My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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Dusty xxxxxxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 2:09 pm
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Well what can I say, apart from how I am feeling right now which is ecstatic! 46 days ago today, I relapsed after going 45 days bet free on my first attempt at quitting seriously. I was down on my knees, the head was all over the place and the regret and anger at slipping depressed me to say the least. I made some choices to get back on the band wagon and the choices were, counselling, as I needed someone to talk too, handing over my finances as I couldn't trust myself with large sums of money and self exclusion photos.

Today I have reached my first target landmark, 46 days is the longest time that I have ever gone in my life, without having a bet and I feel brilliant. I know those 46 days would take some time at the beginning but once I got past 21 days, time passed by.

I have gone out with friends, filled those weekends with things to do, I've been going fishing and have been working on bringing my friends closer to me again. I have not had any gambling urges as I have been determined to reach this target and to go beyond and mainly because my life is happy and content at the moment.

I know for me, stress, boredom and being away from family and friends, all contributed to me looking to gambling for a release but now that I have addressed these trigger points, there is no space for gambling, which I hope will always be the case.

My next target will be 50 days and from then on, I will continue to time every day at a time.

I wish everyone the best in addressing their gambling problems and to continue to work at it and persist, as the feeling when you reach targets are mind blowing. I am over the moon and so happy.

Today I have been down the pet store, McDonald's for a bite to eat, Asda to buy all my own food for the next three days fishing, to the petrol station and in all spent around £90.00. I would never of done these things, whilst I was gambling and very slowly, I am starting to learn how to spend my hard earn't money, on myself again.

I will be fishing tomorrow through to Friday, so I won't be able to check in after today but I hope to be posting on Friday, when it will be 50 days bet free for me! 🙂

Have a good week everyone.

Wilsy x

Posted : 4th June 2012 4:09 pm
Posts: 0

enjoy the fishing

and well done on getting to 50

Posted : 4th June 2012 4:18 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Mike but I am not at 50 days yet, that will be on Friday, I have gone 46 days today 🙂

Posted : 4th June 2012 4:21 pm
Posts: 0

Well done wilsy fair play 2 u and you seem so more happy in yourself !

Enjoy the fishing

Posted : 4th June 2012 4:31 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella just look how far you have come in this your recovery my dear should be emmensly proud of yourself I am, keep on making the right choices for the future and those targets will grow along with everything else.

A massive well done for showing the courage to really give recovery 100% it shows.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 4th June 2012 5:48 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi wilsy

Brilliant on the 46 days like u I felt it was really important to get past the days on my first attempt , ur last post shows now what life is about , I used to think fishing how boring ! But now can see how relaxing and chilling it could be think the point is it just gets u away from everything and everyone

Brought a smile to my face bout how u spent the 90 quid I am now so careful with money just like urself who would've thought it not so many months ago

Enjoy the fishing


Posted : 4th June 2012 6:49 pm
Posts: 0

Far too tired to even lift thoses Pom Poms.

But you know that I would if could.

I have never in my time here wanted someone to get to a set amount of days as much as I wanted you to.

I have no doubt that you will continue forward and rightly do, but 46 was so important to you , and me .

Tonight I will sleep soundly , be proud Hun , very proud.

Dusty cxxxxx

Posted : 4th June 2012 11:46 pm
Posts: 0

VERY WELL DONE on reaching your target, you sound so upbeat and enjoying life and spending money on you. Hope the fishing is going well and you got some big ones!

Hopefully when you post tomorrow you will have reached the big 50, keep up the good work.

You are way ahead of me now, as I had a week of blips!

Posted : 7th June 2012 12:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Andy,

Brilliant mate hit that target 46 days! Funny as about 20 mins ago I was talking about targets and milestones on NT's diary. Like you said hitting targets brings immense self satisfaction. It's a real confidence boost and allows you to set another. Yours is day 50 and I reckon Friday you will be here having hit that one too. You continue to do this one day at a time which is essential BUT now you can set a target and maybe just maybe have a bit of confidence in yourself that it's perfectly achievable!

What a difference 46 days makes eh Buddy!!

Look forward to the day 50 post!


Posted : 7th June 2012 5:43 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella I hope I have the flags out here for the 50 day Wilsy NO BET !!

Fella you have come such a long way in your recovery Well done from me.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 8th June 2012 3:17 pm
Posts: 0
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***** 50 DAYS BET FREE 🙂 ************

Firstly may I thank everyone who has posted on my diary over the last few days. Castle, Flagg, Juliette, Duncan and of course dear Dusty, everyone has helped me along the way, to first get past 46 days and then onto 50 days (Today).

I have only just got back from 72 hours fishing. On the first day, I fell in which was hilarious and I didn't mind having to drive twenty miles home to get changed, as it made so many anglers laugh. I caught one big one, 23lb 15oz common but in all the fishing wasn't very good and after being rained on and blown around, I am pleased to now be home.

Not had any urges but have spent a lot of money over the last week on fishing, eating, drinking etc and am still finding it hard to enjoy my money, as I am wanting to save all of the time.

Hope everyone else is OK, will catch up soon but now I need a shower!


Posted : 8th June 2012 4:36 pm
Posts: 298

Welcome back and congratulations on the BIG 50.

And glad you spent some money on yourself.. and it was obviously worth it.... if a little wet and cold.

That's all


Posted : 8th June 2012 4:47 pm
Posts: 377

Congrats on the 50 days Wilsy, and congrats on the fish, I'm a keen carp-angler too.

I'm exactly the same as you when it comes to spending money. I resent spending anything as I believe that it should be going towards my debts. This isn't realistic of course, and I do seem to be getting a little better at spending small amounts on myself.

Posted : 8th June 2012 6:29 pm
Posts: 0


Fabulous work. Fifty days gamble free is amazing.

Thanks for your post on my diary. I guess you are right about people finding their own way but I wish I found this site a few years ago but then again maybe I wouldn't have been ready then.

The important thing is that we wanted to stop and are doing just that.

Keep up the good work.


Posted : 8th June 2012 7:51 pm
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