One big hit and your addicted

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Thank you again for your support. You'll never no how much it means to me. Your words may cross an ocean and thousands of miles, but they always give me a boost on here. Thank you, Chicagoguy!

Posted : 17th April 2013 12:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hey just checking in Chicago guy well done mate lets stay on this healthy gamble free life

The bear

Posted : 17th April 2013 4:44 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey all,

Today I'am 100 days gamble free. Just got back from some shopping. Had to get more eggbeaters and fish. Also went to the cable center to get everything set up for the new place, have a tech coming out on the 22 nd to get my cable and internet hooked up. Last night I had group therapy session. The last 2 classes are about family and the effects of addiction within the family structure. I't's really sad how the addiction has an effect on everyone. I feel very strong in my recovery, and I have no interest in returning to the casino. Today I bought myself a nice silver cross to wear on my chain that I've worn for the last 10 years. Just a reminder for me, as to my journey and how far I've come, but also realizing it's a lifetime journey. I think ever 100 days in my sobriety, I will buy myself something, that will have meaning to my personal goals. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 17th April 2013 6:53 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

I love that you bought something special for yourself on your 100th day! How's the weather over there? Good fishing is right around the corner!! I used to love to catch Perch off of the rocks at Belmont Harbor. I really miss Lake Michigan. Anyways, happy 100th bud!! -joanxx

Posted : 17th April 2013 8:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Just got back from my first G.A. meeting, thought it would be significant to start on my 100 th day of being gamble free. I enjoyed it, and it is right down the street from my new place I'am moving to next week. Once my program ends, where I'am at, I'am going to need another form of support, in my continued abstinence, so this will be close to me. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 18th April 2013 4:17 am
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

I know it's late over there, just had my therapy 1 on 1 session today with my original therapist. He had been gone for 2 and a 1/2 months due to an injury of his arm. Great to have him back as he is the one that accepted me into the program where I'am at.

First thing I did was give him much gratitude for helping me, and giving me the tools to save myself with this addiction. I was very great full to be accepted into the program where I'am at. He was very impressed with my attitude and drive to beat this addiction. I started G.A. last night, and now that I 'll be moving right down the street from there meeting spot, I will attend that for another form of ongoing support.

When I think back to that first therapy session in January, and how distraught and desperate the addiction had made me, It's so wonderful to be where I'am at right now today. I have a new look on life and never plan to go back to that casino. I thank-you all for your continued support to me, and I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 19th April 2013 2:31 am
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

Went and signed my lease today on my new place this mourning, I'am moving into it on Monday. Bought myself another real nice pendant for my silver chain today and had the jeweler inscribe the date 1-7-2013 on the back of it. It's all silver and a bit bigger then a quarter, and round in shape and has the face of Jesus on it raised off of the silver background. The date I had the jeweler inscribe on the back is my last day I gambled. I thought it would be a good reminder to myself, of a place I never want to go back to. Just going to be spending the weekend boxing some items up for the move and getting last minute stuff done. I hope you all have a great weekend, and I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 19th April 2013 8:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago,

What a turnaround, you have turned your whole life around, fantastic, you have been dedicated to,your recovery from the start and realise that this is a lifetime commitment, one your up for and so deserve.

Well done , I sure you will get lots from g.a

Take care


Posted : 19th April 2013 8:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Chicagoguy 🙂

Wow... You're doing awesome aren't you?! Quitting is the best thing we could have done... Life just gets better and better!

Hope the move goes well and enjoy your new place... You gonna be inviting us guys to a housewarming party?! Ha ha! Wonder if anyone would fly over for it?!

Well done mate, you're doing great!

Stubbsy 🙂

Posted : 20th April 2013 11:08 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. Chicago

So great to read about the new place fella, and the pendant a constant reminder of were the journey began. Me I am having several things to tell my journey through that modicum of tattoos, a permenant reminder of my addiction and what recovery can deliver.

Fella keep up the great work, again fantastic reading on the intro's thread.

Be proud, you ought to, you earnt it.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 20th April 2013 11:47 am
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

I cannot thank you enough for all of the fantastic info you share from your meetings and therapy sessions. It has really helped me alot. I just read your recent post and definitely saw myself and my brothers. WOW.... I have been working on bettering the communication between my mom and me and information like this is really helpful. She is really opened to understanding more about how we felt as kids growing up in our family dynamic. Especially now, since Ed's untimely passing. I have mentioned in other posts that my Dad was an addict and my mom was an adult child of an addict. Our household was controlled chaos and extremely emotionally unsafe. Agian, WOW. Your post has inspired me to do further research and reading. Healing is happening on this site!!! Awesome! Thanks again! Oh, and I love the idea of giving myself a gift for leaving gambling. I'm gonna think more about what it should be. Have a great day Chicago! -joanxxxx

Posted : 20th April 2013 12:42 pm
Posts: 0

Best of luck with your new home.


