Regaining control after slip

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Thanks so much for the support yesterday folks, really helped me to get through those tough few hours.

So glad that i didnt give into the urges I really am and they have somewhat subsided today. Still having thoughts about gambling but those urges are far away at the minute.

Things not really improving at home, which is totally understandable but the number one aim is to remain gamble free and who knows what will happen eh?

Have a great day

Take Care


Posted : 4th May 2012 11:33 am
Posts: 0

Hi Blues,

So glad you remained positive when the urges were soo bad.

It takes alot of hard work to continue and as time goes on things will start to improve, hopefully in all areas for you

Remain strong

Take Care


One day at a time

Posted : 4th May 2012 4:34 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues... likewise, glad you managed to stay away from the gambling. I remember several times when ive been in such a bad place in my headspace where reality seemed so overwhleming that ive gone gambling with 5p's and 10p's just to escape for a few seconds or a minutes at most.

As your gambling free time builds up, your perspective will change as indeed it is starting to do. I am as much speaking to myself here as anything.. we have to re-invigorate our resolve on a regular basis. All the best mate.. S.A

Posted : 9th May 2012 10:24 am
Posts: 0

Hope alls well wit u me ole mucker

Posted : 9th May 2012 10:29 am
Posts: 0


Sending you some positive karma my friend.


Posted : 21st May 2012 11:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Just wanted to say , where ever you are, what ever is going on in your life. Hope you are ok.

Do not forget there are plenty of folk here to help if it's not going quite as well as you want it too.

Take care sweetie

Dusty xxxx

Posted : 21st May 2012 11:39 pm
Posts: 0

HI Blues,

Just wanted to say i have been reading your diary and your journey has helped me remain focused and not gamble today.

My heart goes out to you and what you have been through on your journey, I hope all is ok with you and your life, Never give up giving up blues, you have done it before and you can be successfull again.

Take care

Blondie day 28

Posted : 22nd May 2012 12:10 am
Posts: 0

Blues hope your ok mate starting to get really worried about you

Posted : 13th June 2012 6:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hope alls well mate!

Posted : 18th July 2012 5:49 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for your messages, hope you are all strong enough to continue the fight - i'm back, deeper in the mire both financially and emotionally - things cranked up over the last 3 or 4 months and I really have screwed up big time - thank you for giving me the gift of compulsive gambling, how will I ever repay you......EVIL wins the day


Posted : 14th August 2012 11:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi ya ,

Evil wins the day..............

But it can be the looser tomorrow .

You can stop this madness in its tracts , but you know that .

Take that leap of faith my friend , pull yourself out of the quick sand . There's a rope there , I am so much willing you to grab it .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 14th August 2012 11:39 am
Posts: 0

Shiny said everything that I wanted to say.

You know that gambling is pure evil and there is only one person who can stop this.


Stay very strong and keep making the right choices, eh? For yourself.


Posted : 14th August 2012 11:43 am
Posts: 0


I am a bit of a dreamer sometimes to many disney films when i was a young girl i think, But one thing I do know for sure is You can beat this, You have gone 200+ days before you know what it takes.

Things must seem at there worst for you at this moment, they say that hope is the last gift given to man , and as long as i have breath in my lungs I will fight this addiction.

Have hope blues, pick up the stick, take off the gambling goggles, get to a G.A meeting if that will help, What ever it takes.. ? Right ?

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 14th August 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Well, is this my rock bottom? I have now moved out of my family home, lost ALL trust and love my wife had for me, the most loving and giving person I could have wished to meet.

I moved out last month and have really messed things up, missing loan/mortgage repayments and gambling like a lunatic. Sure, there were some wins but ultimately

LOSSES and very large ones. I am also teetering on the edge with regards to my job and feel disciplinary action coming very soon. I'm so afraid, so lonely, missing my children each day, the grip is so strong right now-I need friends but dont want to tell them my problem. I am going back to GA this evening to at least share the way I am feeling, I am struggling to get out of bed in the mornings, struggling to function, struggling to eat, can't sleep, just want a hole to open up and consume me. Surely there can't be anything worse than what I am going through at the minute-I can't see the wood for the trees - 4 or 5 calls a day from different lenders - cannot cope, needed to get my feelings down here - people on here have offered amazing support and I have continued to gamble. Anyone who knows my problem, again, have offered amazing support and I thought I knew better, well I DONT and never will - i'm so so afraid, almost paranoid that people are talking about me

Help...thats all I can say, HELP!

Posted : 20th September 2012 10:13 am
Posts: 1057

I'm in same boat blues !!!

You KNOW how good this site can be on a dailly basis !!

C'mon your better than that !!!

Get in touch with payplan regarding debts ?

Get that chin up you are NOT alone !!!

Onwards !!!


Posted : 20th September 2012 11:43 am
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