One day at a time.

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Compulsive Gambler
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hey Scott,

great to be able to read your last few posts, sounds like its going well, not long until the 6 month marker

well done fella, keep up the good work


Posted : 7th December 2011 12:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the post. I was reading yr full diary when you commented on mine. I would like to say a big well done. You were in a similar position to me at the start of yr recovery. You have shown such courage in addressing yr illness. I do believe that I will follow. This time is the one for us both. One day at a time until forever! Best wishes for the future. IanB.

Posted : 7th December 2011 12:58 am
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Hey everyone.

Was at the Christmas Work do last night. Grand affair, the food and drink were plentiful and completely free ALL night. There was a disco/casino night afterwards, we were each given a company bank note (£100 on the note itself, actual worth: Zero). I decided to sit down with a few workmates and play some poker, a game I've never had an issue with in terms of addiction. That said, I was reluctant to even play at all, just in case it triggered off something latent inside of me. Still, I feel strong enough now to not get sucked in any more. I "won" £1800 over about an hour and then went to the Blackjack table, which has always been my downfall. Even though it wasn't for real money, I felt different as soon as I got there. I felt sick. I played for a bit and then just bet everything (About £2k of fake money) on one hand because I didn't want to play any more. I had 20, the dealer got Blackjack. I laughed, realising how futile the whole carry on is. Was talking to the (professional) croupier a fair bit, she was very honest about how the whole business works and how her job depends on people wasting their money and time. Don't think she felt comfortable with it at all, but I'm not going to judge her for keeping a roof over her head and feeding her children.

So all in all, it was a good experience, because it showed me how far I've come. That said, I don't think I'd do it again. Revulsion is all I feel for gambling now, no buzz or excitement whatsoever. I had a good chance of winning a prize for accruing the most "cash" on the night, but the fact is, I didn't want it. You don't get anything in this life without real graft, it's time I realised that.

One day at a time. Onwards!

Posted : 10th December 2011 11:50 am
Posts: 0

Hi scott,

Hope you had a great time.

"its time i realised it" i dont think you need time hun i think you have realised it.

Stay Strong.x

Posted : 10th December 2011 11:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi Scott,

Thanks mate. I am With Elizabeth. You have realised it. Real money or fake money the outcome is always the same. WE LOSE. That is a mathematical certainty. You have come so far. It sounded like this night, although you were right to be cautious has cemented your no gambling philosophy rather than draw you in again.

That must feel great to be in that position. I am like you now beginning to turn with hatred for the whole gambling business. It makes people's life a misery.

I am sure your success will continue Scott. Sometimes I feel like I want to pick up the phone and ring all the people on here and say Hello, Thanks and wish everyone I have communicated with a great Christmas and a happy New Year. We really seem to know each other without seeing them or hearing anyone's voice. You are one of those people Scott.

You are so right, hard work pays. Gambling is for mugs. Unfortunate that we have had to go through hell to learn that lesson but we will be better people for the experience. Well done and keep that easy feeling.

Best wishes mate. IanB

Posted : 13th December 2011 11:08 am
Posts: 0
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Hi guys.

Not much to say today, other than I didn't go to a GA meeting again. I keep saying I'm going to go, but I never seem to manage it. I've been spending a lot of time on here of late - not so much in commenting on things, more just observing so many different people on many different diaries. Really feeling like I get more out of this place than GA anyway, the one (of many) great thing about this place is the fact that people have plenty of time to consider what they're typing before they do so. I think there is more depth here, overall. That said, I would still recommend GA to anyone that needs face to face help, I reckon I'll go back again at some point.

As I said, not much to say, just really happy with the way this place is at the moment. A real sense of community is developing I feel and I'm often inspired by the people on here.

Anyhow, if I don't see you before the 25th, Merry Christmas! Peace and goodwill to all men.....and women. Stay strong, stay safe, stay happy, stay gamble free.

One day at a time.


Posted : 20th December 2011 11:43 pm
Posts: 0

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you too Scott.

