itsallaboutmyson thank you!!
Is quite hard but at the same time is giving me power to not be like them.
I am thinking in the future to change my job! The time will tell me 🙂
Day 9!
Yesterday I have been out around Leicester sq. where exist a lot of casinos, I drinked some beers but I didn't gamble nothing at all 🙂
Mission Complete yesterday...
Today is another day 🙂
Let's enjoy one more day free
Day 10!
it looks my last bet was one year ago...
my brain is set not to gamble anymore but I am living day by day and every day is a battle because all days are different:)
10 days is a good start in my point of view!
i am focus in good things that will come ahead!
have a lovely sunday
Day 11!
yesterday I reached 10 days gamble free:)
I am feeling better and I want to became a normal person, enjoying the life and spend time and money in good things:)
I am focus in that and I know I can do it!
Another day where I will not gamble because I don't carry any cash and I don't feel tempted!
day by day I am losing the interest in make bets!
Have a lovely day free
Day 12 gamble free done:)
i spent all my day with my gf and I had an amazing day! She support me as no one!!
just feeling better and focus in good feelings!
A good gf you've got there and by the looks of it a worthy bf.
Your absolutely right, life is all about one day only and enjoying the moment. Gambling deceives us and keeps us in the past or the future; just like a time machine. So untill one of them are invented , keep it simple at one day at a time.
The days are rolling now...
Day 13 gamble free 🙂
thanks volcano for your support!
just to report that I have a nice day and my mind is focus in good things and we can control our minds, we just need to want that!!
have a lovely night!
Good afternoon!
I reached today 14 days gamble free! Yes, 2 weeks!! Hope can turn in 2 months, then 2 years, 20 years and maybe 200 years gamble free:)
proud of my self to reach at the moment 2 weeks, I can realise that we need to live day by day, enjoy all the things that the world gives and how amazing is the world if we don't gamble!!
I am still working as a Croupier, one day I will change my job, but untill there I am always learning what I don't want to be!
If we really want we can change and I am ready to change and be a nice and awesome guy!
Hai IVO, how's about asking the 3rd best football player in the world for a job . The great Ronaldo, I sometimes think he's 200 years old with the way he winks.
Good on you IVO, keep being a good bf and man
Day 15!!
Still don't carry any cash and no cards and i don't miss because is good for me:) even if i feel tempted i can't gamble wich is amazing!!
i happier without money instead of have and been tempted to gamble, i did the right decision to give all my cards to my gf:)
enjoying another day!!
volcano, Ronaldo is the number 1:)
At this moment if i carry cards I wouldn't gamble, but is better play safe !
I think your still under the spell of gambling if you think Ronaldo is the number 1☺
Right again, you don't need to carry cash and cards..
Is one of the best for sure!
Day 15 done! Another day without gamble:)
nothing special to say, worked and now I will spend some time with my gf and enjoy all the good moments!
have a lovely weekend and if you don't gamble, you will win;)
16 days... Well done! Keep it up
Thanks Chris:)
enjoying day by day and when realise the gambling addiction is not anymore in my blood!!
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