Recovering from Gambling had its time and place

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I want to share my struggles with you all because I honestly thought that I was never going to get over it. Over the past 2 years I have tried all sorts of counselling but suddenly got jittery about it all and flaked. I thought that councelling didnt work and it wasnt helping me, The problem is even though i sought out help, I still wasnt mentally prepared to deal with my gambling issues. Have you ever heard theres a time and a place, that wasnt my time or my place to give up gambling. I had to keep making that mistake until i truly learned it was time to give it up, I got to the point where i won money but would just keep gambling, this same process helped me realise that no matter how much i won I would never win. I am incapable of accepting any winnings so this was the moment i had to stop and accept that I was stuck in a vicious cycle. The last few times i just cried and didnt want to continue living, this really hit home for me.

The gam care chat room has helped me alot through my month free of gambling, I stopped gambling a couple of days after my birthday, I thought i would get loads of bonuses but i got barely nothing. I have to accept that these people just want our money, do they care about us.. well very little. They have took so much from me that i feel i have lost more than just my money. Ive lost a bit of dignity and alot of time spent on these sites. I believe we all wish we could have give it up sooner. I never liked the thought of going to meetings, i prefer to remain anonymous. Gamban I cannot praise enough, blocking gambling sites on my laptop has been a godsend. talking to people in the chat room has been a godsend, these 2 things are the reason why I am not longer gambling. I still have urges but I feel i have much more self control than before. I wish luck to everyone here.

Posted : 23rd December 2017 6:43 pm
Posts: 7071

Hiya Rock! ☺

Good to see you starting a diary! Yes, I have been hanging around a while now (nearly 5 years lol) ..but didn't truly learned my lessons!

I shall come back on chats and be more talkative or at least say "goodbye" on my departure as I can't stand just logging out (as I did myself recently) as it's rude in my eyes!

Anyhoo!!! Hope you're well & feeling better yourself ☺

Keep posting, this place can help so so much, but you must do some work and accept support, advices given to help you move forward!

Well done on your ongoing journey

Speak soon

S&B xx

P.s...GamBan is indeed Godsend and keep me safe too!!

Posted : 23rd December 2017 7:05 pm
Posts: 10
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Hi 🙂 I believe in times like this we need to do a bit of soul searching, I am starting my journey into loving myyself a bit more, I believe I havent for a long time. indeed its going to take some work

ps that captcha is bloody annoying

Posted : 23rd December 2017 8:07 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Rocknat!

I am Indeed in one piece...phew! Even if still rattling a little!

Yeah it was ok I guess. Either we both "grew up" Or just can't be bothered with remarks anymore! :-D..yeah..i think we grew up lol

I am full (& Lil girl) so I'm not complaining! Now my turn for cooking! For xmas! Guess if I get any sleep tonight lol

Hope you're well and shift wasn't too difficult.

2.5hrs till Xmas..keep us posted how you feel & most importantly have a great time!

S&B xx

Posted : 24th December 2017 9:30 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey you!

How are you getting on? Hopefully had a lovely time this Christmas and kept on a straight and narrow!

Look after yourself and stay strong! ☺

All the best -S&B xx

Posted : 27th December 2017 12:30 pm
Posts: 10
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hello :), i am not too bad thank you :), im planning a trip to aus so i now have a goal and something to strive for. How are you getting on?? xxxxx

Posted : 28th December 2017 8:29 pm
Posts: 7071


I'm ok, Thanks ☺ gambling so thats better than I could ask for!

Good to hear you got something planned for next year. It's good to set targets and reach for them, keeps us motivated ☺

Well done on yoir ongoing g free journey, don't forget - it will only keep getting better!

Be cool & safe!

S&B xx

Posted : 28th December 2017 9:01 pm
Posts: 7071


How are you keeping on? As you probs are aware chats are temporary cancelled but always remeber about this little box here where you can come along at any
Time ☺

Stay safe & hopefully will spk soon!

Posted : 17th January 2018 11:22 pm

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