Regaining control after slip

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It is worth fighting for rather than submitting to it. You know where that will bring you.

You know all the answers Blues. You just have to find the courage to do it.

- don't carry money

- take one day at a time

that's all you need to do every day. It's cr ap being a compulsive gambler, but it's something lots of people live with.. i.e. having to overcome an illness.... diabetics, disabled, post-heart attack, stroke etc..

It will get easier and it's something that you have to accept.

STEP 1: Admit that you are a compulsive gambler and that your life has become unmanageable


Posted : 8th July 2011 2:58 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues.. its like Brian says, we gotta keep on fighting this thing called gambling no matter how many setbacks we may have.. because what is the alternative? .. financial drain, personal misery and despair. Keep working at it.. S.A

Posted : 8th July 2011 8:45 pm
Posts: 0

hi blue.dont give up now,you once put in my diary everytime you make a slip,get back up dust yourself down and start again.i took a lot of comfort from them words,i hope you will now.I know your having a few slip ups,but better that than gambling every day,dont you think?come on mate get back in the fight.thinking of you

Posted : 9th July 2011 3:27 pm
Posts: 0

Like SA said, brush your cobwebs off and start again.

Yes, this gambling lark is incredibly difficult to beat.

But it CAN be beaten!

All the best.


Posted : 10th July 2011 5:08 pm
Posts: 0

hi blues,thanks for your support.i know your right,i have a party to go to this weekend and a archy lesson next weekend,so plenty to look forward to without gambling.i know your not in a great place at the moment,but you still take the time to help people out,big up for that.i am impressed with how you deal with this,you keep getting knocked down,but every time you get up again and start the fight over.never stop doing this mate,

Posted : 12th July 2011 4:56 pm
Posts: 0


How are you getting on my friend ?


Posted : 26th July 2011 9:59 pm
Posts: 0
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What a horrible, horiible few months it has been (AGAIN). I am in more debt because of my inability to beat this disease (AGAIN), and things at home are not great (AGAIN), although my wife is again, sticking by me (AGAIN)(god knows why!). I have blown a few thousand in the last few months, which for me, is quite a 'good' figure, it has been tens of thousands in the past.

I feel possibly as low as I have (without thoughts of doing anything daft) but a part of me is also just ready to give up the fight and accept that I will never go on holiday again, will never buy my family the things they deserve, will never go for meals etc. My mind is racing like mad, last bet was on Saturday, football coupon (won incidentally, then wasted all of it again along with my old pal GREED!)

Thanks for reading


Posted : 23rd August 2011 12:58 pm
Posts: 0


I feel your pain. I really do. It must be really tough on your family too.

I'm concerned about you. I'm concerned about your statement of resignation... your family deserve better than that. You CAN turn it around and give them the life they deserve. It doesn't mean everything will be rosy... it will be a hard slog... but you can achieve PEACE OF MIND. I've been paying off my debts for 14 months now... still haven't undone the last month of my gambling. uugghh.... lots of regrets, despair frustration etc.. but there are times when I'm just happy to chip away at the mountain. That despair is getting slowly replaced by peace.

I'd be available to join the gamcare chat and swap email addresses, if that can help you.

Gambling will only make things worse Blues. You have to make that first tough step of stepping off that train. That's enough from me... ball is in your court to make the next move.


Posted : 23rd August 2011 6:18 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for your support Brian and so good to hear you are slowly returning to the life you and your family deserve.

I didnt gamble yesterday and just received the news that my usual get out clause financially have rejected my top up application. Where to go now? I don't know but will try my damnedest (if thats a word) not to gamble today

Take Care


Posted : 24th August 2011 3:04 pm
Posts: 0
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Well no gambling yesterday and the usual routine for the last week, home, eat dinner, go to bed - at least it keeps me out of those horrible places.

Hope today will pass gamble free - honestly at this point in time, irrational as it is - would love to leave all debts behind, pack a few things get on a plane to somewhere far away and live a simple life, and I could do it tomorrow, disappear into the abyss never to be seen or heard of again - make new friends - make a new start with no money, but no debts, get a little job, stay in a room in a little place - I know its a real possibility. The only thing holding me back is that if I do it, I say goodbye to my family for ever so I have to fight for it AGAIN!

Take Care


Posted : 25th August 2011 10:30 am
Posts: 0


Well done on a good day yesterday and I have faith in you that you will be strong today.

Those thoughts are those of a man that is beaten by gambling. I had thoughts that my family would be better without me too. Its hard not to feel sorry for ourselves. Dust yourself off my friend. Up and at 'em.

The prize for not gambling is massive !!!! I guarantee you.

Well done for coming on here today.


Posted : 25th August 2011 11:59 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

All I have to say for today is, this cannot continue. I am powerless to resist the urges of gambling and am deeper in trouble than I have ever been. The reason I need to post on here is to encourage others to STOP immediately - I am living proof that this disease only gets progressively worse as does the consequences.

This is not a post looking for sympathy, I am simply passing on my very very recent experiences - Please do the right thing and stop now(if you are strong enough)

Take Care


Posted : 12th October 2011 11:45 am
Posts: 1057

and YOU are strong enough too blues. NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP !!! youve proved you can go months on end in beating this and i have every confidence you can do it mate. Get that last bettin slip back in your wallet and watch it diminish away just like i have. Also what about ga ? I know it doesn t work for everyone but worth a try ? Deeds book is Also very good and there is Also that other site which many on here moved to. Anyways no lectures from me mate i know exactly how difficult this can be. BUT YOU CAN DO IT MATE BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ! thinking of you. W.P

Posted : 12th October 2011 6:02 pm
Posts: 0

Blues I feel the same running away from everything just for a simple life. Would we have a simple life tho we would always be wondering about our family and others we care about. I sometimes wish i was an drug addict or alchohlic as my husband and family would see the addiction that i have. I like you have lost thousands over the years and no body knows only people on here. I feel like gambling everyday just to win money to see me through the month but i know i can`t as like you i want to sort my addiction out and take control again. Please stay strong xx

Posted : 13th October 2011 12:40 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues,

Time to stop digging your hole any deeper. You know that life slowly starts to get better when the gambling stops. Thats always been my experience. Onwards and forwards to a brighter future... gambling free.. S.A

Posted : 14th October 2011 6:35 pm
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