Refreshed diary for a refreshed adam

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got some chips today to get my free coffee....had a 50p off voucher so it was just 1.30p spent.....great start to the week........


Ive let my bosses boss know i can work next weeks holiday days as my boss is off for another two weeks signed off.


good start to the week done extra 15 mins at work today.... only spent 1.30p and down 11 k steps....worked hard....



Posted : 2nd October 2023 7:05 pm
Posts: 2938
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Hello diary......


Today marks 1400 days gamble free......


In exactly 8 weeks ill hit the four year mark....


I celebrated today by working as hard as i can.....I cleaned the gutters out around the hospital.....I took out the bins.....i cleaned the bins.....i cleared the confidential waste...i ordered some more gases....i ordered some more sharps bins.....i took deliveries around......i washed the signs around the hospital.....i done a litter pick....i checked all the doors were locked....and checked and replenished the gases..... All in 5 hours and 35 mins..


I have done 50 mins overtime already this week so should be able to claim a bit more money at the end of the month.....  I was due to be on holiday next week on the mon - weds.....but as my boss is signed off for another two weeks ive said that ill work it to cover the sickness.....  Ill have the following week off mon- weds instead...



Posted : 3rd October 2023 8:34 pm
Posts: 2938
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200 weeks crazy

Posted : 3rd October 2023 8:45 pm
Posts: 2938
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Two days into the last 8 weeks of the 4 year mark....obvs continuing past that mark but its really going to be a great milestone....... 2nd december is the day.....


This christmas should be very aiming to do well at work (ive just organised working partially on the weekly newsletter again.....ill get an hour a week to do my input...going to wwrite about shopping deals i find each week so that others in my hospital can take advatnage of deals to save money (which is particually important at the moment with the percentage of dispossable incomes going down soo much and bills going up so much). 


I bought a chicken from sainsburys yesturday for mum and dad and me and it cost nectar price only £3.75p and has made 11 servings of food.....Greta way to save.


Ive also with my health in mind signed up again to the gm that will open here in spring.....i have paid 14.99 for first month, 14.99 joining fee and it will be 14.99 a month for the first 6 months..... Shame its not open this winter as thats when ill of need it the most.....but i think its a cracking deal for getting some good exercise in when weathers not soo great!!!!


Soo far this week ive spent 10 pounds on charity, £6.95p at sainsburys and £5.95 at waitrose.....and thats it....really going to save this month as by the end of the month ill have spent £750 on kitchen!!!!



Posted : 5th October 2023 9:54 pm
Posts: 2938
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Just tallied up spending on picture, food, kitchen stuff ive spent this month and its 348 pounds.....really been an expensive four motnhs......ive pretty much broken even in those four months by spending hardly anything on food....... but now ive got my entertainment completely sorted for a long time, got my kitchen and bathroom sorted and got some pictures....also spent 300 on plumber for boiler service plus new taps in kitchen......


All in all over last Six motnhs ive spent £2050 on my flats entertainment, plumbing and decorating.....


In those six months ive earnt £6700, and spent 3000 on bills and food £500 a month, and paid £1500 towards my debt.....


I was sure i wanted to get new xbox and tv but wasnt soo sure about doing up my kitchen and bathroom and getting new cooker...... it will however be a huge improvement once finnished....


Ive just looked and ive spent 900 pounds on all my food and drinks over the six months so £5 a day exactly which is pretty good i feel as ive had a coffee every day sometimes a few plus ive bought six months advance lunches for the future plus ive got a months worth of freezer food in.


Managed a pretty strict week this week....just bought one item each day to get my free coffee....then bought a chicken for 3.75 and mum and dad shared it and i got 4 meals from it. mum and dad got few meals from it too.


Thought about getting fish and chips today but managed to just walk back and cook a pasta bake.


The next five months i've planned to save £2900 towards debt out of £6600 ill earn.


so total towards debt of £4400 this financial year, £2000 on flat so half my money form this year going on beneficial things.


Dont think ill go on holiday this year..... or next....i can enjoy staying here in my flat....Next June is the euros and ill get a couple of weeks off for start and end of that.... and watch at home....


