My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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Congratulations Wilsy on reaching 50 and that big Common. 72 hours solid can't beat it.

Keep strong, Steve

Posted : 8th June 2012 8:00 pm
Posts: 0

50 days , good on you,

Thought about getting out the Pom poms but them grabbed the hair dryer instead.

That put a smile on the fairies face, you falling in. Even fairies have a little bit of the devil in them ...

I will say goodnight , although you are probs asleep Dreaming of the next big catch, whale fishing comes to mind. Think you might be taking you second dip if one of those was on you line.

Be proud my friend, be really proud you have come such a long way in those 50 days,

Dusty cxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 8th June 2012 11:25 pm
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Thanks guys for the posts, I am very proud of my progress so far.

Bit of a dull boring Saturday really but even though I have been very, very bored, I haven't wanted to gamble, which must show how far I have come.

Watching the end of the football and then off to bed, might tempt a fishy or two tomorrow, depends if I can wake myself up 🙂


Posted : 9th June 2012 9:17 pm
Posts: 4422

andy. I read that post with a big smile and guessing you wrote it with one! Well done fella. Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 9th June 2012 9:22 pm
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DAY 52 - No bet today either 🙂

Went fishing at 1.30pm today for half day, just me on my own, the whole lake to myself and the ducks of course, which got a good feeding. Caught a few decent fish just wanted to use my bait up really, shame the weather was cr** once again, got well and truly P***** on.

No gambling thoughts but am aware of how much I am spending recently which is a lot but I guess that's good, I'm spending it on me :-).

Posted : 10th June 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 0

Was it you I saw on the front of THE ANGING TIMES

When I was in Tescos this morning ?

Money spent fishing, instead of ..............

Sounds good to me ,

Dusty xxxxxxx

Posted : 11th June 2012 5:13 pm
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DAY 53 No bet today

Hi Dusty, no it wasn't me on Angling times, maybe one day, unless someone took a picture of me falling in and put it on there. 🙂

I know, was just shocked to see that I have spent £400 since pay day on fishing, food, drink, pet supplies but yes at least I'm not gambling as well, would have been double, or I wouldn't have gone fishing.

Just watching the football, everything is quiet and calm with me.


Posted : 11th June 2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wilsy,

Thanks for the post on my diary, 50 days bet free feels great, I am getting stronger by the day to keep facing this head on "One day at a time". I see your a fisherman, how relaxing must that be, and like you say £400 on something that feeds the sould is worth every penny in my book.

Well done on 53 days wilsy. Keep at it, quiet and calm is good long may it continue.

Blondie the BIG 50.. and not out. 🙂 x

Posted : 12th June 2012 12:07 pm
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DAY 54 - Can't be bothered to work but no urges to gamble either.

Thanks for your post Blondie, I do like my fishing, it is such an expensive hobby but even though I have spent £400, I probably wouldn't have even entertained the idea, all the time I was gambling. You are right spending money on myself and my hobby for a change must be good for my soul.

Really struggling at work today, can't get motivated to do anything. I had that week off last week and all I want is to still be off. Were working on another edition of our magazine and it just doesn't inspire me to call anyone today, I just can't be bothered!!!

Roll on 5pm, I'll face tomorrow when it comes.

Apart from that, all is calm and collected my end.


Posted : 12th June 2012 12:21 pm
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Start of day 55

The lack of will to work is worrying me, I really can't find the energy or the effort to do anything at all, that week off, really stuffed me up, as well as that, my mum has now retired and is home permanently now, so that's a distraction and my sister has started already, leaving my young nephew of two around here, so that's a distraction as well. Got to face up to things and do some work soon but maybe not this morning! lol.

No gambling thoughts, just thoughts of fishing on Saturday, I'm fishing a wee match and have got to be there for 4am, for the peg draws. Why so bloody early, don't fisherman have lay-ins, as I do!!

Have a good day everyone.

Posted : 13th June 2012 9:37 am
Posts: 0

Good luck in your match m8, 4am, wow but ateast you've got a chance of catching something decent at dawn. Good luck with the peg also. Got a match tomorrow, came last, last week, confidence is shattered.

Spending money on fishing is ok in the long run, it'll pay for itself ten times over if it keeps you from gambling. Hope you find your mojo. Back in work soon, nothing worse than watching the clock and wishing it was 5pm. Keep strong, Steve.

Posted : 13th June 2012 3:13 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Willsy, thanks for your post.

From reading diaries, mine included, this recovery is full of ups, downs, sideways and sometimes inside outs. I have said this a thousand times I think, the idea that without our focus on our problem, just normal everyday life is like this, and our self inflicted burden is an added drain to our mental resources.... God... I am knackered too ;O) I have found myself in procrastination city often in the last 8 weeks... feeling listless and restless at the same time. Just got home from work, and I am looking at my bed and it... looks so comfortable. Tomorrow I may feel totally different... or maybe I need to get up and go.. a little more. Who knows... ODAAT... and I am sure we will both get to where we want to be.

Glad to see you spending money on your hobby... it is so easy to get wrapped up in not spending anything.. and I agree with "The Steg" ... it will save money in the long run, and it will take you further away from the gambler you were. I am hoping Golf will do the same for me.

All the best

Stay Strong, Stay Focused for a happier Future.


Posted : 13th June 2012 4:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hope your ready 4 work today andy haha.

Gud luck with the fishing on sat mate and hope the councilling still going well

Posted : 14th June 2012 8:36 am
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Thanks Steve, Jon and Ronnie.

No change today I am afraid, I have tried to do some work and just can't get motivated, I have even thought about saying I am sick and skiving off the rest of the day and tomorrow. Going to be right up against it for the next few weeks but right now, I deal with what hits the fan, when it does, my MD hasn't sold a sausage all week either and has had a 2 1/2 hour lunch break. He is probably as unmotivated as me but won't admit it, the same old story, rely on me, well we'll all come unstuck if he does 🙂

Roll on Saturday, even though I've got to get up at 3.00am to sit in the sodding rain.

Can't you tell I am grumpy today! Pffff!!! lol


Posted : 14th June 2012 3:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wilsy,

My friend really i want to say something encouraging to but I can not as i myself real feel suficated and desperate for breath of fresh air myself.Good luck and stay strong it does not look right me saying it becose i ruined my life and my family and friends.The only positive thing i can say that i have not gambled today.for two reasons one i know that it will further bury me in the ground the other is i have know means.


Take care my friend

Posted : 14th June 2012 5:52 pm
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