Regaining control after slip

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Great to hear from you and even better to hear that all is going great on the recovery front. The silly things we used do when in action !

You are one of the good stories on these boards. Keep up the work and keep posting.


Posted : 1st December 2010 1:55 pm
Posts: 0


How are you mate? thanks for your reply on my diary, past the 100 mark ey, well done mate, your doing excellent.

I hope family is ok and your set for xmas, take care my friend.

Posted : 1st December 2010 2:49 pm
Posts: 1057

Your on easy street just now blues, long may it continue, 100 days+ magnificent achievement...our past gambling habits were so alike. ..keep it going pal,we can do this 🙂

Posted : 1st December 2010 3:39 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the support Brian, Unlucky and wp, really helping me on this journey.

No urges to report, which really is the main thing for me. Even managed a little bit of xmas shopping today as I was building up a bit of cash and didnt want any temptation so few things bought in preperation for 3 weeks time.

Just been out in the snow for a long walk and gave me a lot of time to think. I love walking in the snow, in the dark, just something so peaceful.

My mind goes back to August at times and its as though it was someone else there at the time. So glad I am not gambling today, my life is so much better for it.

Take care folks and hope the urges stay away or at least manageable for all


Posted : 1st December 2010 9:04 pm
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Good morning folks, hope you are all well.

Woke up this morning, feeling more alive than I have done in a long long time. Whether its down to the fact that I seem to be sleeping again combined with no stress from that horrible gambling lifestyle I dont know.

I've spent enough of my life nervously looking over my shoulder, putting on a brave face while my families life, unknown to them, crumbles around them.

Not anymore, I feel a new person, I hate gambling as much as I did 106 days ago, it took so much of my life and my families dreams that I simply cannot go back - EVER.

Had to shovel about a foot of snow last night just to get the cars out of the drive and my back is in agony - I can cope with that though, every day of every week if it means that mental torture does not return.

I am also lifted by some of the stories i'm reading on here, we are going through this journey together and I know that for me, your journey is VERY important in my recovery.

Anyway, i'm going now to enjoy this good mood and get a bit of brekkie,

Take care and hope you all have a great day


Posted : 3rd December 2010 7:51 am
Posts: 0

Mornin' Blues.

106 days, that's just great!!

You sound real chipper and may that last forever!!

Your post has lifted my mood today from low to very hopeful!!

We can do this!


Posted : 3rd December 2010 9:41 am
Posts: 0
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What a bleedin cold morning it is. Just dropping by after a nice bacon butty to say no gambling urges. Was busy all day yesterday and nice family day out planned today,

Hope everyone stays gamble free

Take Care all


Posted : 5th December 2010 9:12 am
Posts: 0

How about this for coincidence?!

I am just dropping by after a bacon butty too! But I had a fried egg as well!

Glad to hear that you are having a lovely weekend and hope you enjoy your day with the family.


Posted : 5th December 2010 9:51 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Folks

Hope everyone had a gamble free day so far.

No urges today, but woke up in a bad mood and cant seem to shift it. Whether its the cold weather or the continuous round of work, pay bills, no money beacause of gamlbing, I dont know, but my head is all over the place.

The massive plus is that i've no inclination to gamble whatsoever.

Hope you all have no urges

Take Care Blues

Posted : 6th December 2010 7:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Folks,

Doom and Gloom lifted today, just one of lifes mysteries (although not as mysterious as the female mood swing LOL)

No urges today, which is superb in my book and long may it continue. Still have a HUGE mountain of debt infront of me, but one things for sure, if I dont gamble, it will only get smaller.

Onto day 110 today, I am still counting my days and will continue to do so to remind me of how far I have come...

Take Care


Posted : 7th December 2010 12:50 pm
Posts: 0

And that debt will reduce each day that you don't gamble.

You may have no money, but you will still have enough for real little treats such as a bacon butty. And how much better can that get?

110 days is brilliant, keep it up!


Posted : 7th December 2010 6:53 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on the 110 days. Laughed when you said about the female mood swings.

If you can find some place that does mood transplants, please let me know and I'll register my missus lol.

Keep it up. You are doing very well.


Posted : 8th December 2010 9:01 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the support.

No gambling thoughts yesterday, really dont need anymore hassle in life.

Paying off my debts (actually they have become OUR debts...) is going to take patience and hard work, but it WILL be done. With gambling, it WONT be done, so for now, the simple choice is I CANNOT place that first bet.

At 534pm today, it will be 112 days (16 weeks) since I placed my final bet - an achievement I thought was IMPOSSIBLE during those dark days.

Believe me, willpower is not my strong point, but when your back is against the wall this proves that ANYONE, can do ANYTHING if we want it enough

Take Care


Posted : 9th December 2010 7:48 am
Posts: 0
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In a bit of a low spot as the debt mountain just doesnt seem to be shifting and realistically, we are looking at 5 or 6 years to shift them, WHAT A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY this gambling disease is....

Was in bad form yesterday and hit the bed at about 7pm last night. I felt that if I was asleep then wouldnt have to go through the mental torture. Actually had a good nights kip and not as bad this morning but continuously working and paying off debts is still P*ssing me right off.

My other half has asked me 3 times in the last 24 hours "you haven't gambled again have you" I haven't and to be honest the third time she asked I snapped and said i'm allowed to be in a bad f****n mood once in a while. I need to understand that she is also fed up with it, but am finding acceptance of the debts very hard today

Anyway, main thing is to remain gamble free as betting will only help those bookies profits (T*ATS!)

Take Care


Posted : 10th December 2010 12:01 pm
Posts: 0

I hear you loud and clear about that debt mountain. I share your thoughts on a regular basis.

I'm starting to come around to the way of thinking that says; once your repayments are manageable, who cases whether they take 7 or 10 years.

Hope you are doing the basics;

- Making sure that you are not paying excessive interest

- Making sure that you are not paying penalties.

If you are, there's people who can give excellent advise. Many here have been through agreements to suspend interest for 12 months etc...

Other than that, battle through it. Tomorrow will be better. If its not, the day after that will.


Posted : 10th December 2010 9:01 pm
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