All the best Adam






Posted : 6th October 2023 8:52 pm
Posts: 2938
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Had a great productive day today......spurs won, a hard fought game, we were lucky to win, so that was good.....


Then my folks came over and we put pictures up, cleaned windows, got flat ready for putting blinds up, cleaned bedroom, just lots of chores really....


Now im ready for tomo......a friend is coming over for super sunday..... big games all fant team has had a pretty good start to week.....looking forward to a super performance hopefully tomo.


Thankful and feeling blessed again.


all the best Adam xx

Posted : 7th October 2023 6:07 pm
Posts: 2938
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End of another i am....had a great weekend...productive....resting....entertaining...all of the above.


Just been thinking about my energy bills as i got an offer to fixed current lower than last year rates.  ive worked out i spent 1200 last year after the 66 pound gov help over the winter.  if i use same amount of units this year locking it in costs again 1200 pounds..... even without the gov a saving of a third on last year...Its still more than historically but thats the cost these days..... As last year i was pretty happy with cost each month and this wouldnt be an increase im garuanteing my unit prices for the next 12 motnhs by locking in now.....Could be a great decision could be  a terrible decision but whos got a crystall ball ....i can afford it and think its good value now so im locking in.  Im with octopus and they supposed to be best ones to be with too.


Today i woke up and went and got my daily coffee....bought some eggs.....had secrambled egg on toast and coffee...then friend came over and we watched super sunday....shock city loss, opens up tittle race but super early days...but it shows our spurs draw at highbury was really good.


Then ate a lasagne..... looked at energy prices ...then now im here......





Posted : 8th October 2023 8:31 pm
Posts: 2938
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Well 10 days into this super saving month, ive spent 19 pounds in waitrose on 10 coffees and various essentials..... got a banana today....spent 17pounds on debit card (with 11.50 going to charity) and 11 pounds in sainsburys on some food.  Tonight i topped up my sainsburys card which should last a month or so......then i ate chicken kiev mash and carrots tonight.


Been doing fine at work this week put a bed together today plus done some other usual bits.


just applied for time off in june for the euros.....hoping to be off for all of the 32 games lol....i do love footy and this is where i find real pleasure...should be authorised soon as manager back next week.


Ive got holiday days this mon and tues then next monday then following mon tues and weds so looking forward to them....nothing planned but will see what i can get up to.


Recovery going great....did briefly watch a slots video....was triggered in chat last night...totally pointless...anyway i didnt act on it to do any of my own gambling...ive come too far and know the end resut....stress!!!


All the best adam xx

Posted : 10th October 2023 9:04 pm
Posts: 2938
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Had flu jab yesturday ..... Went to be early .....not feeling perfect......going to bed early tonight too .... Rest up

Posted : 12th October 2023 8:32 pm
Posts: 2938
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Had flu jab yesturday ..... Went to be early .....not feeling perfect......going to bed early tonight too .... Rest up

Posted : 12th October 2023 8:32 pm
Posts: 2938
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Friday night update......Flu jab was fine didnt feel ill after apart from a small that was good.


Last few days at work been fine....nothing spectacular just plodded thru them.


I said at work i could work my holiday days on mon and tues but boss said to have the days off..


So im off for four days as of today.


Back in work weds....


A few things to do round the flat...


Went to unistall gamban on my devices today 🙁


Couldnt thank god.


In moment of weakness i installed various poker app (free chip ones).....but it wouldnt let me go into them. due to gamban...... really is good..... annoyed me at the time......but now im in a better frame of mind i can see that that was for the best.


Had cip shop chips and pie tonight plus a cafe nero coffee.....  Bit of an end of week splurge....


Onwards i go no harm done....


Altho if i could have played poker i would of tonight.....goes to show i have weaknesses to work on.



Posted : 13th October 2023 9:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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Here i am end of another weekend....start of another week.  had a lovely day today went to sisters to check out the renovations going on on her house and to see my nephews and niece.  Was lovely......


Ive been trying in recent years to keep up with friends and connect with them on phone and in person.....however due to kids, moving, etc in recent years theyve not really been i thought about it and looked at messages id been sending and to be honest i was putting in all the effort and getting nothing i done a cull on contacts and deleted a lot of friends numbers so that i wouldnt message them and if they were going to put the effort in they could contact me themself....


