One big hit and your addicted

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Thanks for the message my friend. We can beat the gambling together, we need to stick to our recoveries no matter what.

Keep going and take care,


Posted : 8th April 2013 2:01 am
Posts: 2163

Hey Chicago,

90 days!! That about says it all. All of the hard work you are doing in recovery is an inspiration to me and I am sure alot of others on this site. Go man go!! -joanxxx

Posted : 8th April 2013 11:50 am
Posts: 0
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Good mourning all,

Today I'am 13 weeks gamble free. Had a nice walk this mourning, even though the weather is a bit crummy today. Just finished up making some breakfast for myself. I made scrambled eggs with egg beaters and put diced mushroom and ham in it, which i sautéed in olive oil, and topped it off with fresh parmesan cheese. Also had a half cup of couscous and a half off a small avocado. One week finished of eating healthy, I'am finding it rewarding to be cooking for myself again instead of the fast food chains doing the cooking for me. It's all part of my big plan to regain my life back, and recapture what I allowed gambling to take from me. Tonight I have my 1 on 1 therapy, and tomorrow I have group therapy class. I'am finding now that I've shifted my focus onto my health, I'am having even less thoughts of gambling. I think for anyone out there that is struggling with the urges to gamble daily, try to find something that will invigorate you to focus on, it may help to ease the urges to gamble. Believe me I know I can't get complacent with this addiction, but I don't have any interest in revisiting those dark days ever again. I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


13 weeks gamble free

1 week eating healthy

Posted : 8th April 2013 4:35 pm
Posts: 0
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Just got home from a nice walk. Had my 1 on 1 therapy session tonight, went very well. I'am just having a couple mini catfish tacos and some sliced watermelon.


Posted : 9th April 2013 3:03 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. Chicago.

Fella thanks for your input on the introductions thread.

My hope is you take as much from those inspiring posts as i did reading them.

Good for the mind and great for the soul.

I hope they help many more.

A massive well done on your 13weeks, keep making the right choice my friend.

Abstain and maintain to a better life, one each day through a decision to continue winning.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 9th April 2013 4:28 pm
Posts: 0

a huge well done Chigago you seem to be putting as much effort into your recovery as you did your addiction

inspirational stuff


Posted : 9th April 2013 4:34 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good mourning all,

Just got back from a nice walk, having some breakfast at the moment. The menu today was egg beaters with fresh diced sweet onions, fresh diced mushrooms, fresh diced orange bell pepper, sautéed in olive oil, with shredded cheddar cheese, a half of avocado and 2 small mini tortillas. I hope nobody minds me putting my menus on my diary, it helps me to abstain from eating fast food, and I guess were all trying to abstain from unhealthy things in our life. Hopefully I can aspire some to join me on a healthy eating program. We could run a thread like Flagg does and every week or 2 weeks people could check in to see how there doing, maybe even share some recipes. It will truly help distract your thoughts from gambling. I think healing from an addiction has many different phases to it, and one is getting healthy again for me. I have group therapy session tonight, so I'am hoping to have some more info to share with you all. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 9th April 2013 4:37 pm
Posts: 0
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Helo all,

Had another nice afternoon walk, about 2 miles. Just got done making some barbecued salmon mini tacos, with a side of mixed veggies which consisted of diced sweet onion, diced mushrooms and asparagus sautéed in olive oil and a 1/4 cup of couscous. I have to get ready in a bit to leave for my group therapy session tonight. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 9th April 2013 9:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago,

thank you for the post, i think you posted it on micheals diary by mistake but im nosey so i seen it lol.

Your meals sound so delicious, i think thats a great idea of yours, im not much of a cook so im not sure if i could contribute much but i could pinch all your great recipies and burn them lol.

enjoy the therapy tonight, I have a consultation on saturday for some private sessions im hoping it will help me keep moving forward with my recovery.

Your a fantastic assest to this forum, well done, keep going and keep posting

take care


Posted : 9th April 2013 9:19 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good mourning all,

Ok, let's try this again, were getting thunderstorms over here in Chi-town, so I was almost finished with my post and the power went out. As I was saying, haven't been able to get a walk in yet, it's a rainy day here. I need to go get some more egg beaters and fish today, so i guess it's a good day to do that. Sticking to my program of eating healthy. We had group therapy session last night, did a lot of sharing and supporting one another. I have 3 group therapy sessions left on the educational part of the program. It's actually 2 separate group therapy sessions, we just have them on the same day. The support group therapy sessions will continue on. I'am hoping to be discharged from the program, with the allowance from my therapist by my birthday in July, it's up to my therapist. It's been a great program and I'am very happy they have accepted me into it. My 1 on 1 sessions will continue weekly also until my discharge date. In all some people complete the program in 6 months, that doesn't mean that you can't request therapy to continue, if you feel like you need more time. My plan is to start G.A. meetings when I move out of where I'am living presently, and use G.A. and Gamcare as my on going support system going forward. I really recommend therapy to anyone that is struggling with this addiction, it has truly been a huge part of my recovery. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 10th April 2013 3:47 pm
Posts: 0
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Managed to get a 1 mile and a 1/2 walk in, started raining again, just as I finished it up. Had some scrambled egg beaters with diced orange bell pepper and cheddar cheese in it. A 1/2 of avocado and 2 mini corn tortillas for lunch.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 10th April 2013 7:51 pm
Posts: 944

Raining here too but I don't mind as love listening to the sound on the roof.

Life sounds so much better for you now after all your hard work. Enjoy.


Posted : 10th April 2013 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago

Loving your positive posts- keep up the fantastic effort!

I'm intrigued- whats "egg beaters" (is that scrambled eggs!)

It looks like this new healthy lifestyle is suiting you 🙂



Posted : 10th April 2013 9:47 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Chicago

I'll look out for the egg beaters!



Posted : 10th April 2013 10:10 pm
Posts: 2163

Hey Chicago,

Just chccking in and wanting to say thanks for your posts on my diary. Sometimes that little boost is all a person needs to keep going. So much appreciated. As for you, my friend, you just keep going full steam ahead. Sometimes I enjoy a good thunder storm but, not when the power goes out. -joanxx

Posted : 11th April 2013 10:32 pm
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