My own personal diary

131 Posts
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Posts: 7071

Hey there,

Very well done on your continued abstinence and 94 days is fantastic achievement!!!!

Soon be 3 figures, keep fighting the good fight and be proud 🙂

Sandra x

Posted : 25th February 2014 7:49 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Craig,

Being quiet again!! As far as I see, your are approaching big 100!! What a achievement, be proud dear soldier.

Hope all is good with you, keep making the right choice and I hope to hear from you soon.

take care and have a fab day

All the best

Day at a time

Sandra x

Posted : 2nd March 2014 2:34 pm
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Day 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 2nd March 2014 8:19 pm
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Hi Sandra/ Julie

Thanks for your posts. Always appreciated and nice to know that some people are thinking about me which is nice. I've been pretty quiet this last couple of weeks. Main reason is that i've moved to a new flat (that's me for a good few years before i think about moving again.. very stressful experience).. anyway, i've had no broadband in the flat till tomorrow when Sky connect me. Thank god!! its been murder with no internet and no tv also 🙁 Anyway, getting organised and settling into the new flat well. I guess i've been so busy with this and that i've not given gambling any thoughts which is great. Yes, indeed, tomorrow will be Day 100 - No Gambling. A good achievement but until i hit 1 year i won't be showing too much emotion. A year would mean the world to me and that is the first ultimate goal. I'm hard on myself, need to be a bit kinder (everyone tells me that). However, as each day passes where i don't gamble, i feel i am getting stronger and stronger and more focussed in my life. It really is incredible how your life changes for the better when you don't gamble for a good lengthy period of time. I'm sure Sandra, Julie, Mr B, Del, Duncanmac, Tomso and many many others on here will agree with me 100%. Yes, we still have the odd days where life can be a bit s**t but i think that happens to everyone even the happiest people in the world. Most important thing for me is my mental health. I now value this as the most important thing in my life more than anything else.. if that goes (and i've come close a few times to completely losing it) then you are in big trouble. Gambling massively contributed to a major deterioration in my mental health and i can't ever let that happen again. Its too scary to go back there. So i feel that little bit stronger mentally each day that passes where i don't gamble. I've just got to keep positive and keep working hard in other areas of my life and hopefully happiness and contentment, peace and calmness will return to my life in abundance. I'm holding onto this.

Anyway.. i'll be more active on here this week since i'll have the luxury of using the internet in my flat as opposed to the lovely local McDonald's restaurant i've been using the last couple of weeks. I won't miss it, haha..

Right, i'm away to say a few words to others.



Posted : 2nd March 2014 8:31 pm
Posts: 0

Mr B would most certainly agree 100%!! Great post Craig - really uplifting and positive!! So good to see you in a better place mate.

A hundred days tomorrow eh? I can't believe it either that we're so close, but like you say, it's the full year of 2014 that's the main one I want.....

Has the move gone well? Will be much better when you've got all your sky and stuff in. You happy with the gaff?

So we're going to have to plan Glasgow to London at some better a time than 14th March!! There will be at least 1 other foot soldier there!! We will get into Queen Street - any suggestions to a meeting point?

Looking forward to it mate!!

Have a great week and I'll be in touch tomorrow!!

Mr B!

Ps thanks for the post on my diary!!

Posted : 2nd March 2014 10:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Craig,

I would be the size of a bus if I had to use internet in Mcd's, so hopefully you stayed away from they big macs!!! I do believe time Is a great healer and even though in comparrison to others my 200 is a drop in the ocean it makes me even more determined to finish the job in hand.... a lifetime of happiness.

I too have been in some dark places throughout the years but the future is what I look forward too, every1 on here is an inspiration to me because we are all facing or fears head on and together.

I am going to try my best to make it a week on Friday it would be great to sink a few with you, Mr b and as many others that can make it.

Have a good night bud and a brammer of a day tomorrow.

Del 🙂

Posted : 2nd March 2014 11:13 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey DJ Craig :-)))

Thank you for your kind and supportive post and the tunes. I really like music too, great way to kick start my day, or calm down in evenings. Really enjoy my running listening to good tunes also.

