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Havnt updated on here much lately...not really got much to's just very normal..a normal I havnt known for a long time...
The joys of paying bills on time..
Full stockroom..
Full kitchen cupboards. .
Full wardrobe. .
Garden makeover. .
Sons new bedroom..
Couple weekends away..
Daughters wedding dress bought..
Hen party flights and accommodation paid..
New furniture in bar..
Regular haircuts and nails..
I could go on...not to show off..but to give hope to those of you feeling like life's over...that there's no way out...
There most definatly is...but that's up to you...knowbody can do it for magic formular. ..just the commitment to try. ..and the will to succeed. ...
Turn the negatives into posatives..
When I arrived here over 500 days ago....the place I'm in know seemed unimaginable....just like a dream....but it's's good...and even the poopy daily trials are now just something to deal with.....and I do...
Sooooo .....I hope the post hasn't come across as a show's not about's about hopefully giving hope to those of you thinking there's no end in sight

Posted : 2nd June 2017 4:25 pm
Posts: 0

"Blood.y Show off " Loxxie :))

Hey Girl :)) , I've been here along with you all the way on your journey ( apart from the odd time I bugg'ered off now and then of course ) and what you forgot to mention in that post of epic proportion's :)) was , just how hard you worked for it all , it didn't just happen and land in your lap so you deserve everything that youv'e worked hard for Loxxie . I can even remember back when your " Piles" where giving you jip because of all that garden refurbishment you'd been doing but thankfully the creme and the " Icepoles " did the trick but obviously nobody needs to know about that now :))

Enjoy what youv'e achieved Lox , youv'e earned it :))

Big Kisses XXXXXXX

Posted : 2nd June 2017 4:44 pm
Posts: 3947

Your recovery is certainly inspiring . Well done for all you have achieved . 506 Days . It makes me feel happy ...... Stephen.

Posted : 2nd June 2017 5:09 pm
Posts: 0

What's pe ? P***s extention ? Lol , If it is then it's all going well thanks and there hoping to take the scafolding down next week :))

I wonder if admin will take this down ? , the post not the P E ?


Posted : 2nd June 2017 10:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi there sweet friend, hope all's well. I haven't posted for ages been super busy. Great to hear all your positives, you're a real inspiration. I've been finding money a bit tight with Stepchange getting so much of my income but that's nearly a year up and I've just got as PPI refund....£76 lol. Also forgot we had an insurance policy and we've now got a bit wiggle room with the cash!
Keep up the good work geeing up the troops. Take care lovely xx

Posted : 8th June 2017 12:10 am
Posts: 1831
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Soooo summers here !
Well...for a day or so I expect
Anyhow...treating myself to an hour or so In the garden with coffee and smokes....I'll just go a bit faster later to catch up !
All fine with me and mine....usual hectic family/work life...trying to juggle the balance between the two....hard at times....but dam site easier without the third component "my addiction"
actually. never was the third component. was the only component !
Not now....most deffinitly the third !
It leaves me alone now.....but I like to check in here now and again to remind myself that it's always going to need keeping an eye on !
Soooo.....nothing earth moving or exciting to report from loxxies world. .....
Except that's my life. ...and I'm sure as hell not sharing it with an online slot machine....
Happy Monday folks....quite often known as a poopy day.....
Nahhhhh ......every days a good day when your gamble free. ...
I'm sure some of you just arriving here can't see that....I couldn't !
But you'll have to trust me on this one ....because it's true !
And as in my very first post ...
"Please let my strength continue"
And I'll add...."and everybody elses"

Posted : 19th June 2017 8:35 am
Posts: 0

Another lovely post from My Loxxie :)) .

Glad to hear all's well Hun and that the Pub's busy , I'm getting fed up of running the gauntlett of my customers everytime I go out sayin " When you open again " , It's nice to be missed but I could get used to this life TBH :)) .

You must be enjoying the garden now the sun's finally shining on us ? I keep going into DIY stores at the Mo and all I keep seeing people buying are Fans and Air Conditioning units , we only get 11 day's of hot weather a year and they go crazy !! .

I hope the family's all well Lox and the grandkids are runnin you ragged :)) I've got all that to come in a few weeks so you need to send me a few pointers .( I was going to say " Tip's ) but as it's a site for reformed Gamblers people might get thye wrong idea ,LoL !.

Anyhooz , I'll love and leave yer me booty , Look after yourself Loxxie and not too much Coffee and f**s , it's not good for yer :))

Talk to you soon Hun and thank's for the drop bye warning me of Mr Tangerine Man ( I just typed "Tagerine Man " but should have left it like that if he wears his "Budgie smuggler's " :))


Posted : 19th June 2017 9:37 pm
Posts: 0


Im going to be honest i read your Diary and skipped to the end because i wanted to see what the future looks like and i like what i read. 🙂 i wouldnt say ive been a bad gambler but im hoping to nip it in the bud right away before it becomes a problem. Youve done so well you must be avery strong person. Thank you for the Help 🙂

Posted : 24th June 2017 6:52 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry for the late reply our Peggy. Not sure about the mankini turns out the glow is on hold as I'm allergic to the Uv light on the sun beds . I had to google if that was even a thing? Good to see the pub is doing well even better that your still kicking addictions b**t and having fun along the way. Have a great day Loxxie and I'll catch you on the other side .

