My recovery diary

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Congratulations on both the gamble free days and the news about becoming a daddy.

Keep showy tge determination you are and the new baby will have a father to be proud of.


Posted : 15th April 2016 7:21 am
Posts: 0

Ivo aka Ronaldo..

A fine hatrick the other night and now your following a similar pattern -
Goal 1 - No gambling
Goal 2 - A new Ivo on the way.
Goal 3 - .......? anything is possible

Good on you Ivo

Posted : 15th April 2016 7:35 am
Posts: 0
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Volcano thanks for your reply!

Ronaldo is the best and you know that:)

anything is possible but I am sure that I don't want to gamble and I will not gamble!! I am sure of that. I said that because we are humans and our mind and way of think is always changing but I am focus not to gamble:)

Posted : 15th April 2016 8:28 am
Posts: 0

Spot on Ivo, our mind is always evolving and by getting rid of the bad stuff ie gambling, it's evolving the way it should.

Have a good day and yep, agreed Ronaldo now is joint best player in the world 😉

Posted : 15th April 2016 8:37 am
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Yes is true Volcano! But we must know what is good and bad, specially after we realise we have a problem!

Day 86 and I didn't gamble!

14 to reach 100 days gamble free wich is a good start!

have a lovely weekend

Posted : 16th April 2016 2:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Just updating!

day 93 gf;)

nothing really new to report! Almost reaching 100 days gf and My girlfriend did last wednesday the scan and the baby is healthy:))

she is pregnant with 13 weeks time and will born on 31 of October !

Posted : 23rd April 2016 8:29 am
Posts: 171

Hi Ivo. Well done on getting to 93 days gf. Congratulations on the news that your girlfriend is pregnant hope everything goes well for you both xx

Posted : 23rd April 2016 5:06 pm
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Day 99 gamble free!

proud to reach this number but my life is going bad with my girlfriend!

I didn't tell her about my debt and today she found and i feel really bad and I don't have any idea if she will forgive me:/

I have this debt because of my gambling actions, I don't want to gamble again and is destrying my life what I did and everything around my gambling adiction! I was ashamed to tell her and I didn't tell the truth and was another bad step in my life:(

everyday is a lesson and I hope to learn again( saying again because I am always doing mistakes).

i know I am really positive person but sometimes I feel really weak. All my life I tried to ommited my actions( goods and bads) and it feels is still in my blood ! I will fight against that !

i have a baby on the way, don't know my future with her but I will fight to give to them an amazing life, because they deserve and so do I!

hope you are doing well in your recovery and have a good weekend!

Posted : 29th April 2016 6:37 pm
Posts: 1789

Congratulations on 100 days. It sounds like it's time to sit down with your girlfriend and explain all that has been going on for the last 100 days and what got your hear. Be honest and frank with her transparency is the key now get everything and I mine everything out in the open. You don't want to be in this position again where one of your secrets comes out and bites you in the a**e.


Posted : 30th April 2016 9:38 am
Posts: 0
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Good morning! I had a busy month... I have benn 2 weeks away, in Corfu! The weather and the holidays was amazing.

day 137 and still gamble free!

more than 4 months without gamble wich is amazing!!

Posted : 6th June 2016 10:50 am
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Checking in day 140 ! Nearly 5 months gf!

Posted : 9th June 2016 2:41 pm
Posts: 143

well done mate, keep going!!

Posted : 9th June 2016 2:44 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Ben!

today is my day 151 GF!

When I started i never thought that I will be 151 days gf but at the moment I am proud of what I did till now!

I am paying my debt, is now £3800, so I paid 1200 till now!

I have £2600 in my bank account and I I paid mine and my girfriend holidays in Greece, our flight tickets to Portugal in July and I paid my tickets to go in August!

Imagine if I was still gambling?

I woul owe £5000 or more, day 20 of the month I was doing the countdown to payday because I was with nothing for sure.

It is not easy to stop but worth it!

have a lovely Gf week

Posted : 20th June 2016 4:04 pm
Posts: 3239

Oldhamktf wrote:

Congratulations on 100 days. It sounds like it's time to sit down with your girlfriend and explain all that has been going on for the last 100 days and what got your hear. Be honest and frank with her transparency is the key now get everything and I mine everything out in the open. You don't want to be in this position again where one of your secrets comes out and bites you in the a**e.


Hi Ivo, I sae Oldham's post and thought the same. have you had the chat? did it go well?

Posted : 27th June 2016 2:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Good morning! Day 180 gamble free!

it is almost half a year;)

triangle I speak a lot with my girlfriend about my problem and I am improving a lot and the days gf says that!

Day by day and don't think what I lost but what I will win:)

Posted : 19th July 2016 8:31 am
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