Posted : 20th April 2013 7:28 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good afternoon all,

I have a Relapse Prevention Plan that I finished in my group therapy session. I thought it would be good to post it on here and those of you that wanted could answer the questions for yourself. I found it helpful for myself, and it's a requirement in the program to answer these questions and then share them in group therapy session.


1. What people or groups have you identified as a support system?

2. What times of the day are you most likely to gamble? What days of the week are you most likely to gamble?

3. What feelings have you identified as triggers to gamble?

4. What actions can you take (other than gamble, drink, use, withdraw, or blame) when you get angry or frustrated?

5. What are some actions you can take when you are lonely?

6. What are some actions you can do when you are not getting along with your family?

7. What can you do if your 12 steps meetings begin to get boring, or don't seem to be helping?

8. What is your leisure plan?




9. How can you see yourself relapsing? Tell the story.

10. What are three high risk situations that would make you want to gamble?

11. The core issue I have Identified that triggers my Relapse Warning Sign is?

12. What life events or losses could cause you to gamble again? What could you do to prevent relapsing under these circumstances?

13. List five of your strongest fears.

14. Who are the significant people in your life with whom you have daily contact?

15. What are 2 fun new activities that you can begin to include in your life?

16. If you are out of work, how will you handle the frustrations of looking for and/or not having a job?

17. What will you do if you run into an old gambling acquaintances or if he/she appears at your home?

18. What will you do to improve your conscious contact with your higher power?

19.What is one goal you have for yourself during the next three months? How can you meet this goal?

20. What are the actions that you will take if you do gamble again?

(MY ANSWERS) corresponds with question number.

1. My 1 on 1 therapy sessions, Group therapy sessions, Gamcare website, G.A.

2. When I was gambling I gambled early afternoon, or very late at night, after midnight.

3. Emotional sadness, loss (not money), frustration.

4. Go for a long walk, log onto my diary forum on Gamcare and post on my thread and support others, go fishing, visit friends, go to G.A.

5. Same as above.

6. Same as above.

7. Try a different meeting, talk to my sponsor, stay actively involved with Gamcare.

8. Fitness.. Started walking and eating healthy, already signed up and will start at new gym next week by my new place.

Fun.. Go fishing, go for walks

Social/family.. Visit my brother and friends, cook out.

9. This was the hardest question of them all, honestly no I can't see myself relapsing, I fell extremely confident in my recovery plan. I will continue with my diary on Gamcare and supporting others on there. I now understand the full consequences of myself returning to the casino, and I have no interest in putting myself through that again.

10. Emotional stress


Loss (not money)

11. Emotional stress

12. Something that would cause extreme emotional stress.

Continue my abstinence, continue Gamcare, G.A. meetings, therapy.

13. Letting my father down

Failing to remain abstinent of gambling

Rejection from family

Rejection from friends

Lose my drive to remain abstinent

14. My bother, my friends, Gamcare family

15. Exercise, fishing, walking, cooking for myself which has always been a passion of mine.

16. I'am out of work right now, I think I'am doing fine dealing with that. I think recovery first is most important and remaining abstinent, from gambling. Now I'am working on phase 2 of my plan, which is getting my health back and eating healthy.

17. Didn't have any gambling acquaintances, I gambled alone, I was very secretive about it. I'd tell them to just give their money to me before they went, so I could throw it in the garbage, because that's what your doing by going to gamble.

18. Work on that threw G.A. meetings, working the steps, and work on it on my own.

19. Lose 30 lbs by my birthday. Work hard, eat healthy and exercise, remain abstinent form gambling.

20. I hope I never do!

These were my answers to the questions, there's no right or wrong answer, it's what works for you in your Recovery Relapse Plan.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 20th April 2013 8:34 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Chicagoguy

Really interesting to read and can relate to all the questions when I 1st came on here I had no idea about recovery 18 months later with the help of this site counselling and 3 relapses I worked a lot of the 20 questions out , av to say I'm still learning

Its a fantastic process though and would be well worth everyone reading esp for anyone just admitting the problem and wanting help

Its great that u want to help so many and share ur experiences ur becomin so valuable to this site I'm sure everyone appreciates it


Posted : 21st April 2013 8:45 am
Posts: 355

Hi chicagoguy

Firstly, congrats on your continuing success, well done. It's great to read your recovery session posts.

Secondly, thanks for writing on my diary and giving me advice about weight loss. It is great fully received and now all I have to do is ACT ON IT!

All the best


Posted : 21st April 2013 1:49 pm
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