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Hello My Luvverly :))

It's been a while and I saw your last couple of post's to me and thank you very kindly for those it's nice to see my name pop up now and again and for a good reason LOL ! , I've been wanting to reply for ages but lots of stuff's got in the way , my Op , these chuffin "Robot " thingy's (thanks Deano ) bleedin do gooder ! and the 27 staples I've had in my @r*e for the past 12 day's which have now been removed but meant I couldn't sit at a keyboard or anywhere for that matter for too long :((.

It seems a bit quiet on here at the mo but that can mean many things I suppose but it's always good to log on and see your posts showing just how much your life's changed and keeps getting better for you Loxxie , your posts still make me smile and they obviously have the same effect on many others on here too , so be very proud young lady :)) .

I'm off to mess on the page of big D in a mo , so i'll catch up soon and try and update my diary in the next few day's as I'vea bit of time on my hands just now ( always dangerous that ) .

Take care Miss Loxxie and love to you and yours xx

Posted : 26th April 2017 7:10 pm
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Nothing new to report here...
My addiction is leaving me in peace...and for that I'm soooo grateful....will pray today I did 470 odd days ago for my strength to continue.....and as ever will do all I can to keep it in my past...
To all of you arriving here for the first time...scared ...confused. .
lonely..ashamed...and feeling like your life is over.'s really not...things can be fixed...wrongs can be put right. ..nothing is so bad it can't be just have to reach out and climb aboard the recovery train...not easy....but your not happy now are it a go...x

Posted : 3rd May 2017 9:26 am
Posts: 0

Hi Loxxie :))

Thanks for your post's my luvvverly , it's always good to hear from you and read how your life's shaping up nicely :)).

Yeah with regard's to the kid's it is what it is and at least they'll grow up in a safe and caring enviroment , nothing's always perfect but it's about making things as good as they can be right ? , I think their actually coming to your part of the world so I'll know they'll be in good hands :)) .

Mrs Fish , is busy dealing with all matters "Pooh " related lately and if I'm honest is knackered , so the fact that I'm able to get about and do more things now is a huge relief , although she's never moaned about about me being a bit more needy lately I know she's felt the preassure . It frustrates me as well simply because I can't bend and lift for a few more weeks but we'll get through it and I'll have a lot of making up to do , It's not helped by the fact she's ordered a lot of flatpack furniture which has meant the house resembles ikea at the moment ! :(( .

Anyhooz , I'll leave it there for now , hopefully you'll have a profitable weekend in the pub and that the weathers kind to you :))

Stay safe Honeybunch and I'll talk to you soon .

Love to you and your's xx

Posted : 6th May 2017 12:45 pm
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Nothing exciting to report here...
Usual daily tasks etc..
Pub buzzing...building took a hit from a delivery lorry other will problem...funny have been fuming a few months back. .stomping around and stressing about repairs..not will get sorted...
Family all good ...lad bombing around on his new bit worried about that ..but hey. can't hold them back...he's been lectured till the cows come home about saftey ...but he's loving the independence...
My addiction is leaving me in peace with no urges or problems..I still like to read gambling related lit. ..saw something the other day saying that most addicts hide behind a " jolly and fun " kinda face. .
Well I'm jolly and fun now....and actually always have been...I wasn't when I was actively playing I was left wondering if being so jolly now is a bad thing...
Jeez. ...complicted stuff...
Emotional issues....leading to addiction...I've never hid the fact that my marriage isn't fantastic...even pre addiction . .the main difference is now I'll stand my corner....I don't find at the first hurdle ....I did use to ...probably as I was worried my secret would be outed...again...all complex thoughts. That actually I've no answers to ....I'll just keep going like I day at a time...see what happens...
What will be ...will be...
I'm beeing the best I can to all who matter. ....and even to those who don't....
More importantly I'm beeing the best I can to my unrealistic dreams....that was how I was in active gambling state....dreaming ....
I've heard several on here Say the 2nd year is a trickey one....
I think I can see that....not from wanting to gamble. ...but from a.. should I be doing more...digging deeper...point of veiw...
Or just sit back and go with the flow. ..who knows !
Lol...anyway....I'm fine...I'm happy...I'm gamble free.

Posted : 13th May 2017 1:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Luvverly :))

Good to hear your still flowing along nicely and that your dealing with the odd wobbler life throws at you from time to time :)).

It's funny you bringing that up about the second year , I don't know if it's true or it's just the fact that people keep on blee,din metioning it that makes you think about it more, LoL ? .

I've been questioning myself lately though with questions like " Is this it then " and " Should I be expecting more " also " Should I be exploring more " ? but i'm convinced it's mainly due to me having all this time on my hands which for me can be a signal to start worrying about things that haven't even happened yet . The truth is I don't feel " Broken anymore " sure I get the odd down day , especially, if I reflect to much on what I was up to a couple of years ago but No . I'm not broken and as the saying goes " If it aint broke then don't try and fix it " but I'm sure some " smart @ss " will be along shortly to tell me " It might not be broken but you can alway's improve it " :(( .

Anyway's that's me rant for the day over with and thank you so much for using your diary to do it on , so my pages can remain unsoiled :)) .

