new to this - day 1

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Well done for getting through Sunday. Hope you got some things sorted out with the bank. It's a miserable thing to have to do but hopefully you feel better for having spoken to them.

Keep remembering that you are 21 years old and that you have caught this early. You can have a great future and be a stronger person from learning from this experience.

Posted : 29th November 2010 5:18 pm
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thanks tiktak. so far so good have not even wanted to gamble and the evenings are usually the time i do this and not even wanted to. Had an unexpected £400 earlier and ive not even thought about gambling this. i am going to pay some bills and buy xmas presents and even go out with some friends this weekend. Think I need to keep myself busy to not think about gambling. My problem is I have 1thought of it and I gamble straight away I get it into my head I will win. I never do!! Day 4 and still going strong 🙂 feeling a lot better

Posted : 29th November 2010 9:43 pm
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so im back at work tomorrow and i still have not gambled. so i got through 4days off work without a gamble which i am very proud about as with having the free time. felt like i had a little urge earlier but i popped out to keep myself busy and i soon forgot about it. my real test is going to be on payday which is the 23rd december.

Posted : 30th November 2010 5:25 pm
Posts: 0

I'm very similar to you J, i'm 22 but have gambled for a longer period of time and have now lost my girlfriend through it.

I can only plead with you to stay on this site, its fantastic for helping you both quit gambling and improve your opinions of yourself.

This is my third time on here and i've learnt a few things...

*Having someone to help you confide in is the best thing you can ever do no matter how embarassed you are of your problem.

*Set small targets as you have said Christmas is your target, make sure you give the people that you care most for a great time and not the shareholders in bookmakers.

Keep strong

Jack (22 hours in - third time lucky)

Posted : 30th November 2010 5:33 pm
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Hi jack. Thanks for that, it has effected my relationship in a way as I change into a completely different person when im gambling. I get very moody and snappy towards people. Unfortunately I haven't told anyone about my problem as I feel I can't but coming on here is helping a lot by support of other people and reading stories. Sorry to hear about your relationship ending due to the gambling and I also wish you good luck with beating this addiction 🙂

Posted : 30th November 2010 5:38 pm
Posts: 0

As long as you feel confident in beating this with help off people on here then each to their own. Think how hard you work for your money and forget the past. I've been out in this weather today and thrown it away in the past....not anymore.

Posted : 30th November 2010 5:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hey j100. thanks for your support and comments on my diary. You are doing really well.. You've already broke the habit and resisted the temptation on Sunday (1 of your tegular gambling days)

stay focused. We only get out of life what we put into it...

Posted : 30th November 2010 8:48 pm
Posts: 0


Try to not think about betting in any way or form if you do think of it as a negative thing!!!! do not let it in.....say the above words when near to any thoughts or urges to gamble me it will work!!

Posted : 30th November 2010 10:10 pm
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So ive not been on here for a few days but doing really well at the moment have still not gambled and feeling alot happier within myself for not gambling. Very proud of myself as i had money to gamble with but i payed bills and rent. Given my bank card to a friend just incase. Feeling very positive at the moment. Day 6 gamble free

Posted : 2nd December 2010 6:38 pm
Posts: 0

And so you should be, proud of yourself.

Well done, a fantastic start!

And PLEASE keep it up. There really is a much better life out there.

As long as you don't gamble.

All the very best and keep us updated.


Posted : 2nd December 2010 6:40 pm
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So im a week on - felt a huge urge earlier to gamble and thought in my head I could win. But I knew that would be such a bad idea and after reading some stories on here I dismissed it straight away. I am only 21 I have lost a lot of money but read a lot of stories on here people been gambling for 10years plus - I do not want to become this so I have to fight this battle. Quite proud I resisted a gamble 🙂 hope every has a good gamble free weekend

Posted : 3rd December 2010 9:29 pm
Posts: 0

Well done j100! You sound like you are doing really well. I hope that you can see a brighter future now without gambling. If you carry on as you are doing, things can be really great for you.

Take care!

Posted : 4th December 2010 10:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi an well done for resisting. Am into very early stages myself but have been there worn the teeshirt and had to buy a new one!! as several times I have given up tho have to say each time I did go back to gambling I didnt go so mad on the spending side so now part of the reason I need to give up is I know gambling affects my moods, the way I am with my family and the way it consumes my time. I am a lot older than you so good on you for realising sooner than later.

Wish I could go back to a time when I was younger and realise how stupid gambling is both financially (it has given me a lot of sleepness nites and rob peter to pay paul times) and also the waste of my time when I would go into arcades, turn my phone off so I would not be disturbed.

So I wish you all the luck and support you need as do it now why you are young enough to have a good stab at life and build up a financial future. Take care Jan x

Posted : 4th December 2010 11:38 pm
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Cheers for the messages has really helped. Been out tonight and have not had 1thought about gambling the whole day. Just got in turned tv what comes on roulette on tv.. I just laughed and turned over straight away. Has done me good gettin out with friends this weekend - I feel I am doin really well at the moment on day 9 now - apart from urges friday I've not felt like it since then and it soon passed. And your right im at the age where I can kick this and I have to as I don't want it to ruin or control my life. Thanks for the suuport

Posted : 5th December 2010 2:09 am
Posts: 0

It's a very sad state of affairs when gambling is everywhere including late at night and early morning. Gone are the days when Sunday used to be real family time as all the shops were closed and there was a real community spirit in life.

But the community spirit still exists in places like these. What really needs to happen is for that to happen outside far more often. Reducing gambling opportunities to the odd flutter on horses (not that this will ever happen unfortunately) would really help towards this.

Keep up with your own fight against this evil disease, you are doing so well.


Posted : 5th December 2010 10:03 am
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