Thanks milkman appreciate the support and your right since I've stopped me and my wife have got closer, hope your right about the debt as an ex-gambler I want that quick fix but that doesn't exist so I'll have to do it the right way.
Well done on 86 days of winning and keeping strong and positive.
Keep going.
Suzanne xx
Thanks Suzanne your support is much appreciated. I hope it'll help lead me to another bet free Weekend!
Well here we are, day 90 aka 3 months gamble free, very happy with that stat. It's a big milestone although one im not as over the moon about as before when I've reached this stage, I think thats because I've come along way and am aware that just because I'm here doesn't mean I'm "cured" and a slip might be just around the corner if I let it. Also I think I'm so determined to go a whole year and I truly believe I will, that 3 months is just a stepping stone to greater things. Bring on them greater things!
Day 102. Treble figure club. A proud member. Two of my biggest betting obstacles passed Cheltenham and the national and the third would be the masters that finishes today. Everyday has the potential to be the day I go back to betting but if I can avoid the temptation of those three I can surely beat any urge now. Skint and will be for a while but more happy than I've been in a long time.
Wow my friend, 102 days, belated big congrats to you, did not see your 99 balloons go by, but am sooo pleased they have and that you are stronger and happier now.
Keep going and keep winning, you are less skint now than you was when gambling.
Suzanne xxx
Day 107. Nice to be 100+ but I don't know what to do now. Having month 4/5 as targets doesn't feel the same and 6 months seems to far away, it's all a bit samey. Before the 100 day mark it was a fun challenge to post on here, get to the first and second months. Then on to three months which is always a bit of benchmark for me, 100 days sounds great but then what's next.
I guess I'll find out. I have to try and not get complacent, remember the bad times but at the same time stay positive and remember why I'm doing this. Gotta stay strong!
Hi Insanity
What you talk about i have seen countless times. The first three months of abstaining are referred to as the honeymoon period, most find it fairly easy, the anger we feel towards gambling & the position it has put us in is usually enough to stop us for a short time . However if nothing in your life has changed besides your bank balance the lure of addiction can seem attractive again.The lack of motivation to change other areas of our lives is a common relapse trigger. Have you considered GA meetings there you will find others who have walked in your shoes & have found the motivation to carry on there recovery
Day 110? Believe so. Needed to refocus and believe I have. I plan on helping other parts of my life and rewarding myself to remind myself that this journey is for the best and that I will get things out of it and the longer the journey the bigger the prizes!
I want to focus on fitness something I haven't ever had time for or cared much for but I'm gonna start. I've order a fitness dvd and will take things slow and see how it goes.
Rewards - the fun part - I don't know exactly what I want to do/have as rewards. Im thinking if I get to six months a big fancy meal with the Mrs. I'd like the new fifa and cod games as I didn't get the latest ones that came out last year (for obvious reasons!). And the ultimate prize for me an xbox one. That may well be my end of year prize. Get some Xmas money if Ive been a good boy and put that towards it. We shall see and I'll discuss it with the Mrs want to have something in there for both of us also. I did get to give her some money for a shopping trip she went on with her nieces which felt good, last year she went with I think 20 pounds so just had money for food and a drink. So it was nice to be able to let her treat herself.
In a good place right now. Would like to hit fast forward and really get this debt down but no quick fixes this time, I'll do it properly. People think I'm mental I love it when my credit card statements come in and I can pay some more off.
I will get there!
Fella recovery is a life choice, one that is in my mind to be savoured and shared.
You are doing exactly what it says on the tin from it enjoy the constant rewards.
Compulsive gambler's share many similar traits, one for me is that desire to accomplish everything 'yesterday'
Something addiction offered the quick fix.
We both know where that led, self gifted misery and destruction.
Keep making those plans, debt will reduce without you gambling, for me it's been a great lesson, one which is ongoing and has educated my mind on what power my hard earned can have if I don't exchange it for ' gambling tokens'
A futile act I committed to progressively for twenty years.
Keep making the right choice for you and yours.
Abstain and maintain
Duncs stepping forward never back.
119 days. 17 weeks. Very happy to still be counting and haven't had to restart the count. I've so far managed to give my Mrs some extra dosh for a shopping trip, yesterday I forgot my work shirt and had to buy one treated myself to a nice one (2 actually) from moss bros, I would never have done that if I was gambling. We have a surprise 30th birthday party in may and told my Mrs I'll pay for her hair to be done, I have done that as I have a goal now - get to may 16th gamble free and I'll be able to treat my wife to something she wants.
I will keep setting goals and rewards, big and small, for me and for others and I think that will get me through any urges or doubts. My life has improved already and I have to remember it will only get better. I'll keep on this path.
Hi insanity,
Thanks for your message.
122 days today, great going and it is a lovely feeling when we can treat ourselves to a new shirt it 2 lol, this would not have been
even thought of if you were still in the grip of gambling.
Stay strong and keep winning in every way.
Suzanne xxx
Day 142. Haven't posted in a while. Still determined, still bet free and that's the main thing. I told my mum and dad the other day which was interesting! No it felt good well no it didn't really but I'm glad I did. I told them the full story and held nothing back no point telling half and leave them wondering about the rest - cos they'd know if I was hiding anything. So it's all out in the open now which will help, they were supportive, a bit shocked but supportive. I hate worrying them, they have there own problems as everyone does so I hate adding to that but I assured them I'm ok and I'm getting all help I need and I'm slowly but surely handling it.
So I'm in a fairly good place, still have regrets but moving forward and looking forward - can't change the past but determined to achieve a better future.
Day 167. Urges urea urges. Ascot today looking at bed picked bets worked out stakes and returns and a bit of a close call colleague telling me in one of my races her account is giving money back if lose more temptation. So where am I - I'm in the loo! I needed five mins, get my head together, think it through would it be worth winning 2/3/4 hundred? Is that worth giving up on the yearly challenge giving up my 166 gf days. No it's nt I know how I will feel after my bets - lousy! Even if I win I won't feel great definitely not as great as I'll feel midnight New Year's Eve celebrating my first ever gamble free year!!
Hi insanity
Anything i would be saying would be similar to Duncanmacs post a couple of month ago
Read it again and keep up the effort
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