hi jimmy thanks for keeping in touch, youve really put great thought and energy and risk by seeking help from your friends and family......well done i know how hard it is when i told my mum i know it was a huge step and put me in a great place and strengthened my non gambling position.....im sure it will for you too.....keep oing mate lets do this!!!!
Was pretty lazy at work this afternoon wish i wasnt lazy but after a solid week a half an hour chill isnt too bad....
Done 10k at work today then went got a coffee and some bits for tomo..... going to have a friend over for burgers im cooking so got some nice buns, salad, ketchup and took the burgers out the freezer....
I then cooked dinner then played some xbox with a friend......then thought u know what even tho its raining i said to myself ill walk 12k a day......so went out and ended up on 16675 for the day......
|Think ill carry on with the walking it does me good.
Then watched le mans 66 film love that film......
Recovery going great.
All the best Adam xx
Another day.....managed to walk 9500 steps even tho its a saturday..... horray...
Went to town for a walk today, looked around the shops, done 4k with walk round waitrose to get a coffee...... also done some weights at park again (im getting better at them tbf) great improvement.
Then watched wimbledon went round folks for dinner then got a haircut.....then came back.
Then again thought during chat on here why not go for walk make sure i aim to get near the 10k mark for the day.... so i went out done a fair few reps of weights at park gym (really really getting better) ended up on 9283 steps for the day ..... so pretty good for a sunday.
Today i ate:
Pot noodle
Pack of crisps
cottage pie
ice cream
much better eating today quantity wise not quite the quality healthwise but the quantity is very good.
Also finances wise at the mo im on saving 60% of what ive earnt for the month going towards debt.... so 600 pounds towards my debt this month which is great..... im going to the cinema again tomo so twice in one month but should be worth the expense....In two minds about doing my kitchen up as im doing soo well with the paying debts off lately seems a shame to put the brakes on.......
@adam123 gf life isnt perfect but atleast your in charge of your finances the funny thing is the guy who introduced me to the world of gambling has been g/f for nearly 10 years he was very addicted he was fortunate to never endure a relapse whilist i have had many relapses throught my journey however saying that atleast u know where your money going gambling wise anything possible ive had days where ive had too much money spending like a millionaire then days where im eating bread n beans to surive next pay day, life isnt perfect but atleast its better then this nighmare, people are already living hand to mouth and they have no addiction life is already tough without this c**P
thanks for popping by tazman...
couldnt sleep last night was still awake a 5am so i thought id go for a walk, walked 4k then went to greggs got a bacon roll, steak bake and coffee....
Then went to ben again and slept till 1pm..... was going to go to cinima with mum this afternoon but didnt feel up to it... allmost bought some lego online.... then went to town walked round shops....sat in park....then had a snooze... then had dinner.....then went for another walk around town...done 15000 again today so thats good.
Back to work tomo meeeh..bu twont be too bad will get steps in.
Today i ate
Steak bake,
Bacon roll
Two coffees
Cottage pie
cup of tea
not the best diet but oh well...
All the best adam
16,000 steps today....
weetabix, soup one slice of bread, strawberries, picnic choc bar, pizza, two cans of coke zero.
Plodded along today....
15590 steps today
Ate cornflakes, soup and slice of bread, melon, steak bake and chips, one pack of crisps, three cupcakes (oh dear lol)....
done 6 reps of 12 on weights at park gym.....
tidyed flat...
played xbox...
Looked at finances...
Going to go look at cookers tomo....will get kitchen done over next few months...
Project for today at work was to clean out drains... done 4 of them today.... took out confidential waste....took bins out....took recycling out....cleaned signs.....litter picked.....and most importantly ate cupcakes for charity lol.
Think they been doing interviews for my managers position so watch this space.... more changes.
All the best adam
went to work done a grafting shift.....this week has flown by.....had monday off work so guess that helped.....friday tomo horray.....couple of days off again..... went to cooker shop after work and found the cooker im going to buy....its 449 pounds plus 45 for installation.....going to paint kitchen first.............
almost forgot done 16300 steps today and ate too much
Hi AdamÂ
Just stopping by to say hello.
Well done on the exercise and diet side of things mate.
Don't worry too much on getting the diet 100% in these early days. This is something I am learning for myself in relation to gambling and also eating healthy etc.
Small, sustainable changes in the beginning - lead to big changes over time.
All the best mate,
Hi Jimmy thanks for popping by.......yeah so the diet is going ok but ate a lot today.....went to my folks for dinner had a chicken roast then two bowls of banofee pie......yesturday i cooked for a friend...... i cooked us steak, peas, peppercorn sauce and chips......both of these meals were lovely..
My sister came over with my nephews and niece today......we played on my xbox then went to the park and played cricket....was a lot of fun im actually pretty good at cricket got three people out.....even with a can of coke in one hand lol
I've topped up my xbox up to 3 year membership again.....paid ÂŁ7.50 for 52 days ultimate. pretty good.
