Regaining control after slip

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i like most people love to have cash, as do we all. and your right about the good times m8, there so fickel. i won one time £3500 4 days befor i went on hollday with my famley. it was so good to have that cash, the day we went away i had to borow money for that hollday. when we win its nothink at all. its only when we lose that we feel anythink at all. life is nume when your gambuling s**m


Posted : 20th January 2011 10:50 am
Posts: 0
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S.A. more than welcome mate, roll the sleeves up, keep the head down and you will remain gamble free. Itsme, its only borrowed money of we do win, yo are right.

No urges today, relatively calm in myself to be honest, but i'm sure those little devil urges are on the horizon somewhere so i'm on my toes all the time.

At 534pm today, It will have been a full 154 DAYS since that dark, dark day. Time is a great healer but with it brings complacency so keeping my guard up all the time

Take Care


22 weeks gamble free!

Posted : 20th January 2011 1:15 pm
Posts: 0

hi blues,

thanks for your posts mate.

a massive well done on 22 weeks of a new life.

I too used to never go out without at least £500 and 4 credit cards - i now exist for a month on what i used to put in a machine in less than an hour - they say what goes round comes round, and in my case its certainly true - i went from almost unlimited access to as much cash as i wanted, to surviving on less than 90 quid a week.

have a great weekend, hope you get some quality time with your family.


Posted : 20th January 2011 2:17 pm
Posts: 0

154 days now and 3 minutes, well done.

Many thanks for your post on my diary. I think that we all now have huge respect for money now that we are not gambling. This is a vital skill that not many other people will have and it will put us all in a very good position for our future.

Enjoy your evening.


Posted : 20th January 2011 5:39 pm
Posts: 0

154 days Blues, you have done extremely well my friend, im right behind you in the mountain, i hope your family is good as well.

Have a good weekend my friend.

Posted : 21st January 2011 12:59 pm
Posts: 0


Keep up the great work Blues. Seeing you doing so well is fantastic for you and for all those, like myself, who follow your diary.


Posted : 24th January 2011 9:02 am
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Thanks for the posts, helps me no end in my recovery and is really appreciated. No urges, Friday or Saturday, mainly down to being fully occupied both days. I had a few hours to myself yesterday and for about 10 minutes my mind was convincing me that the best thing I can do with this free time, is go to the bookies. I would rate it as a medium urge and quickly snapped myself out of it.

I guess if you asked any addict to give something up, they would have urges, it how we deal with those urges.

I am amazed how I have learnt to identify these urges and know that I simply cannot act on them as the price to pay is simply too big this time. I'm not sure what is different from all other times I have tried to give up but I feel strong and also feel that people are on my side...

Anyhow, day 158 since I placed that last bet and i'm feeling fairly strong at the minute and my life has definately improved in the last 5 or so months

Take Care


Posted : 24th January 2011 2:29 pm
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Just a short update to say that no urges over the last couple of days. Today marks 160 days since my last bet and life has been better, but not since I started gambling compulsively.

Again, the debt issue is going around in my head, as happens every few weeks, but I know that gambling is a sure fire way of increasing that debt. I will let the thoughts flow around and run the frustration out of me at football later.

Hope you all have a gamble free day

Take Care


Posted : 26th January 2011 9:48 am
Posts: 0

Hello chap.

The debt is a constant reminder to how gambling ruins life. To think that you could rid yourself of that debt through further gambling would be complete madness! It's there to keep you on the straight and narrow. I'm in the same boat. Never again will i give a penny of my hard earned money to the industry. I have been a fool for years. No more. All the best.

Posted : 26th January 2011 12:06 pm
Posts: 1057

look forward blues not back 160 days on marvelous 😉 not easy but stuff the debts mate....they shouldnt have given us the money in the 1st place on already bulging debts...we can do this,enjoy your family and football 😉

Posted : 26th January 2011 3:23 pm
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Well delighted to post that another drama, stress free weekend has passed with no gambling. I REALLY AM GETTING USED TO THIS LIFE NOW!

This is the first real weekend where I didnt even think of placing a bet, nothing. I was busy all weekend and really am enjoying not having that sinking feeling!

Anyway, today is day 165 of this latest battle and long may it continue.

Hope you all have a gamble free and urge free day

Take Care


Posted : 31st January 2011 3:51 pm
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Another drama free day yesterday and no urges to report this morning. Have the early stages of man flu at the minute and need to ensure that I survive the next few days, its crucial lol

Take care everyone


Posted : 1st February 2011 12:09 pm
Posts: 0

catching a cold from germs is still better than catching a cold from gambling!! You are getting really close to the half a year mark now mate so well done on that.

Stay strong


Posted : 1st February 2011 1:01 pm
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Not quite posting as much these days as really busy in general. Work, Family, Life all keeping my waking hours occupied. Which is a great thing as it means there is no room for my no.1 priority this time last year, gambling.

No urges whatsoever and really happy and glad to be able to say that. Life is ticking along nicely now and once I can get rid of those debts (a long long time away yet!) I swear, I will have washed those demons away for ever - the debt is a constant reminder but I aint gonna add to it!

As usual, I like to mark my 'anniversaried' so today at 534pm, I will be 168 days since I turned my life around from the depths of despair to relative calm - 24 weeks, 2 more and it will be a full half year - Happy with that!

Take Care


Posted : 3rd February 2011 2:13 pm
Posts: 0


6 months is bloody fantastic.. what's even better is that your perspective on life shows someone who is moving on past the life of sh ite that gambling gave us.

Very happy for you, and your family who have you back. (or perhaps for the 1st time for young uns).


Posted : 3rd February 2011 4:03 pm
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