2 yrs ago .2hrs each day, and then swimming pool, sauna, steam born all i can say :-))

Only do some running each day now..bliss too..and shower after does me lol..

Keep going my we unite..same journey..same goal!!

We can do it

Keep it up

Sandra x

Posted : 10th January 2014 2:39 am
Posts: 7071

Labas 2012 🙂

What a coinsidence!! I am from Kaunas indeed...they say it's Lithuanian's heart!!!( alongside mafia lol lol)

Good stuff on your days..and keep it up!!!

Never say never...we don't know where we might bump into each other lol

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 10th January 2014 3:18 pm
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Hey Sandra

Oh my goodness, what a coincidence indeed! My two younger brothers went out to Kaunas last summer to visit family and they loved it. They had a great time and said everybody was so friendly.. not to mention they enjoy a good drink 🙂 so my younger brothers who also enjoy a good drink would have been well pleased haha.

You are right, who knows what is round the corner. Well i am based in Glasgow.. freezing Glasgow, well it feels like it the last few days..

You'll be used to the cold winters in Kaunas also eh!

So today i am now on 48 days no gambling. I still feel a bit raw but certainly nowhere near as bad as i did the first few days of stopping. Horrendous pain that i never wish to experience again.

I'll be keeping a close eye on your diary now young lady so no falling of the wagon 🙂

Keep making the right choices..



Posted : 10th January 2014 7:36 pm
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Posted : 11th January 2014 8:49 pm
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Feeling good... however i've a huge fight still on my hands..

Posted : 12th January 2014 11:36 pm
Posts: 0

Well done 2012, 50 days is a great achievement for anybody in recovery. Really glad to see you're still going strong, especially as I remember how raw your first post was. I'm 74 days now, not getting complacent though.

Keep fighting anyway pal.


Posted : 12th January 2014 11:59 pm
Posts: 7071

Labas 2012 :-))

Glad to see you keeping well..yea, fight is on but don't look at it as a at a time does the trick :-))

Be proud, relax, take it easy and keep believing.... 😉

50 days of freedom!!! Well good start my friend..keep it up!!!

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 13th January 2014 2:04 am
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Cheers Natman for your post. Yeah my first post was very raw indeed. I just can't go back there again. I'm relapsed so many times but i'm determined this time it doesn't happen again. One day at a time.

Well done on your 74 plus days mate!! Brilliant also. Agree, we need to NEVER get complacent.

Thanks also to you Julie 🙂 Appreciated.

And Sandra, my wee Lithuanian buddy 🙂 day at a time indeed!

Yeah i'm trying to be a little less hard on myself and a bit kinder. Long way to go but still as determined as i was 50 plus days ago 🙂

Labai aciu


Posted : 14th January 2014 10:36 pm
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Day 51, 52 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 14th January 2014 10:37 pm
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Day 53, 54 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 17th January 2014 12:36 am
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Posted : 17th January 2014 1:16 pm
Posts: 7071

Now then Craig :-)))

Thank you for your kind words on my diary and really feel honoured to walk the walk of recovery alongside you.

55 days...great achievement!!! Very well done :-))

You are right, it is cyber space but never say never...even little gam careers gathering is possible in the future...

....if not meeting in one of Lithuania's museum lol lol

Take care and keep it up, be proud!!!

Sandra ( and Sandra internationally ) lol xx

Posted : 17th January 2014 5:51 pm
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