One big hit and your addicted

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Hi Chicago,

Another fantastic piece of information you have shared with us all, thank you for sharing that I found it very useful.

They say you reap what you sow and you my friend put so much into this forum you do and will continue to harvest the rewards that recovery brings.

I am sure your dad is smiling down and beaming with pride.

Well done


Posted : 21st April 2013 5:43 pm
Posts: 944

Hi there

hope the move went well and you are safe in your new home and do hope it is not still raining.

The weather here is beautiful and the river has been buzzing all weekend with all the canoes and boats out in the sunshine, really makes me feel alive again.

Joining you on the healthy eating programme as well as don't mind eating salad when its sunny.

Love the idea of the date on your charm, a real reminder every day.

Sending a virtual good luck in your new home card.


Posted : 22nd April 2013 7:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy hope the move went well and look forward to you being 'reconnected' to your Gamcare family.

You are doing so well, as we mentioned before you are a few days ahead of my son on your recovery journey, he was day 100 on Friday and I am so proud of him as well.

Keep up the good work we are all proud of you x

Posted : 22nd April 2013 10:53 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey everyone,

Just finally sitting down, been a long day but a good one. Was up at 5:30 a.m., had a lot of moving to do today. My place is in on the 3 rd floor over looking the river, so up and down the stairs all day. Managed to make it to the G.A. meeting tonight right down the street from me, it's like 5 minutes away. That was actually a nice break from unpacking stuff. After G.A. went to the local grocery store to load up on egg beaters and vegetables and bottled water. Tomorrow I'll go get my fish. Still have a couple days of running around and getting some necessities, but I'll enjoy that. Was fortunate to get my cable and internet set up this afternoon, usually you have to wait a few days. I have group therapy session tomorrow night, then a G.A. meeting on wednesday, and then 1 on 1 therapy on Thursday. I'am hoping to start in the gym Wednesday. Tomorrow my new couch and rocker recliner chair is being delivered, so that will be very nice. Got about another hour of unpacking, which I'll tackle before my couch and chair are delivered. Place needs some more cleaning, so this weekend will be good for that. Beautiful night, have my balcony door opened and the ceiling fan cranked up. I'll sleep in a bit tomorrow, then get after it. Today I'am 15 weeks abstinent, 105 days gamble free. I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


15 weeks Gamble free

3 weeks eating healthy

Posted : 23rd April 2013 6:00 am
Posts: 4422


fella good to read your all moved in and made it to your Ga meeting,keep feeding the soul my friend.

Good to count in weeks and 15 now, a well done from me.

Keep making the right choices, Just for today.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd April 2013 11:02 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy

What a time of change- I hope you're happy in your new home.

You are working so hard to keep the gambling at bay- well done and thanks for sharing it here.

Take care



ps not sure if we can get the egg stuff here

Posted : 23rd April 2013 7:30 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good afternoon all,

Finally getting the new place put together. Just got my new couch and rocker recliner chair, lovely. Life is good without gambling in it! I have my group therapy session tonight, and I still need to go get some fish. Made some nice egg beaters for breakfast and had a vegetable wrap for lunch. I managed to get up to the local gym that I had signed up at before my move, did some walking on the treadmill and some light machine weights. It's a long journey in getting back in shape, but one I'am willing to tackle. My advice to anyone who hasn't attended a G.A. meeting, go try one out, you will get a lot from them. I can't tell you enough how my life has taking such a great turn for the positive, 5 months ago I was in a bottomless pit, it just takes stopping, not placing that bet, and getting a plan in place. I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 23rd April 2013 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

hi chicago,

Hope you settle into your new home it must be like a full circle for you being back in the same block as your dads place.... If ever you needed a sign you have come home i think its there.

thank you so much for your post, We all help and inspire each other an you are no different you have posted some really valuable information from your sessions, they say you have to give it away to get it back... and you are.

keep going your doing brilliant

take care


Posted : 23rd April 2013 9:11 pm
Posts: 1172

Thanks for the post Chicago. Good to read things are going well for ya. Good luck with the fitness thing im thinking the same. New mind new body and all that