Also i've been looking at tvs for a few months since i got the new xbox (to take advantage of the graphics) and i decided id get an lg c2 42 inch or 48inch. Now on friday night on my hot deals app it showed that the blue light card is offering 20% off lg oled tvs for a week in currys pc world..... so i looked it up and saw the one i want is out of stock but one thats 100 pound more is in stock..... im hoping that the deal covers all lg oled tvs and not just 2023 ones.....so i topped up my currys gift card with 800 pounds and will try and purchase it once the credit is on the card....... really hoping i can get the one i want as ive been watching vids of it on you tube and it really does look awesome.
So after purchasing the new xbox and topping up the gift card i was on a plus of 300 last month and minus 125 this month..... so not the end of the world but ill try to keep spending to a minimum (as allways).... and hopefully i can keep saving money for debt.
Ill keep cooking for friends at home rather than going to restaurants as im a pretty good cook and it really isnt hard to cook nice meals and save a bit of money whilst enjoying entertaining.
I really am happy with the flat now and everything ive purchased to make it a lovely home.... im really happy with the work ive put in..... and ive just got to do the kitchen and purchase a few pictures over the years to finnish it off.
I was speaking to a friend and he was worried about the cost of his mortgage payments as his fixed term was ending soon and he had an appointment with the bank tomo......now it looks like his will go from 1100 a month to possibly 1400-1500 a month...... now with bills and living costs on top no wonder hes struggling..... and so so happy that im able to comfortably with and not be stressed or worried by my financial position..... this country is definitely in a tough position for many households.....even those earning what should be a comfortable amount are now struggling.....and this looks like it wont change for at least a year.
I've looked at my energy usage and its now gone down to a manageable amount.....80 pounds a month its seems thru hot months....i pay 115 a month now and am in 20 pounds credit at mo..... im hoping the support scheme comes back this winter or its going to be 200 at least. lets hope the gov sort that.
Council tax has gone up from 115 -124 a month which is fine..
Managemnt cost for flat has gone up from 44 to 54 a month.
Water from 20 - 30.
Food everytime i got in something goes up 10-20 percent......Â
so i have learnt to be crafty thru living and saving wherever i can and trying to live on essentials.
I have in recent months spent money on non essentials like technology and nice food but i like to entertain people when they are here and you only live once. need to enjoy life and fruits of labour.
Recovery gambling wise going great....not had any lapse for a long time and thoughts of gambling altho they have come recently ive cast them to one side.
Back to work tomo booooooo...oh well closer to that tv.
All the best adam
Not been able to get the tv.....its out of stock....and has been taken of the currys site....bit annoyed as now have 800 pounds on a currys gift card.... will have to wait till there is a new promotion on...... could take a while have to see.
This week boy is it flying by....life is flying by....got to take a moment, reflect, count up positives not dwell on negatives and re focus....... life is currently very very good.
At work this week my manager has been off sick again and the other porter is on holiday..... i like it when its just me out of my department that is in.... i get everything done but no one on my shoulder.
Mum wants to go to sommerset on a weekday break but i said prefer to stay here.
Ive just booked my holiday days..... ive now got a monday -wednesday off every three weeks for rest of year....nicely spread out.....gives me a five day break from work every three weeks for rest of year....works out nicely.....
all the best adam
ps savvy savings wise i bought 6 x 4 tins of heinz spaghetti hoops for 2.39 each, 6 x cans of heinz vegatable soups 50p each and 8x chicago town pizzas 62p each...... so ive now got 5 weeks of lunches at work sorted.... much better than buying lunch in canteen for four pounds.
Also bought an r2d2 star wars door mat for 3 pounds bargin lol
Ive had a tough tough day emotionally.....My manager has been off work and the other porter is on holiday so ive been doing everything that needs to be done..... however as theres no boss i also been a bit slack by having a few tea breaks and sitting at the desk a bit looking at emails etc but not at that time doing anything productive for a bit. Ive got all the jobs done but i feel i could have done more..... however i do 10k steps a day at work and have continued whilst my boss is off to do that.... so thats a good sign of productivity..
However whilst sitting at the desk my managers manager came in today and said that i shouldnt be spending time on computer my position as porter is not a computer based one..... I got really upset (i allways takes things to heart ) and i had a down day as a result.
I thought about asking to do less hours at work so im productive the whole time and not as tired from the physical exercise and i also thought about going to a different job.
In all honesty after thinking clearly i just need to not go on computer at all at work and just look busy all the time...simple...i just over think.
i really need the money and this job gives me a lot of plusses.
I just overthink.
Also i didnt get the tv ...... the gift card is non refundable but im trying to get a refund as its 753 pounds that would be good in my savings account(again from todays experience i can do with saving as much as i can for rainy days).
All the best Adam xx
Adam that manager is a P***k, and has zero management or people skills.
Chin up mate.
Hi lids thanks for popping by.....
Been super low for a couple of weeks....maybe its the weather, maybe its work, maybe its a combination.
Tried to get my money back from perks at work for the tv i was going to get.... they are looking into it.
Without the tv spending ive spent 500 this month on everything including bills so would have paid 500 off debt were it not for topping up the gift card.
Im just all over the place this week.....Its flown by but not been in a good place throughout.... Lets hope a charge of vbatteries over this weekend will work.
Going to bed now and will get a good rest.
Not going to think about work till monday, thats the best plan i can come up with.
All the best adam
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