Regaining control after slip

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Great news Blues. Keep doing what your doing. Russ

Posted : 10th December 2012 7:26 pm
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Wow its cold outside, reckon I could get a stint on dancing on ice after all my practice walking to work this morning!

No bet yesterday, another fantastic achievement and its now nearly 4 weeks since my slip. Had a long chat with an old friend last night and I must not go into isolation as that will lead me back to hell aswell.

Nothing much else to report which is fine by me,

Take Care


Posted : 11th December 2012 11:40 am
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Well, drama free day yesterday, which is now what it is all about. Christmas is coming, I can go for a night out, eat well (not too well otherwise the clothes wont fit!). I am going to make a concious effort this year to try to look after my body a little better over the festive period. Even an hour or two walk each day has to be good for the body and mind. That said, I could also end up sitting on the sofa eating and drinking and watching tele for the week and a half, but once I don't gamble, either is fine with me

Day 27 today, Keep it up Blues, going strong, one day at a time

Take Care


Posted : 12th December 2012 1:14 pm
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4 weeks today since that drastic day when I placed my last bet. God, it was an awful experience and I am much more metally stable now. Xmas party topnight and I must be vigilant tomorrow as a hangover + cash has equalled disaster before. I am going to fit a daytime meeting in tomorrow (dependent on condition!), and stave of any urges that may come my way. Positive thinking though, as I continue this battle

Take Care


Posted : 13th December 2012 1:53 pm
Posts: 0

Keep it up blues! 4 weeks is a real achievement! Stay focused and don't have a slip!!!

Posted : 13th December 2012 1:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Blues,

I was off work sick and managed to read your diary yesterday from start to finish. I know that you cannot change the past but you certainly can the future.

You have gone for a month now....I can feel your determination!

One thing that struck me was when you were football training and playing...this seemed to co-inside with your "happy time" and being free of the gambling.........Maybe get back into your sports?

I really think that this "rock bottom" will be the making of you!

You can beat this Blue.........We all can with the support of this site.


Posted : 13th December 2012 2:15 pm
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Lukey, many thanks for your support, I will not slip, need to be extra vigilant though.

Womble, firstly, hope your feeling better today, I know there's a lot of illness going around this time of year. Secondly, I want to say thanks for taking the time to read my diary, I often wonder where i'd be if I had stopped after my first entry but as you say, we can't change the past, but I can certainly influence the future.

I am actually back playing 3 times a week and in the last 4 weeks have lost weight aswell as regaining that well being that comes with exercise. The effect playing football, a sport I have played for over 30 years, is a positive for me, and I feel blessed that I can still run around and keep up with the 'young' folk! The body feels that pain but the effect on me mentally far outweighs this.

Support from the people on this site is paramount to my progress and there are so many wonderful people, who UNDERSTAND, which is the one thing a non-gambler ever will. Thanks again for your support

Take Care


Posted : 13th December 2012 3:00 pm
Posts: 0

Blues just wanted to pop by and say your diary posts are genuine and got a bit of humor about them so it makes reading your story all the more interesting. Glad to see you're keeping up with young folk, they may be faster but they haven't got the life experience... the older lads I play with will let me run by and give me the cheekiest of trips and I fall over looking like lemon. You've almost done your first month so just keep doing what you're doing as it's working. Well done again Blues, much respect.

Posted : 13th December 2012 3:34 pm
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Well, main thing is no bet over the weekend but the urges on Friday were untolerable as I went the pub for a 'curer' and ended up staying for 6 hours, racing blaring out of the TV and barman taking bets! Worst scenario, but I stayed and to be honest for the first 4 or so hours it didnt bother me, then I started to get massive urges coupled with alcohol, and actually had money in my hand to place a bet, then just got up, grabbed my coat and left. To be honest, i'd had enough alcohol at that stage anyway, but kept waking up through the night thinking how close I had come because i'd put myself in that situation. I attended a GA meeting saturday morning.

Anyway, bet free since that awful experience on 15th November, and long may it continue.

Take Care


Posted : 17th December 2012 2:17 pm
Posts: 0

Great 2 hear ur still bet free blues a day at a time and ur lucky your playing footie 3 times a week i miss it i had 2 give up because of my knee.

Keep your guard up coming up 2 xmas and hopfully 2013 will be a gud year 4 u a day at a time.

Take care

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:00 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues.

Its easy to crumble under the influence of a pint or 6 but you didn't do that so well done to you. Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:23 pm
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Sorry to hear about your injury influenced retirement footprints, its not easy keeping injury free. I did my medial ligament twice in my mid twenties and the pain is sometimes pretty bad for a few hours after playing but tis worth it! Thanks for your words of encouragement, feeling positive at the minute, I can already sense the calm in my life as I progress to 2013, with a sense of optimism and yearning for the life I deserve.

SA, was very close and I'm as disappointed putting myself in that situation, then again, I can't expect every pub to turn off the tele when I walk in! Unfortunately, there was no bar/lounge split so I couldn't escape elsewhere. I thought it was safe because no bookies near, then I walk in and there are 2 or 3 laptops on the bar! Modern technology eh?!

No urges whatsoever yesterday, but had I placed that first bet (as we all know too well) mental torture and I could have gone either way. As it is, this is day 33 and feeling strong.

This year I really hope you all have a bet free Christmas and we can push on in January and make 2013 OUR year - I'm certainly going to try my best to put the most horrendous year of my life, 2012, behind me. Annus Horriblis or summit like that!

Take Care


Posted : 18th December 2012 10:26 am
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Spent yesterday sending texts to a member of the GA group I am in and it felt good trying to support that person who was, by the nature of the texts, really struggling. Haven't heard back from them today, so hope by talking yesterday helped. No bet for me yesterday, few urges, but nothing I couldnt handle. Urge free again today, I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted today and really need a good nights kip. If I was gambling even a good nights sleep, which is free, is impossible!

Take Care


Posted : 19th December 2012 4:10 pm
Posts: 0


Hope this finds you well.

A good night's sleep... now there's a thing!!!


Posted : 20th December 2012 2:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Blues,

So glad to here you told the demons where to go !

Nothing wrong with wanting a bet.....Its the having a bet thats the problem. A CG will always have the desire but its what we do with it........You are winning Blues!

Sue x

Posted : 20th December 2012 8:35 pm
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