Great to see you in high spirits, you are real inspiration and doing ever so well in every aspect of your life. Keep ut the good work, keep believing and striding forwards.

Every day you abstain will bring more happiness and peace in ur life :-))

Leave you with one song,, really helped me on a way in this recovery journey.

Day at a time dear soldier

Have a lovely and calm week

P.s. How could I miss this!!!!! Belated 100 days dear soldier!!! Whoop whoop, something really worth celebrating!!! ( not in Mc Donalds tho lol lol), well done!!!

Another day just breathe ( to keep you calm and breathing)

Sandra x

Posted : 3rd March 2014 12:30 pm
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Day 100 - NO GAMBLING (whoop whoop) haha

Feels good 🙂

Posted : 3rd March 2014 9:53 pm
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Cheers Del, Julie and Sandra for your posts on my wee diary. Thanks for your continued support. Really makes a big difference.

Sandra - love the tune 🙂 keep em coming!

Del - Be great to see you a week Friday if you can make it. Just be good to put a few faces to the posts and stuff. Everyone that i've had the pleasure of coming into contact on this site seem really great people so more than happy to meet in person and sink a few jars 🙂

I feel as i've got older and wiser in life, i choose my people more carefully and try and surround myself with good people.. The dead beats that used to be in my life are long gone. Life's too short anyway to be in the company of people that you don't feel comfortable with, etc.

Anyway, rambling on again haha.. i'm not in McDonalds tonight.. my Sky broadband is set up and working. Spooky that it was on my 100th day no gambling. It feels like a wee reward 🙂

Loads of work to do 🙁 so i'll *** on but i'll be about most of this week and will look to post on a few diaries and give some support.



Posted : 3rd March 2014 10:05 pm
Posts: 0

Oi oi fella.........happy ton day to you, happy ton day to you, happy tooooooon day dear Craaaaiiiig, happy ton day to you!!!! Woop woop!!!

Congratulations mate......even better than the 100 days is the renewed energy and passion for the future coming from you - so good to see. The new broadband and the relief you are giving your body from not filling it with Maccie D's is showing - lol!!

Maybe in your 100 day excitement you missed the earlier posts on your diary from the less important individuals in your life? Ha ha ha!! Friday 14th March is a definite goer......hoping that Del will be there.....and me and another one of the soldiers.....a mystery guest!! At least 4 of us anyway!! I'll pop a note on the update this week.

Catch up with you soon mate and congrats once again,

Mr Brightside

Posted : 3rd March 2014 11:35 pm
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Hello Diary

Another few busy days so not been on as much as i would have liked. I'm doing well. Working hard and enjoying life which is good. No thoughts of gambling.

Thanks for your post Mr B.. very much looking forward to meeting you and the others on Friday night.

Keep me posted re: meeting place/ time, etc. Apologies if you have done already not had a chance to look at all the diaries i usually look at.

Cheers Craig

Posted : 8th March 2014 10:22 pm
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Day 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 8th March 2014 10:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hey mate - quickie - you still up for Friday? Any suggestions around venue & times?

Looking forward to meeting up and congrats again on triple figures!!

Mr B

Posted : 8th March 2014 10:27 pm
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Hey Mr B

Well come this Friday, i believe you will be Day 96, just 4 days of the big 100.. just keep me in sight at all times 🙂

I will have a think about venue and come back with a few suggestions tomorrow. Anywhere but the Corinthian. I reckon i've given that place around £20,000 in the last 4 years through random visits to the Casino while drunk. Not proud but hey ho can't turn back the clock. I just can't go anywhere near that place and don't even want to go anywhere near it.

But lots of good places to go in Glasgow City Centre. Is Del coming along?

Anytime from 7pm is good for me to meet.



Posted : 8th March 2014 10:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hey mate - hoping that Del is coming!! Cheap and cheerful works for me - I might see if I can get a groupon or itison deal for us. Agreed - never the Corinthian! I like Browns and Princes Square (Mings, Barca, Darcy's - but all quite pricey, especially for drink.).

Looking forward to it!! What station will you come in closest to?

Mr B

Posted : 8th March 2014 11:27 pm
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