Hello everyone,
Thankyou I wished, Volcano, what can i do and Gary. I really didn't think James post was helpful.
I am genuine about my recovery. Today has been a good day but I know tomorrow is a new day.
I think it was insensitive to say I have mental issues. Yes I might be upbeat in my posts but i mean't no harm. Do you all want me to quit any form of humour? In addition I would not waste my time this being a P**s take. This is a serious matter. I have lost alot due to gambling.
Anyway good luck all in your recovery.
Maybe you could start taking sandwiches from home for your lunch? Star 🙂
My apologies toad I have removed my previous negative comments. If your serious about your recovery I wish you well
Dear forum members,
Please be aware of our forum rules and etiquette which require members to:
“Please show consideration and respect for other Users and for their opinions. Be sensitive to how your messages may be viewed and perceived by others… what works for you may not work for everyone”.
The forum accommodates members at various stages of recovery, and all members can vary to some extent in their views about recovery, their approaches and methods, their levels of readiness and willingness for change, their current ability to act on plans and sustain new behaviours, their present insight into their needs and wishes, and the degree to which they may experience ambivalence and internal conflict in relation to their motivations to gamble and to recover, and so on. These variables can change over time as everyone is in process, everyone is changing.
Forum Users are not responsible for another Forum User’s recovery. Forum Users are responsible for their communications on the forum. Forum Users can choose how much to engage with another Forum User. Forum Users are welcome to share peer support by giving encouragement and feedback. This respects a User’s right to self-determination more than issuing commands or judgements. Forum Users are welcome to share their progress in recovery, and Forum Users are also welcome to share their relapses and difficulties; at different times everyone encounters disappointments, frustrations and limitations. Exploring both successes and failures can increase awareness of what helps and what hinders, and what additional support might be beneficial.
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Evening Toad, Thank you so much for your post , I will take everything you said on board and will consult with my optician at the earliest opportunity .
Despite what you may think or believe , I really do wish you well in your recovery . I retract nothing I have said to you but only hope it may spur you on to succeed where previously you have not .
Best wishes and kind regards
Hello James1008,
You are okay you didn't offend me. I guess i'm just a bit sensitive around gambling and i understand people were frustrated as I was. Alan I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Toad your honesty is like no other I have seen on this forum I have read your diary since the day I have joined there a good days then there's bad days. Probably more bad haha. My previous posts were dam right rude and for that I apologise. I would like nothing more than for you to post one week then two weeks and so on gamble free. All the best for your recovery
Day 2,
Hello James,
Thanks for your comments. I must read your diary today to see how you are doing.
I went to the gym last night, part of an 8 week body transformation thing. It's hard going but something I took up instead of wasting time on gambling.
So I am having a lie in this morning. But i got up to make the wife scrambled egg and bacon. Then jumped back into bed haha
One point James made is that I have been honest on the forum. I do concede I have told the wife lies but now I am quitting gambling i don't have the stress of covering things up. Can I just add my wife has supported me so much. I have kept this addiction from my mother and father as I didn't want to cause them stress at their time of life. My wife hasn't told her parents as she doesn't want them thinking bad of me. This means my wife has had to deal with my addiction alone which has been hard on her. I have paid all the money back to my wife and give her £500 recently. I know it's just money but she give me plenty so I didn't want her being out. My wife also has an illness so I do try my best to look after her. That is why am here. To try and change as our marriage is on the line.
Anyway that went on a bit. Todays goal is to stay out of the turfs. I am bringing lunch in today and £2.
I hope you all have a good day.
Morning Toad - sounds like a good plan of attack for today, £2 and a packed lunch. It sounds as though you have a good wife by your side who wants to help you. Ask her if she wants to join gamcare herself, she too will get lots of support. I am not a cg I am the mum who came on here looking for advice and support to which I have had. Anyways I hope you have a gf good day toad - wcid
Morning whatcanido,
Many thanks for your support. I was running late this morning and forgot my £2. So i have a packed lunch today just.
I have just come on here & see people are rightly giving you the benefit of the doubt. I then read your post to Alan. Time to stop. You've had your fun & enough is enough. Continuing to bait people is not big or clever. Its cruel & sad. Do you have any idea what your smart remarks could cause. Probably do & it gives you a kick. I think its time to hop back from whence you came
Hello Day@atatime,
Unfortunately I had to report the above post of yours as I found it abusive.
Hi everyone
We're concerned that some posts directed at gambler.toad are becoming inappropriate for this forum where we try to encourage users to treat people with respect, whether or not they agree with their approach. Can we advise that if another user bothers you then to leave them alone rather than asking that they leave the forum or abusing their posts.
Similarly, Gambler.Toad it seems that you are directing some of your posts at users who do not welcome them currently. To avoid inflaming the situation it might be an idea to avoid this and focus on your own diary and those who you find supportive of you. It seems like some people are doubting your sincerity at the moment and it might help to give that a bit of time and space and focus on yourself.
Dear Forum admin. It is your platform & therefore your rules. However, people, supported this user, then questioned his approach, some went over the top but had the good grace to apologize & offer their support again. This was thrown back in their faces with numerous sarcastic, rude posts with no other purpose than to antagonize people. The passive aggressive abuse this user has dished out disgusts me. I understand hurt people try to hurt other people, but this just seems like sport to the author
Hi Admin,
Do you just look at this thread? I shall highlight few others who really made me concerned about the behaviour of Toad...place is getting a little out of control in my observations, but i understand how high emotions can go.
Toady!!! Toady!!!..take a deep breath, find your old self because this is not you here. Well done on day 2 no gambling, i really wish you well but at the minute you're being treated the way you treat others..pull yourself together man and find the peace again.
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