So three months has gone by without a message or phonecall from any of them untill tonight....a number called and as i didnt know who it was i didnt pick was an old friend so ive saved their number again and will wait for them to call again (making no ground work) and then catch up.....


So all in all its worked.....Im not seeming needy, annoying people with messages they dont want, if they want to contact they will in due course.


A couple of my close friends that i do see are going thru some tought times....with splitt ups is also struggling with alcohol and was with work also...s im helping them with going to aa and getting them over to watch footy and drink some non alcoholic beverages.  Also the other is very down trying to get them out round mine to help too..


I sent an email tonight to matron as id asked to get paid for the time i spend at home on the weekly work newsletter, i apologised for this ask...and thanked her for my job as its not stressful and is well adjusted for very thankful for this job and will try my best to help out in any way i can.


Watched a film on nowtv called champions with woody harrolson....very good indeed.


I liked the fact that i could see my niece today and spend some time with her.... shes getting better with her speaking now and is getting used to me now. Im very happy about that.


Tomo and tuesday im off work and will try to rest up and see some friends.


Night Night Adam xx

Posted : 15th October 2023 11:13 pm
Posts: 208

Drinking alcohol free beverages is not for me, BUT that`s the sign of a good mate that thinks about and accommodates someone with a drink problem, or any kind of problem. I relate to making all the effort, i have been there both on the receiving and giving bit of that support. Just do what makes you comfortable and happy Being supportive and there can be good results for you giving a sense of being helpful and a good mate.  Sometimes i used to feel i was having the P*** ripped out of me making all the calls, suggesting all the days or nights out, but and you should too i learned to truly relax, if you want to get in touch with them do it, if not relax and don`t stress. You seem to have now got a fantastic work/life/outlook balance hang on to that because its priceless, worth more than any amount of money or any win. You are getting things so right and its good to see, keep it going. Time spent truly relaxing is time spent with your eyes open and taking things in and can potentially be the most enjoyable and productive phases of your life. Knowledge and wisdom enter easily in to a contented relaxed and open mind, you seem to be in exactly that spot, so what are you going to do with that mindset and new lease of life?



Posted : 17th October 2023 8:09 pm
Posts: 2938
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hi lids love that post...soo much so i read it four times....such great advice.....i really do look up to you , mixer and others on here.....


Tomo marks tazmans 100 days gamble free....going to make sure im on the evening chat to celebrate this as i know how important it was for me to celebrate my 100 day mark....its definitely the turning point 100 days as it marks 3 months and the point at which you have built a non gambling habbit....well done taz really well done.


RELAX.....yes lids going to try and relax with regards to my contacting friends......if they ring and leave a message ill contact them and meet up...if not im not going to fret.....whatsapp, facebook and other social media really now isnt my thing i didnt get on with it...i spent too much time looking at it and in that regard im happy without it.


So ill relax and not fret about this subject....


On POINT im writing this on spotify the ITS COMING HOME song has just started lol.....and we've just qualified for the euros for in june.....we literally didnt lose a game....such a grea tqualification with two games still left to play lol woop....


We were 1-1 against Italy at half time tonight.....needed a i started to try a new thing of a lucky england half time bacon sarnie lol...first bite after hafl time and RASHerFORD went thru and scored.....then Kane for another lol Woop....50 odd years of hurt we are still waiting,.....and i have faith will will win one major tournie soon and bring it home!!!!!


With the Euro's in mind ive applied to have 11  days off for the tournie in june .....ive planned the days so i can watch every ill be in work the day after the final....but im hoping really hoping we get to it....come on lads can do it!!!!


Had a lovely day today altho i did eat 10 rashers of bacon and 5 slices of bread and a bread roll lol not exactly the best...mum says bacon is processed food but surely bacon is just chopped up into slices? hows it processed? any way my cholesteral took a hit today.......



Posted : 17th October 2023 9:49 pm
Posts: 2938
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Anyway just read an article about bacon.....its fair to say ill no longer be eating that lol

Posted : 17th October 2023 10:23 pm
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