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Jeez...don't usually take much notice of day count anymore as I'm just enjoying my freedom....but 450 ! Can't beleive how time flys when not chained to online slots...

Posted : 7th April 2017 7:37 am
Posts: 629

Hi Loxxie,

Thanks for your post on Friday. What you say is spot. I used to get a buzz from a £3.50 single!

Congratulations on 450 - you are killing it!

Mark x

Posted : 10th April 2017 10:28 am
Posts: 1831
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Sooo im still here. 2nd easter gamble free....just feels the norm now...
Sons 16th this weekend...went today to kit him out for his moped..New boots..helmet..protective clothing. ...all paid in cash...without a thought...not top of the range...but percectly suitable and more than acceptable to the young birthday boy. ...result !
No online slot gave me a Buzz like that..
He's rode mx since he was 2 .....but ive still got the jitters about his saftey on the roads ...typical mum worries i suppose.. ! but he'll love the freedom it brings....
Other family members are all tickety boo....usual daily ups/downs....but that's fine...that's ..I'm doing ok thanks...I'm just being me....the me that saw gambling for what it was/is...a dangerous addiction that spares matter who or what you will never care about your family and friends will never give you will only take...who needs a friend like that ? I don't...and nor do you...happy Easter peeps...make it count x

Posted : 14th April 2017 12:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi Loxie.

Lovely to read such a positive post. It's so nice when we have got our own money to spend on our loved ones isn't it?!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

Take care.

Our Lady

Posted : 14th April 2017 10:09 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for popping by my diary sweet friend. The dream continues to get my camper van and make my first call at loxxies bar...Mind you I'm sure I'll have a few stops before I get there!
Take care lovely and catch up soon as poss xxx

Posted : 15th April 2017 8:10 pm
Posts: 1831
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Suns shinning...had my egg for breakfast....ok so it was a chocolate orange one...sons 16th birthday....amazing how today he was up at 7 ! bet he won't be on Tuesday when it's back to school..
Busy day planned here...30 kids for Easter fun this afternoon...normal lunch trade popping in to see birthday boy. ..a perfect day to enjoy new garden.....another permanent reminder to me of what not gambling on those
online slots has enabled me to achieve. ....funny how "normal life" can give me the buzz that my addiction thought only spinning reels could ever though..."praying my strength continues".....have a "cracking" weekend everybody....and if your moods not quite as chirpey as mine. ....I hope a little bit of mine rubs off on you..keep pushing. ..keep fighting...x

Posted : 16th April 2017 7:20 am
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

You've got me merrily chirping loxxie - as usual haha!! Enjoy your busy day (just how did you find time for slots??!!) x

Posted : 16th April 2017 7:49 am
Posts: 0

Lovely post Loxie.

Wishing you a wonderful Easter and enjoy the "sweet sixteen" celebrations too!!

Our Lady

Posted : 16th April 2017 7:56 am
Posts: 0

Can always rely o n you for a cheery post. Hope your boy enjoys his day. Mine bought a car recently with his bday money...yes we must let them go...but we're allowed to still worry. I now pay for his insurance and tax as his bday present....that would never be able to happen if Mr G was still around. Have a good Easter loxxie x

Posted : 16th April 2017 6:40 pm
Posts: 1831
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Another start of a new week...
Jeez...time flys as you get older !
Manic weekend here...5 x18 hr days....but wouldn't change it for the world....working hard for my money so out ways the stupid idea that an online slot would provide for me ! but hey's a learning curve....
Happy to report the usual cheery posative post ....but got a feeling maybe a bit of trouble brewing with one of daughters relationship....but...I'll deal with that myself thankyou....not with my old untrustworthy ...selfish...greedy ex mate..."the slots''s never perfect is's about how we deal with the ups/downs that matter...I'll do that the best way I can....
Seems to be a few newcomers over the any of you stumbling across my journey....I was once you....a bogged down addict....who thought there was no way to sort the mess created by my addiction me...there is...and you can do it...painfull...not easy...and hard work....but all doable ....
Have a great day everybody....

Posted : 18th April 2017 10:11 am
Posts: 1831
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Took my dear old mum ( 86 ) out for lunch today...she's a bubbly old lady who's always full of love and fun...sadley she is showing signs of early dementia.....anyway..she just fancied a bowl of that's what she of wine..and a shared pudd sat beside the local river...then took her on a little drive around the half dozen houses we've lived over the the old hospital she nursed in for years converted to flats...she recognised it though....even said she felt sorry for those living in rose cottage ( mortuary )..not done anything like this with her for years....and we all know why !
How sad is that...anyway....i can ...and will...make the most of these previous moments with her...she's been there for me all my it's my turn to be here for her now....

Posted : 20th April 2017 5:14 pm
Posts: 859

Loxxie you're an inspiration, showing us newbies it can be done! Glad you had a lovely time with your Mum, like you say time is precious and not to be wasted on gambling and the way it makes you feel, best wishes S 🙂

Posted : 20th April 2017 6:13 pm
Posts: 1831
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Another week all but done and dusted. ...another week I've done and been the best I can....for those around me....and most importantly myself....very busy weekend in pub...special time yesterday ....bought eldest daughters wedding dress...what a buzz paying in cash with money I've earnt...result...
tragic lunch time of my customers...larger than life lovable harmless rouge...diagnosed with motornerone disease very said seeing him sat with his Sunday mates...trying his best to be chirpey. is so precious...
And me...and all of us fighting this addiction wasted so much of our precious time glued to what ever gambling gave us the buzz...least we've got a choice to get better....he hasn't. ......worth a thought isn't it !

Posted : 23rd April 2017 4:26 pm
Posts: 0

You inspire me everyday to do better and reach higher.

Have a fab week.

Julie x

Posted : 23rd April 2017 8:04 pm
Posts: 0

Nodding off in the chair - probably but i dont think I was snoring or dribbling (was I)

Now get aaarertttt out my chaiiirrrr


Posted : 25th April 2017 3:58 pm
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