new to this - day 1

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Hi J100

I know where you are coming from. You have been doing so well so start to forget how awful you felt when you were gambling. I worry that that will happen to me come payday, but at least now I have got some blocks on my computer and have got no access to gambling sites.

I think that you are still doing the right things although it's hard. You are posting on here when you get the urge. I don't know if you should sell your laptop- can you not buy gamblock or betfilter instead if you have some spare cash? It will be cheaper than having a slip. Also I don't know if you have re-read your diary from the start. I find that helps. I find it painful to read my own first entry and it makes me think of how desperate I felt at the time.

Also you could speak to someone on the helpline or netline. I have found them to be really helpful although I only spoke to them after my slip. Wish I'd done it before!

Stay strong, you've made such good progress, I admire how well you've been handling it.

Posted : 2nd January 2011 10:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi J100

How are you getting on? Hope you are ok?

Posted : 4th January 2011 12:29 am
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

just had a quick read of your diary,

I echo the other message wishing you well and hope that youve managed to stay strong since your last post...


Posted : 4th January 2011 1:52 am
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I once again resisted the urges, I feel like every time I resist them I get stronger. Coming up to 6weeks on friday, the time has actually flown by. I suppose my real 2nd test will be on the 25th pay day - I managed last month so fingers crossed I can do the same again. Thanks for all the support I've received it really does help

Posted : 5th January 2011 3:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi J100

Glad you managed over the past few days. I think that you are right about becoming stronger each time you resist. I believe that each time you resist, something changes in your brain, as you have to retrain it to change your behaviour, and resisting should hopefully get easier each time. I know that this is true of changing other types of maladaptive behaviours. I suppose it is like exercising a muscle.

Take care and just imagine your bank statement on your 2nd payday again with no gambling transactions on it. I can't wait to see that myself!

Posted : 5th January 2011 6:07 pm
Posts: 0

We used to think that gambling was 'normal'.

But each time we resist, we are teaching our minds that it isn't.


Posted : 5th January 2011 6:09 pm
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6weeks today. Went to cinema last night and you have to walk past a casino to get there, funny isn't it how I am not attracted to casinos even though that's where I started the gambling. Its the online gambling where I struggle, I think I gambled because I was bored and thought I could earn some extra money. How wrong was I. All together I think I have spent about 10k on gambling. But im not lookin back at that anymore. 6weeks gamble free have £120 in my account. But £300 in savings 🙂

Posted : 7th January 2011 1:46 pm
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Another gamble free weekend. Havent had any urges recently either, feeling very positive. Never thought I would get to 6weeks gamble free.

Posted : 10th January 2011 9:31 pm
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50days gamble free today!!

Posted : 14th January 2011 8:41 pm
Posts: 0
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Another gamble free weekend. 54 days gamble free now, my second major test is going to be in a weeks time payday. Hopefully I stay strong like last month. Will be 8weeks gamble free on friday, puts a smile on my face by typin that as I never thought I wouldn't have achieved this.

Posted : 18th January 2011 3:39 pm
Posts: 0

hi j100 am itsme, i had a look at your diary and your looking good m8. keep up the hard work. its not the same for me sa i have never gambuled online. its those fobt that got me. but the fight is the same, and is long and hard, am coming up to 6 mounth now and a feel better then i have in a long time. its well wharth the fight m8. be strong and fight the good fight you will win

Posted : 18th January 2011 3:51 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi itsme, thanks for the support. Well done on being 6months gamble free. Im feeling a lot happier and im just 2months into it, but your right this is a fight I am going to win!

Posted : 18th January 2011 4:01 pm
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So im 8weeks 2days gamble free. But not really had a good day today I think ive had my strongest urges yet, found myself trying to register with gambling websites, only reason why I haven't gambled is because I self excluded from most of them! Very worried as I get paid £1000 on tuesday and I really don't want to lose this money. I even feel like going into a bookies to gamble on those rouellete machines. I haven't been coming on here a lot anymore as I find I don't really get a lot of support off many, is this why im getting these urges as im not coming on here daily like I use too?

Posted : 23rd January 2011 5:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hello there,

Yes i noticed that when i wasn't coming on here as much i started worrying that i might relapse. It's probably good to read the new posts and realise that you have been there before and don't want to go back. Have you thought about getting a blocking software for your laptop? You wouldn't have those temptations then. As for the roulette machines, you simply cannot win on them! You might as well go into the bookies and hand your money straight to the cashier, because essentially that's what you are doing. It might help if you read a book on how to overcome gambling? You've done so well, don't slip up now. Keep strong.

Posted : 23rd January 2011 6:00 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi J100.

I remember when i first came here in November 2009 and i was at my lowest ebb. From somewhere deep within i found the strength to go around 10 weeks without a bet and my life had improved immeasurably.

Then i got complacent just like i think you are getting now. After a while we forget the pain of losing and we forget the damage gambling does to our lives. We think that one little bet can do no real harm. Thinking like that cost me another £20,000 before i finally came to my senses again.

"I am glad I have finally admitted it, since I started gambling I have been so unhappy and depressed before I gambled I was a very happy social person. As the months have gone by gambling has taken the person I was a year ago."

Those are your words J100. Do not go back to being the person that gambling makes you.

Well done on staying gamble-free for 8 weeks and 2 days. Stay strong and do not let yourself down.

You know it makes sense.

Posted : 23rd January 2011 6:27 pm
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