My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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DAY 57 For me and no bet today thank you. 🙂

Well what can I say, I am disgusted with myself for being so unmotivated this week, I haven't done hardly any work, the dangers of working from home, you full into a slump. Going to write this week off and make up ground next week, as I'll need to, as we'll be right in trouble, come the end of the month.

No gambling urges, still spending far too much money, on hot food lunches, takeaways, shopping, drinks, fishing gear, bait, tickets, finding it difficult to accept this is normal but I guess it is doing no harm better than wasting it on gambling. Trust me to pick expensive hobbies, fishing and football, will have to out a budget in place for next month, as I am sure I spend too much and feel guilty. Don't like the savings dropping, oh and bloody father's day on Sunday, I have two dads, that's another £30 gone, minimum. Still can't complain, pleased to have the money and to have the luxury to do things with it, rather than to lose it all and live off £100 for the last two weeks.

Have a good weekend everyone, come on England tonight!

Posted : 15th June 2012 3:53 pm
Posts: 0

You should be asleep by now Wilsy, dreaming about beeps and running reels. Just want to wish you good luck for tomorrow. Shocking weather hope you catch something decent, Steve.

Posted : 15th June 2012 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

Have a great one and thanks for the advice and encouragement


Posted : 15th June 2012 11:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsey, thanks for the lovely post, guess you will be one happy bunny with the footie result tonight.

Hope you manage to play catch up next week with work and that you have aa great weekend. Take care and enjoy, you are really doing a brilliant job, dont slip like me, it does not feel good.

Posted : 16th June 2012 1:19 am
Posts: 0


Can picture you , out there braving the elements to get that big catch. ( can't help thinking of that advert on TV at the moment, bet you'd look good in check waders lol)

As for being a fish , what a dilemma that would posse which line would I bite yours or Steves

Hope you had a good day, caught lots of biggens and managed to put thoughts of how much work you have got to do next week behind you, for a day at least.

Take care, hope you did not catapult me !

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 16th June 2012 7:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsy well guessed you are pleased with the result on friday night! I had to endure all the guys shouting at work that night, cant say I am a football fan, lol.

Hope you are having a great weekend, good to hear that you are spending your hard earned cash on you and not just throwing it away and nothing to show for it.

Take care, well done.

Posted : 17th June 2012 7:57 am
Posts: 0

Hope the fishing tournament went well yesterday and the 3am start was worth it haha.

Hope you can get off to a gud start at work on monday.

Your doing great andy your really are a day at a time

Posted : 17th June 2012 9:12 am
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Day 59 today. bet free and enjoying Father's day.

Thank you every one for your comments, Steve, SDT, Juliette, Dusty and Ronnie.

I didn't do very well in our specimen carp match yesterday, came last of four but it was the taking part that counted. Some huge fish were caught and it was just lovely to be outside and relaxing all day, even though the wind made things difficult and cold. Got a bit sunburnt! 🙂

Round dad's today with my sister and yound nephew's which is great.

Big test for me starts tomorrow, the parents are away in France for 6 weeks and I will be at home alone. I have never not bet whilst I have been on my own but this time I am determinded not too. I will have control of limited finances and will have to resist but I am determinded not to let this good run come to an end.

Ronnie, I will try my best to do some serious catching up at work this week 🙂

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

Posted : 17th June 2012 2:16 pm
Posts: 0

Andy with this site, you'll never be on your own. You'll be fine.

Posted : 17th June 2012 2:34 pm
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Cheers Steve mate.

Start of Day 60 for me - Today I will not bet.

First day alone, parents left for France at 6am. Got a Bank appointment at 12, to discuss setting up a savings account and a credit card to help improve my credit rating. Feel strong enough to maybe have a card with a £500 limit, no cash withdrawal facility, so that I can pay for my monthly food shopping and petrol on it, paying it off in full. I've got to do something to get that credit rating better.

Must work harder this week but feel more motivated, so going to give it a go.

Have a good week everyone

Posted : 18th June 2012 9:19 am
Posts: 0


Day 60 yipeeeeeeeeee

No Pom poms today just a great big smile on the fairies face.

Hope it goes well in the bank, I remember having panic attacks when ever I went to the bank. Thinking they would look at my history and see what a bad person I was. Those days are long gone, now I can walk in with my head high. Safe in the knowdge that nothing they could see I would need to be ashamed of.

Have a good one, sell lots and lots and lots.

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 18th June 2012 9:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsy

Just for today choose not to (throw away your good work/gamble/disappoint yourself/let us down/give in to the demons/play the fool/stare temptation in the face/etc), instead, show that you have learnt, are changing and are able to make the right choices yourself

Good luck


Posted : 18th June 2012 9:53 am
Posts: 4422

wilsy. Fella what a great way to start a new week andy on day 60 no bet. Fantastic my friend. And to boot your parents are away and you are in control my man you do have a choice you for me last time they were away formulating a punt was at the fore front of your mind, today fella be very proud of yourself you have for me accepted your compulsion and really are dealing with it that is as i say a great way to start a week! Thanks from me and a monster well done to you. Keep making that choice for yourself. No bet just for today. Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 18th June 2012 9:56 am
Posts: 0

Andy well done on your weekend. I hope like me you have a good trip to the bank. long road to go for me but one step at a time!

Posted : 18th June 2012 3:58 pm
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Thanks Dusty, Bloated, Duncan and Sdt.

Day 61 completed and still bet free, which is marvelous.

Got excepted for my first credit card in 7 years since I went bankrupt. I feel like a normal human being again. Gone are the days of asking my parents to help with finance when I wanted to buy something, I can now use this for groceries, going out and petrol. I have set the limit to £500 (Minimum), no cash withdrawals and have set bank standard account to pay off the full balance instantly, at the end of the month. I might now finally be able to re-build my credit rating a little for my future. Am also going to set up an ISA savings account so all good.

Spoke to my girlfriend last night. I am going to remain living separate to her but we will still officially be together just apart. I think we'll get on better that way and I can still see her and stay down here with family and friends, doing my hobbies.

Work is rubbish, that is the next thing to address but apart from that, everything else is brilliant. I have my life back again and I am making great progress! 🙂

Thanks to everyone for their support, I am so happy right now.


Posted : 19th June 2012 6:46 pm
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