Posted : 24th April 2013 9:19 am
Posts: 0
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Hello everyone,

Took it easy today, was real sore from my workout yesterday, it's suppose to be real nice out tomorrow, so I plan on working out and walking. Had a bunch of running around to do today, so that was good to get that done. Just got back from some shopping, needed some more vegetables, my place is starting to feel like home. I"am going to go to the G.A. meeting tonight right down the street from me, it's like 5 minutes away. Group therapy session was good last night, I'll have some info to post on my thread for everyone. Next Tuesday is my last educational group therapy session, but our group therapy sessions continue until you are discharged from the program. The program requirement is 10 weeks of education on compulsive gambling. And any one you missed you have to make up. My 1 on 1 therapy is on Thursdays now. I stopped by the jeweler where I bought my pendant last week and had them inscribe some writing under the date I put on the back of it, which was my last day I gambled. I put on the back under the date 1-7-2013, "For Myself and Dad", I thought that would be a nice reminder to remain abstinent. Found myself today thinking about the consequences of my addiction to gambling and how it has affected some things in my life. I guess there are going to be those days, I believe trying to find balance and peace is what must be done. I must remain positive on the down days, and remember one day at a time, and for today I will not gamble. I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 24th April 2013 11:11 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

Balance, peace, and positivity. That sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me. -joanxxxx

Posted : 24th April 2013 11:22 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter



You know something is wrong but can't put it into words. It is helpful to ask yourself questions about the key areas in your life.

**What is bothering me about myself right now?

**What is bothering me about my spouse or family right now?

**What is bothering me about my job right now?

**What is bothering me about my recovery program right now?


Pretend you are a reporter and ask the questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. For example: What exactly am I or others doing that makes it a problem? When does this happen? Why am I seeing this as a problem? How am I interpreting the situation? Answering in your head can be confusing. WRITE IT OUT! It is much easier to figure out exactly what is wrong if you see it in front of you.


Most problems have more than one solution but our addictive thinking keeps us from seeing other options. Try not to solve a problem until you can see 3 different ways to approach it. In the Serenity Prayer there are 2 types of problems:

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.

There are some problems we can't do anything about. We may need to adjust our attitude toward them and turn them over to our Higher Power. If you spend most of your time and energy on problems that are impossible to solve, you won't have the energy you need to solve the ones you can.


For every acton, there is a reaction. If I take this action, what is...

**best thing that can happen?

**the worst thing that can happen?

**the most likely thing that will happen?



Once you decide what to do--you have to do it. "Magical thinking" is a term people in the mental heath field use for people who believe that things can be made better without doing the steps to make them better. Remember--if nothing changes, nothing changes. The only cure for "magical thinking" is constructive action.


After you act, evaluate the outcome. What we do works or it doesn't. Things get better, stay the same, or get worse. If you're acton doesn't correct the problem, you are not a failure. What you tried didn't work; try something else next time.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 25th April 2013 4:21 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. Chicago

My friend RECOVERY is a self given gift, one on offer to anyone who whats to take it, at first it is like grasping a thorn, addiction tells us we are better sitting that side of the fence,but in time we graft that thorn into a stick of our own, one to beat back the addiction with.

You my friend have you stick in hand, don't relinquish it and keep showing others with again more great posts.

For it thankyou, be proud fella you earnt it.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 25th April 2013 11:08 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago,

IF nothing changes, Nothing changes. !! One of my favourite sayings short and to the point and covers it all really.

Be the change chicago, I intend too.

Another great and helpfull post

take care


Posted : 25th April 2013 11:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago

Just cecking in to see how you and the windy city are ?

Another great post i see, this one really is helpful in all avenues of life. I have made similar analysis of my mind set amd life in general. It helps greatly, good to see you are posting and helping so many people. This site really needs inovative people like you, strength & honour to you. Dark Place

Posted : 25th April 2013 11:31 am
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