My recovery diary

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Good morning this is my day 2 free!

I am portuguese and I have gambling problems, I live in London with my girlfriend and last days I spend a lot of money and I decided to stop!! I spoke with my girlfriend, close friends and my mother who lives in Portugal that I have this problem for 12 years!

Is really hard to stop but we must control our brain and focus in positive things because money is just material that is not the most important, I need to be happy again and give my best to everyone who is close to me!

I made a lot of mistakes but I have only 30 years old! long life ahead!!

Posted : 23rd January 2016 9:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi mate, im 34 and been gambling for 16 years. Today im on day 70 with no gambling... it can be done!!! You will find lots of advice on here that will help you. However, my advice is that you need lots of will power!! Without will power and wanting to stop for good no amount of advice will help you.

Today your life will cahnge forever... for the better.

Good luck!!!

Posted : 23rd January 2016 10:05 am
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Thanks Chris!

I know and I am feeling positive at the moment, life is too short to spend it in things like gambling!

Posted : 23rd January 2016 11:57 am
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My job is not the best one to recover but I will take the negative points from there, I am a casino Dealer ..

Posted : 23rd January 2016 12:18 pm
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Day 3 and I am feeling better and better! I don't want to gamble anymore... I am feeling really strong and I don't want that a stupid thing will change all my life and have a sadly life!!

Keep focus and strong

Posted : 24th January 2016 12:20 pm
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I know Dean, is not easy but i think in a different way now and working in this business I think will help me because my mentality changed and I need to be strong and I see my job as a therapy and I try to interact with the customers and catch what I don't want to be anymore!

I realised I don't want to be like them and I just put in my mind 3 days ago!

I feel myself in peace now, if I feel tempted to gamble I will decide to change the job! At the moment will make me stronger to see people losing thousands and don't be like them!

Today I saw a guy winning 12 thousand and instead of feel tempted I felt sorry because I knew it how is going to end! And i was right, he lost all plus 3k!

even if he won the casino never lose, they just lend money for a few days! Happens 99,9%

Posted : 24th January 2016 4:00 pm
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Day 4!

another day, another battle!

Feeling good because I don't gamble and I don't think to return to my previous life!

It is hard sometimes when we see our past but we need to focus in the future and not in the past!

proud of myself! So far so good

Posted : 25th January 2016 7:09 pm
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Day 6 free!

yesterday was my day 5 free, I had day off, some money in the pocket and I didn't feel tempted to gamble! Is just the beginning of a big journey and I need to keep focus!

Hope I can do it!

I still remember the past and I feel sorry but I want to focus in the future!

Posted : 27th January 2016 9:31 am
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day 6! Just the beginning of the day but I feel that I lost everything! I need to reset my mind and never play again... It is easy to say but we see gambling as a escape, specially if you lose money and want to recover!

But at the moment If they guaranty that I will win next time and recover all the money I had lost I will refuse because will show How weak I am and I will start to be addicted again and again and I don´t want that for me!

Is hard to recover mentally but the time will tell me that I am right at the moment, I need to be strong and strong and I hope to reset the games in my life!

I did I review of my life and try to understand why I gamble and I started to gamble because all my friends they do, my father gamble everyday in euromillions, scratchs and football bettings( small ammount and he can afford that ) but all my environment was games+games+games!

So I realised it is time to stop asap!

Now is the time and what they do doesn´t mean I need to do.

Posted : 27th January 2016 2:07 pm
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My day 6 is almost in the end!! my 2 days off and I didn´t bet nothing at all... If it is easy, no! but I did it.

My girlfriend says to be positive but is not easy... I almost destroyed her life too! If i didn´t stop she will suffer much more than now!

But let´s enjoy day by day and the time will tell me how strong I will be:)

Posted : 27th January 2016 7:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hai Ivo,

Keep going pal. Your right its not easy, far from it so good on you for realising.

I'm a fellow London chap, so i know the bookies feel like they've got you fully surrounded. But build barriers in any way you can that will suit you. I think with the honesty your showing Mrs Ivo and also for a reassurance for her, how about handing over all finances to her. You need to keep on your toes and battle any complacency which will no doubt come your way.

Learn, read and you'll realise what a sly addiction this gambling really is.

I wish you well

Posted : 27th January 2016 8:46 pm
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Day 7

Thanks Volcano for the support! I already gave all my bank cards to her! I am not feeling tempted at the moment:) i am feeling better, not sleeping perfect but I will soon! We need to be strong and I can't collapse now in this important step that I am taking!

Posted : 28th January 2016 10:51 am
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Too True Ivo.

An important step forward to sunnier skies, a bit like today.

You need to get that sleep in check.

Have a goodie

Posted : 28th January 2016 1:23 pm
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Today is my day 8!

Yesterday I didn't gamble nothing at all! I am feeling proud because i made 1 week.

I am feeling strong at the moment, yesterday was my payday and I didn't gamble nothing 🙂

Yesterday i saw a documentary in bbc4 about our brain and helped me a lot, our brain can change doesn't matter our age!!

just eliminate what we don't want and with time will be out of our minds !!

have a lovely day free

Posted : 29th January 2016 9:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ivo,

Well done on getting to over a week 🙂 that counter is yours an no one elses keep adding those days and it will make you stronger i'm sure of it ..

All the best on your road to recovery ... the first week or 2 are the hardest .. though in your line of work I can only envy the will power you must have 🙂


Posted : 29th January 2016 10:12 am
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