I am never gonna do GA either. I really don't think it's necessary. I don't think I would personally ever feel comfortable with it. You are right, reading the diaries on here is enough for some people. We are all individuals and have to do what feels right for us. Don't feel guilty.

Feel proud of your achievement so far. Best wishes. IanB.

Posted : 21st December 2011 12:01 am
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Thanks, Ian. And Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too. And all of you still reading. YOU are my inspiration.

Here's an anagram for you.

Slot machine = Cash lost in 'em

Posted : 25th December 2011 2:53 am
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First of all, Happy New Year to you all. I hope it brings us joy and a life without gambling. We are in control, we CAN do this.

I've had a good Christmas and I'm generally chipper about things. There's some family strife to deal with, but that's to be expected I suppose. Not seeing my family in the past has made me depressed, so it's important I keep in touch and visit more often. I live in London, whereas they all live in the same town in the South West.

I've still not had a single urge, but I'm still very wary. I saw an advert on my Fb page recently referring to a 'social media betting game'' where you bet virtual money - if you built that virtual cash up to a certain level, you win a cash prize of some sort. No risk, it says. Aye, b*llocks! The site is owned by a certain 'powerful' Irish bookmaker, which immediate aroused by suspicions. To me, it appears to be a Trojan horse or a gateway 'drug'. It looks innocuous enough, the amounts in question are undoubtedly small....but it's evident where this leads to for a CG. Worryingly, this site isn't blocked by my k9 software. On my previous attempts at giving up gambling, this is exactly the kind of site I'd have been interested in - but now, I realise I don't need or want that rush anymore. Instead, I'm keeping my mind active by playing quite a lot Scrabble and Chess. It makes me think and stops me from becoming lazy, which was always a danger sign.

Thanks to all at Gamcare's forums for helping me make real strides in my recovery. I really couldn't have done any of this without you. Reading back to those first few days is still an eye opener, the support I received at the time was tremendous...Jim (duelwithfate) has commented on my diary from scratch pretty much, I appreciate that man. Also, GT is another who always has a word, always a positive contribution.

Thanks also to...

Ex-gambler jeff

martin l

Start again

















If I've missed out anyone else, please forgive me!

Anyhow, here's to 2012. 365 days of course, but to me, it's just ONE DAY AT A TIME. 🙂


Posted : 31st December 2011 2:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi Scott.

Interesting that about ***. Surely they are taking the pish! Leave that one well alone.

I am totally addicted to my football manager game at the moment. Currently earning 17 k a week. I wish!

Anyway thanks for your kind words on my diary. Well done on your continuing recovery.

Hope you have had a great Christmas and wish you all the best for the New Year.

2012 should be a great year. As long as we come here regularly those weak moments will be fought off and our bank balances growing and bills getting paid. Thanks mate.

QUICK! grab that 100th post.

Posted : 31st December 2011 1:00 pm
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Cheers, Ian. 100 up!

Posted : 1st January 2012 3:46 am
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Cheers, Ian. 100 up!

Posted : 1st January 2012 3:46 am
Posts: 0

Scott 100 days is great news but you aregoing to be gamble free forever so the number of days isnt the important thing! It is the fact that you continue not to gamble!!

You truly are an inspiration that this can be achieved!

Good work mate - keep it up!!!

Posted : 3rd January 2012 1:49 pm
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100 posts on this diary, Bobby! I have no idea how many days it is now, heading towards 200 I think. Like you say, I can barely be bothered counting anymore, day at a time works for me.

Today, I did not gamble. Sorted.

Posted : 4th January 2012 4:47 pm
Posts: 0

Well, if you've lost count, let me tell you that tomorrow is 6 months exactly, so let me be the first to congratulate you!

You popped in on my diary very early on (in my previous incarnation), and I never really did thank you. Those early responses are critical, I think. Anyway, I've followed you diary since but never really had anything to add, other than my thing was BJ too.

Posted : 4th January 2012 7:12 pm
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