May your life be filled with happiness and joy and empty of careless lorry drivers :)) xx

Posted : 13th May 2017 2:34 pm
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Just been having a glance back over my diary....often do that little bit of thearpy. ...
great way to see how far I've come on my journey.....even better to see what I've got to loose should I let my addiction come knocking again....
thankfully it's not giving me any problems.....but I'll never say never...
I will say....I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way...
Lots of New names around here lately......all with the same sad stories of the carnage addiction causes....whichever side the fence you're sat on.....
I don't think you'll find a better place for support and help than here....everybody will offer diffent advice ...some of which you won't want to hear....I didn't....I thought my situation was unique. ..
And yes....of course all our situations are different. ...
But addiction is addiction...and it won't make allowances for individual won't care if it's took one quid...or a million quid...your family...your kids...your house...your job..your freedom...your everything.....the only time it will listen to when you stop...turn and face it ..and fight it head on....
I did...and I'll continue my journey with my fighting gloves at the ready !
Happy Tuesday's just another day....but for those of us who won't spend the day's a darn lovely day x

Posted : 16th May 2017 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Loxxie , :))

I trust your well me Booty :))

Just mentioned in a post to Julie 35 , How our little group used to be in trouble on here (tut tut ) but as there's so many of us that have remained gamble free for so long , it may just say something about enjoying life and a good chuckle at times ? , we did have some real silly conersations at times though didn't we :)) .

I'm glad it made you laugh though looking back :)) , It is a cycle on here though don't you think ? , lots of new names , some stick around and some don't but I guess it's about how much you want change really . Nice to see the positive post's still flowing freely , it alway's cheers me up when one of us speaks about life getting better , after all that's what we all want :)).

I'm all good thank's for asking :)) , recovering well from the op , it's just the boredom that's killing me , sounds great havin 3 months off but I'm limited to what I can do at the mo and that;s really frustrating "Grrrrrrh" ! ( that was me by the way , not the dog grabbing my dongler's ) , the kid's are fine , although I now refer to them as " Reggie " Ronnie " and " Osama " , the two eldest don't get along for more than 90 second's at a time and baby " Osama " seems to find a way to get his hand down a full "Pooohy " nappie , no matter what we do , we've even tried putting baby grow's with the feet cut off , on back to front and it still doesn't stop him , maybe " Osama's " not agood name as he's now discovered he can throw what he has in his hand , maybe I should give him an Oriental name , " Yung won flung dung " :)). ?

Catch up with you soon Luverly :)) xx

Posted : 16th May 2017 4:03 pm
Posts: 0

I'm only kidding , you know me :)).

20 Old " Bus drivers " , How big's your bleedin village ? , I live in a city and we'd struggle to find 20 of the old S.ods !.

You have got a good heart Lox , as many on here can testify to and I must admit that fire and a buffet does sound like a good night for an old timer " What time shall I be there " ? :)) .

Have a great night luverrly and I hope all goes well xx

Posted : 16th May 2017 5:38 pm
Posts: 0

Posted to you on the old blokes diary it's one of those days I'm afraid x

Posted : 16th May 2017 7:09 pm
Posts: 0

So who's the old Duffer now ? and why's he talking about putting His " Salty nut's " on yer bar ? Must be a middle of the country thing :)) .x

Posted : 16th May 2017 7:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi loxxie,

I shall restore some decorum to your diary as dirty deano and awful alan seem to have minds in the gutter!!!.

Our holibobs were wonderful and it was nice to treat ourselves instead of trying to win extras from the FOBT.

Hope the bus drivers werent too rowdy.

Kisses x

Posted : 17th May 2017 7:53 pm
Posts: 0

Afternoon Loxxie :)).

MMMh , "Outage " ! Was that the full version you saw or the cleaned up "Nicey Nicey " one I was finally left with after censorship ?.

I actually though that's what had caused the website crash as it all got a bit heated , anyway's I'm sure it wont be the last :)).

I did miss your "Bantaaaaar " over the weekend but I'm assuming all's well and you had a busy weekend , bearing in mind your off for a restock this morning .

Had a good weekend myself with a nice " Hobble " with the kid's , I can't call it a walk just yet but I'm getting there :)) , also managed to drive the car for the first time in 6 weeks which was great but didn't get far as I felt a bit sick ( motion sickness ) LoL !.

Had a nice conversation at the checkout of the supermarket while buying a big bag of dod biscuit , She asked if I had a dog ...Duh! , As I'm still on crutches and felt like a giggle , I told her No ! I was starting the pedigree Diet once again , although I probably shouldn't be, because the last time I ended up in hospital in intensive care and when I woke up I'd lost nearly 2 stone in weight and had tubes and Iv's everywhere , she was a bit shocked but I went on with my bogus story and she was really going for it .

I told her it was an easy diet to follow and the way it works is you just fill your pockets or bag with pedigree nuggets and simply eat 2 or 3 whenever you get hungry . I said the food was nutritionally complete , so I was going to try it again ........

By now a couple of others were listening in and horrified she asked "If something in the food had poisened me and that's why I'd enede up in hospital " ?.................. I said " No ........... I was sitting in the street licking my when a car hit me " . :)) .

The old ones are alway's the best :))

Better be off now before someone turns up saying any form of humors not appropriate :((.

Have a great Day Luvvveeerly :)) xx

Posted : 22nd May 2017 11:29 am
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Thinking off all the people caught up in the Manchester tragedy. ..
All those poor families ripped time to say goodbye to loved time for anything....
No secound chances for any of choices. ...
So very very sad 🙁

Posted : 23rd May 2017 8:23 am
Posts: 0

Very true that Loxxie, how can anyone justifying murdering children and young people in the prime of their lives. Who can justify murdering anyone in the prime of their lives. Very sad, and I feel sad for our world tonight.

Julie x

Posted : 23rd May 2017 9:28 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry Lox , I knew I bleedin miss it :))

Belated congratulations on hitting your 5 centuries ( now at 502 and still moving forward ) , a fantastic acheivement Loxxie but never one that was in doubt as far as I'm concerned :)) .

Thank you for all the support and laughs along the way but next time you hit a milestone , try and not have it on a Bank holiday weekend :)) .

Love and Hug's going out to you Darling xx

Posted : 29th May 2017 9:18 am
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