Deano xx

Posted : 25th June 2017 7:50 am
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Haven't updated diary for a while...only because life's been soooo busy !
Enjoyed a few days away last week with the family....chaos ! but fun...nothing at good old butlins....grandkids loved it... quality family time !
Sadest part of week was seeing the numerous amusements packed to the rafters....and yes...we all took part in the two pence roller things...the first time we all approached when looking around the site....I could sense a "trickey feeling " from hubby and kids....I just laughed...and's ok..we can go in....bless them...only trying to protect me..even though that type of play was never my interest....anyway....we were all bored within 15 mins and left....
Another time I did see a chap escorted out the high roller section by a red coat ! sad stuff...probabally blown holiday budget...some poor kids have gone without because of dads addiction....hope he reaches out for help....
It's been arranged for ages that I have grandson this week...mum/dad having some couple time....what I didn't expect was to have other daughter and grand daughter arrive over the weekend having left her partner...if I'm honest in not surprised really...all very overcrowded but ....manageable untill she's found a place....and selfishly it's lovely having her here...I'm so proud of her...the one that encouraged me to face my addiction....and supported me over the fall out days....the strong young lady who's now sorting a new home for herself and's lovely to be in a sound emotional place to be supporting her....financially I think she'll be ok...but again its wonderfull to think I can help a bit with that if needed.... amazing how life....even with its ups and downs is so much simpler without my addiction trying to claim it's part in it....
I'm just going with the flow...and turning what seems to be negatives. ....into positives. ...and enjoying it !
I feel very out of touch with a lot of you guys on here now......but sincerely hope you're all doing well....
And to anybody just starting on you're fight with your addiction...
Get things in place to help you not gamble....and take it one day at a time. really can be done. .
And as ever...for me...
Please let my strength continue x

Posted : 5th July 2017 1:30 pm
Posts: 629

Great to hear you are doing well Loxxie. An example for us all to follow. Stay in touch x

Posted : 5th July 2017 2:39 pm
Posts: 0

Bloody Cheek " Old Duffer " :)) So how are you " Old Swinger " ? You wanna watch what you call yerself on tinternet :)) LoL .

Sorry to hear about your daughters probs , it happens we know but at least with you around supporting her I'm sure she'll come through it just fine and I expect your enjoying havin the grandkids around for a bit too :)).

My Girls got another week to go before her due date but as we know it happens when it happens , I missed her call today , 3 times she rang and when I noticed thought " Oh my Gawd it's happening " but she was just callin to say she's havin her nails done tommorow and could she pop in ( gave me a heart attack ) silly cow :)) >.

I've not been on here much either just lately " Busy , busy , busy at the mo , still off work till August but just referbed my bathroom and utility room and now startring to get tghe shop back on track for reopening , it's ok " Tis all in the hip replacement guide to recovery :)) , were also dealing with the foster kids adoption which is going through , the adoptive parents are with us now for a coule of weeks, then the take the two youngest back home with them , so I'm expecting a few tears all round :(( but theyve got a good future to look forwrad to , which is what we all want for them .

I'm thinking Deano's hung up his Gamcare boot's as his diary's locked ? , unless he pop's back incognito but I'll still know it's him by the mankini tan lines :)) .

It's good to see you enjoying life Loxxie gamble free just like myself , I really couldn't go back to that way of life now and very rarely think about it to be honest , it's not far off 2 yrs for me now since my last bet and I never thought back then that I'd be saying that now :))

As you say , life is still full of ups and downs but at least its just life and not gambling related eh :)) .

Ok I'll leave it there for now and as alway's Lox , Much love and best wishes

Look after yerself Girl xx

Posted : 6th July 2017 8:23 pm
Posts: 0

Still wating before you ask :((( . LoL xx

Posted : 18th July 2017 6:18 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Luverly :)).

No , Yes and No , is the answer to your question :)) .

My Daughter should be going in to be induced today as she's now at +12 ! and littleun is deffo keeping us all waiting , so watch this space . The 2 youngest have gone and that's another problem as were supposed to be going down to visit them this weekend , so maybe My partner will travell down on Friday and I'll follow down over the weekend , we'll just play things by ear at the moment . The shop will reopen next week and that's gonna be strange after 3+ months off , I could get used to this way of life but really need to start earning again as I'm getting deeper in the Red on aweekly basis now :(( , never mind it's only money and can be repaid , there's certainly no way I'll go back to my old ways of funding the shortfalls by Gambling again that's for sure .

You sound like Life's on " Spin Cycle " for you at the mo Lox ? but glad your daughters getting sorted 🙂 , being Old I'm assuming a "Fit Bit " is an app and not a New " Toy Boy " ? but if not " How does your Hubby feel about it all " ? LOL ! .

I'm lucky as I have my Hip as an excuse at the mo and I'm sure once I get back to work , those few pounds I've put on will dissappear LOL :))

I'm glad the ciggie and wine diets working and come on what else does a girl need eh ? .

Off for a dog walk now , so i'll let you know if anything happens antime soon :))

Until then , take care of yourself Loxxie and yer " Wobbly bit's " :)) xx

Posted : 26th July 2017 8:08 am
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Saddened to see a few new ladies joining here. me...addicted to those online slots...scared to tell in rent arrears..unpaid bills and scared of postman/phone ringing....yep ! that was me as well...560 odd days ago...convinced myself I was up the creek without a paddle...everybody would look down on me...knowbody would possibly respect me again..and so on and so on...
Well......let me tell you all...there is hope..there is a future for all of us addicts.'ve just got to not take that next spin.'ve got to be open/ honest/transparent with those that are in this with you...
Sounds simple doesn't it ....
It's not....its dam freaking hard....
But what choice do you have long can you keep all your balls in the air ?
Trust me....they will crash eventually....
And then there's're not happy....being controlled by an change it....
I did...
I fought the fight. ...
And will always ....
My life's the normal chaotic one of any wife/mum/Nanny /landlady.....
But it's mine....not an online slot machine's. ...
Take a look at my diary if you may may not..
At the very least it will be time spent not at the onlie slots....
Trust me...they'll give you nothing but heartache. ....but then you know that ....or you wouldn't be here.....
Good luck to you all xcc

Posted : 29th July 2017 12:30 am
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