no win situation

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I of my relatives loves hot curries so I cooked him an Ethiopian Curry...suicide sauce we call was funny watching him try to eat it. Cruel Jas!

Nice to meet a fellow curry lover 🙂

Posted : 21st March 2010 12:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Half a mile away eh?!! How far can you drive a golf ball by the way?? lol.

Glad you got through the tough week mate.

Stay Strong


Posted : 22nd March 2010 12:57 am
Posts: 0

Jeff, perhaps the okey-cokey is what it is all about!!!


Posted : 22nd March 2010 7:12 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Jeff

Just catching up there....your post about the ex moving within half a mile made me laugh.....but hey closer to your son so not all too bad!!!! just be careful she dont ask to move in with you next!!!

Great to see you still gamble free....truely great mate!!! great achievement!!!! keep safe my friend


Posted : 23rd March 2010 6:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi jeff,glad all is well and that you came through last week unscathed,it was the most difficult week i have had myself mate,i really had to put an effort in to ensure i didn't get interested in any way.I imagine you were working and didn't watch any of the races.....,being at work helped me!!!.


Posted : 23rd March 2010 7:55 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the positive thoughts on my diary. My mood has certainly lifted as the day has gone on. You seem stable in recovery. All the best.. S.A

Posted : 23rd March 2010 10:21 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff.. . I know your working hard and continueing to abstain am just pushing you back up the league a wee bit. You were hovering doon in the relegation area :-). .your team s got a good game tonight (should ve been on tele) 🙁

Posted : 24th March 2010 5:10 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.

You just had to open your mouth didn't you? The only win City had last night was possibly a win for Mancini in his boxing match with Moyes but even that one would have been a split decision!

No shame in losing to Everton though. We are looking the real deal at the moment. I fancy us to have a real go in the league next season with a bit better luck on the injury front.

I still reckon you will snatch 4th this year. Anyone but that red shower. Not sure what is up with Adebayor but you need his goals for the run in.

Must be nearly 6 months for you now Jeff on the non-gambling front? Fantastic.

Posted : 25th March 2010 10:25 pm
Posts: 0

Just a quick post Jeff hoping all is well and you have had a good week at work,hopefully not having to travel to far!!!.Thanks for your continued support.


Posted : 25th March 2010 10:59 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Thanks for the posts.

Again this week i have been far too busy to gamble.I have this weekend off and im looking forward to it.Today will be just a lazy day for me watching sport on tv most of the day.My team arent playing till monday this week but i will enjoy the other games.Curley you were right again midweek why do i have to open my big mouth lol. Good win Everton can also be in the shake up now.

At easter i get a week off work its a bit of a woorrying time for me gambling wise.I found the christmas break quite hard.I have got a few things planned to enjoy and pass away the time.

Tomorrow i am playing golf.I notice a lot of us on here play golf.I myself have only been playing properly for about 6 years.I took it up initially to keep me out of the bookies.Is there anyone else who has done this?

I now really enjoy it.I play off a handicap of 15 but last week i played my best game ever and played to a 9.I hope i can do that again tomorrow.I have noticed people writing on their diarys about trying to beat ther last attempt of abstinance.The way i look at things is that i have now doubled my last attempt but i will never beat this stint.I believe like so many others that it has to be for ever.Also like many others it should be treated one day at a time.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 27th March 2010 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Hope the game of golf is good today mate. Sounds like you have been a right bandit if you can now play to a handicap of 9!!! Do'nt worry about your week off mate just treat it as 7 seperate days off and your idea of one day at a time will see you through easily.

Jeff--Just Easily Forgetting Foolishness


Posted : 28th March 2010 11:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Hope all is good and good luck for the golf today not that you need it i'm sure. I am off Easter week too.... if we recognise it as a problem (the time off) in advance I think we should be ok. Keep your guard up mate.

Anyway only popped by to say hello and hope all is good with you.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 28th March 2010 11:23 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Ive been very busy with work lately so my appologies for not posting as much.

Well the golf didnt go too well this week out of the first 6.I think all the work caught up with me or was it the beer?

Anyway i had a dream last night that i gambled. Its the first one ive had in about 3 months.I remember thinking how am i going to explain it to you all .I felt i had let everyone down,even though it would have only been letting myself down.What a relief when i woke up and realised it was a dream .

I think its a good thing feeling like i would be letting people down because i wouldnt like to do that ,so it keeps me strong.I have a week off work next week so i will be posting a lot more and hopefully catch up on the newcomers.Anyone new reading this diary the advice i would give you now is read and post as much as you can.The people on here know what you are going through and they have helped me so much.Stay strong all Jeff.

Posted : 30th March 2010 7:09 pm
Posts: 0

Good at giving up gambling and average at golf or rubbish at giving up and very good at golf---now which one is best????

Keep going mate-you der man

Get in the hole--oops sorry wrong website


Posted : 30th March 2010 9:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,thanks for the encouraging words on my diary....,i will be ok :),glad you are still doing so well,you are an example for all of us.


Posted : 30th March 2010 10:57 pm
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