PICA's Journey

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Following yesterday and I hope, pray and believe that it was the end of one journey and the beginning of a new one.

For the first time I feel different after registering with GamCare. 

Possibly I do have an obsessive habit, as I have been simply filling my time with reading up on the website and writing as well.

I would like to thank GamCare for helping me feel safer than I have before, and I sincerely wish every other recovering addict the very best.

For the first time I do feel I am not alone.

If I had a second wish, besides myself not returning to spread-betting, I wish I can be there or of help to as many more as I can.


Posted : 4th February 2020 2:19 pm
Posts: 4881

Welcome aboard!

In helping others you help yourself, that's always been my philosophy anyway.

Posted : 4th February 2020 7:37 pm
Posts: 243


having read you blog I just want to make a comment about your phrase “obsessive habit” 

I thought that for years and struggled in my mind. Having read Allan Carr book I am now clear I was addicted to gambling and it’s the addiction that needs treating (reversing) and it was not a habit for me.

the book explains the addiction and reverses the thinking.

take care 


Posted : 4th February 2020 9:06 pm
Posts: 31
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Matt, Many Thanks for that .

I have just purchased Alan Carrs , The easy way to stop gambling, I hope that is the book you are referring to.

You are correct, reversing the addiction is the key.

All the best.

Posted : 4th February 2020 10:19 pm
Posts: 29

Hey Pica, 

I hope your doing well and getting through each day as it comes, glad to see you have started to make progress. I'll keep checking in for your updates. 


Posted : 6th February 2020 5:36 pm
Posts: 31
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Posted by: zorro83

Hey Pica, 

I hope your doing well and getting through each day as it comes, glad to see you have started to make progress. I'll keep checking in for your updates. 


Hi Zorro, 

Hope you doing well, Thank for that, 5 days and counting, This time I am determined. Possibly more than ever. In the past a huge money loss sort of hit me in the face and made me walk away with a forever promise , but over the period going down to the last penny becomes a habit. January was three big losses and 2 relapses after 3 promises.

But after GamCare and all you guys out there, I read up and respond for several hours every day, and just walking and understanding the road knowing that you are not alone is so good.

In the past I always hid in a hole until some flashing lights got me back, this time I am facing it and I feeling a lot stronger.

Thanks once again you are going to seem me around here for a while.

Posted : 7th February 2020 8:37 pm
Posts: 31
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Sometimes it is better remembering my addiction and sometimes it is better to forgetting.

Either way it is a disease that stays with you, after an easy holiday one comes back to routine and the flashing numbers keep drawing you back.

Today I have been looking at the screen and letting my imagination lift me higher.

I must remember I am an addict. It is a good thing that I have a few hurdles to jump before I relapse and pray that I wake up from the trance before.

I am certainly not going back.

But this surely hurts.

Imagine what one could do with all that available mind space that allows occupation of that mental gambling platform.


Posted : 28th February 2020 10:47 pm

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