Need to change!

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Hi everyone I feel the need to do something about the situation I am in, just try something that may break my habit! I once did a diary around 3-4 years ago and stopped for around 50 days, (sounds ridiculous that that amount of time has passed!) so it worked to a degree!

I don't want to go into my situation to much at the minute but the more I use this diary the more I hope to explain. I have a few major issues and reasons I want to do this but sounds bad as I don't feel 100% committed as I feel like there's a good chance if failing as I am in such a cycle, I feel so scared somtimes that I will never be gamble free. I have such an important year coming up proberly the biggest of my life so now is as good a time as ever to try to stop this illness. Am not a particular good writer so my diary entry's may ramble and not make sense. I hope tomorrow to fill my diary in and feel better for doing so.

Posted : 5th January 2014 8:32 pm
Posts: 168

Hi Davina, welcome back! I haven't been posting much recently but have decided I really need to address it as it is so important for recovery. I look forward to reading your diary, I also get scared when I think that I will never beat this addiction but we can! Keep strong and keep posting xxx

Posted : 5th January 2014 11:22 pm
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Hi thanx for the comments pinksparkles.

So I guess this is the start of day1 already have nagging doubts in my mind, thinking about all the football to be betted on at the weekend already, so much doubt in my mind so I have c*m on here to write it Down to see if it helps. I keep thinking to myself surely I don't need this site or anything else to stop gamberling why can't I just stop?? Why? Why? Why?

One thing I used to say when I stopped for a while before was

"I can't win because I can't stop!" Which is so true.

Anyway here's to day 1 it's a start if nothing else.

Posted : 6th January 2014 11:15 am
Posts: 0

Well done for making the first move and coming back to this forum, I'm only on day 6 gamble free (early days), I've just past my first gamble free weekend in a long long time. You can beat this addiction, stay strong and take it a day at a time, always remember you are not alone... Take care S x

Posted : 6th January 2014 1:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Davina,

My name is Adam and I'm a compulsive gambler. My last bet was the 29th April 2012.

Firstly congratulations on admitting you're a fellow problem gambler. I can completely relate with how you're feeling right now.

Abstaining from gambling is like any new venture. It takes commitment and discipline. A bit like going on a diet. We can all give up chocolate for a few days, but going to the supermarket, or having it in the cupboard is another problem all together. The most important thing you have to do is put barriers in place to prevent you from gambling or "falling off the wagon" as they say.

Barriers really depend on what your particular tipple might be. Do you need to have a laptop in the house or have full unsupervised access to the internet? Do you need to have access to cash?

You need to talk to people close to you and be completely transparent with your situation and debt. You are not alone in this, and a problem shared is a problem halved as they say. There's thousands of problem gamblers who aren't even on day 1. It gets easier the longer you are from your last bet but you will have tougher days too. For example on a day when there's football on. It's these days you need to be on red alert for. Have something else planned to do for that day and give all cash to someone else. You need to safeguard yourself so there's no risk of you being able to bet even if you wanted to. Unfortunately we're our own worst enemy with quitting gambling.

Is there a GA group near you? Jump online and check. GA worked wonders for me. It's not a religious thing at all it's jump a group of problem gamblers typically in the early stages of their recovery, and you can share your journey with others whilst equally helping others too.

Perhaps you could go into a little more detail about your betting habits?

I'll be happy to help in anyway I can. Congratulations on making the first step. You can beat this addiction. You said about 50 days before but try not to think about targets and goals, just think one day at a time. "Just for today I will not bet".

I'll leave you with this thought...

"We can't go back and start again, but we can make steps to change the end".

Best wishes

Adam 🙂

Posted : 6th January 2014 5:10 pm
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Thank you so much for taking the time to right that Adam was very good for me reading that and will take your advice on board.

So yesterday was day one of no gamberling to be fair was quite easy as no funds plus nothing really for me to bet on even if I wanted, today is diffrent today for me is payday after along month. Money to burn plus things I like to bet on. But today I will not gamble but going to be so hard Upto and including the weekend.

One thing that really gets to me is as soon as I wake up in a morning within 2 mins gamberling enters my head, and pops in my head alot of times in a day a really wish that would go.

Today is day 2 I will not gamble

Posted : 7th January 2014 11:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Davina,

Thanks for touching base.

It's really important you put some barriers in place. It's easy not to gamble without any money as you say, but having access to disposable income is just adding fuel to the fire!

It is so important you give control of your finances to someone else at this venerable time. Is this possible? A partner, parent or friend? Some of my friends even have their wages paid into someone else's account. You need to not only remove temptation but also the ability to gamble. Why would an alcoholic trying to recover from gambling have alcohol in the cupboard? There's no difference here.

I hope I've made a little sense and stressed the importance in putting barriers in place. It's not just about stopping but assisting yourself when things get really hard and we just think "sod it". We need to have that barrier and protection in place.

Best of luck and please do keep posting. I'm here to help and would love to hear your progress through the coming weeks and months. You've got me in your corner now.

Best wishes,

Adam 🙂

Posted : 7th January 2014 5:33 pm
Posts: 0
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End of day 3 gamble free.

I can't win because I can't stop! I am better off not gamberling.

Posted : 8th January 2014 10:58 pm

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