no win situation

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Hi Jeff ( The Guru Of Gamcare),

Dream a little Dream. Sounds like a bloody nightmare if you ask me!! You are now carrying the burden of expectation on your shoulders mate lol. Only Kidding mate. Get some rounds in (both types) during Easter mate and i'm sure you'll be fine. You're a top bloke!!!

Stay Strong


Posted : 31st March 2010 12:38 am
Posts: 1057

jeff, you would nt let anyone down on these diaries mate...your thoughts and input into other diaries are priceless..must admit your last post on my diary brought a smile to my face under difficult circumstances...keep up the great work pal we can do this...

Posted : 31st March 2010 11:41 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff.

Thanks for your post a while back on my diary.Done what you said and read the start and end of your diary.

Very interesting reading.

Won't be long until we move into rental...couple of months or so.I see by reading other posts on here i'm not the first to have lost my/our house.

Hope alls well and stay strong.


Posted : 31st March 2010 7:26 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Thanks for all the posts .

My thought for today as the Easter break starts is this.So many people are now off work for a couple of days.Boredom will inevitabley set in.The racing industry puts on so many extra meetings to entice us.There is also so many special Easter offers in all types of gambling.Its hard enough for us to win on a normal day.But now with so many extra choices it would be even harder.Please dont be fooled.We look forward to this break.We have worked for it. So enjoy it.Dont let gambling ruin it.Remember we are not just ruining it for ourselves but also our families.Enjoy easter Spend it with your kids and family.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 2nd April 2010 9:51 am
Posts: 1226

Jeff - great post - my thoughts are like yours - extra tme off, boredom, what to do etc. You give great advice and support to all on here Jeff. I respect you.

Posted : 2nd April 2010 3:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff, glad you liked my poem. Always liked the Rupert stories when I was young so enjoy making up rhymes.

As for cooking--you could not be further from the truth -- I could burn the cornflakes mate-absolutely useless unless it is in a tin or a packet. I am lucky that the Mrs is a good cook and has passed this on to my son who is exceptional in the kitchen dept.

Easter used to be the time I looked forward to because of watching the flat meeting from Kempton and we went to a point to point in the Cotswolds. This year thankfully I have no interest in it. As you say we need to keep interested in other things now.

Have a great gambling free break.

All the best


Posted : 2nd April 2010 4:19 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff. . Another top quality post from yourself mate. . You also hit nail on head in my diary mate. . Personally think she is emotionally drained. . 2 kids 2 dogs full time job and house to keep tidy. . Ive praised her many times as i dont know how she does it. . Ive even hinted how much easier our lives could be if i was nt blowing my money elsewhere on this stupid flat. . With bills etc from flat we could be on easy street workin together but canny see that for now or in the immediate future. . Anyways best wishes for a gamble free easter weekend and keep up the good work. . 🙂 wp

Posted : 3rd April 2010 12:16 am
Posts: 2966

Its so true what you say about working hard for some time off, then getting stressed and miserable in the bookies or whatever. Its madness isnt it?

Ive managed to spend my time positively so far, but have been tempted i must admit. Its great that you are so aware of what could trigger a lapse in recovery jeff - forewarned is forearmed!

Have a great Easter, and thanks for your thoughts.

f x

Posted : 3rd April 2010 11:36 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff

Thank you for your kind words in my diary.

My faith is very strong my friend but I don't have a crystal ball and cannot predict future events, I can only hope and pray for good things to happen. Often my prayers are answered, sometimes they are not. I accept this and don't question it.

I liked your last post. Yes, do spend Easter with your family as they so deserve the one thing us cg's have always denied them while we were gambling; - us and our time.

In Germany, we hide little nests full of chocolate Easter eggs and some colourd boiled eggs and other Easter sweets. The children have to get their boots and coats on and get out in the garden and find them. If it rains, the nests get hidden inside the house somewhere.(Put names on the nests so the kids know which is their's) It is so much fun to watch. After finding them, the whole family sits at the breakfast table and generally has fun. You do things together, even cooking(or at lest the prep work like peeling spuds and veg)

Jesus died for us on this day. The least we can do is look after one another.

Have a good Easter break.

God Bless

Charly/Sabine xx

Posted : 3rd April 2010 12:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Today for me is the 6 month mark.I could not be happier with my road to recovery.Ive had bad days where the urges have alomost had me but mostly i have been ok.I am someone who knows in my own mind that i must stay completely gamblefree.I cant have the odd bet.After 30 years gambling ive tried that so many times.It just doesnt work for me,although everyone to their own i wouldnt push my theory onto anyone,and i respect anyone who can come back after a blip.This weekend i have spent more money than ive ever had and this was due to me putting into the bank what i would have gambled each week.I know most of us gamblers are in a lot of debt.But it will come one day for all of us if we contiunue to abstain.Its no coincidence that for the first time in my life i can go out and spend thousands of pounds.ITS BECAUSE I DONT GAMBLE.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 4th April 2010 8:52 am
Posts: 0

What a fantastic achievement Jeff.....,6 months gamble free,and some money put aside to spend on "normal" things,i am really pleased for you.Keep it up.


Posted : 4th April 2010 9:05 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Jas sober but hoping to have a few scoops later so watch this space! lol

6 months wayyyyy! Really happy for you.

I read somewhere on here you have been on a spending spree. Isn't it great to see something for your money? You have done incredibly well Jeff and long may it continue.

Happy Easter

Jas xx

Posted : 4th April 2010 11:31 am
Posts: 0

Well done jeff,fair play to you 6 months without gambling after 30 odd years is bloody staggering!!!!!

Thanks for your post on my diary it was nice to read and you know what amazes me is that all the things we thought gambling would give us,we can ACTUALLY have by NOT gambling,is this some cruel twist of fate,i think not its more likely to be common sense.

Best Regards,

"" A NEW LIFE ""

Posted : 4th April 2010 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Six months today Jeff-what an achievement

Stopping gambling can be like a bereavement

Now the urges and worries are near to an end

So you can go out and spend spend spend.

After 30 years you've proved it can be done

I'll join with the others and say well done son

You no longer gamble and are always positive

I think you will beat this for as long as you live

Life without gambling feels just so great

You are living proof that it is never too late

The only winner when gambling is that b*****d the bookie

But when you decide to stop you have never been so lucky

Over years people tell you that gambling is bad

But we just do not listen as it has driven us quite mad

Now nevermore will you turn an ear that is deaf

As you are known to us all as ex-gambler Jeff


Fantastic for you mate--I could not be more chuffed and you remain an inspiration to both me and many others.


Posted : 4th April 2010 4:12 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff. . I am in the huff big time with your diary mate. . I was convinced that since your not one for milestones on your diary i would ve been the 1st to congratulate you on the 6 months which i thought was tomorrow lol. .seriously you deserve all the praises and acolades going mate in what is a magnificent achievement. .thanks for your support on my diary and As ive said before your encouragement on these diaries is outstanding. . Heres to the next 6 months. .

Posted : 4th April 2010 11:11 pm
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