Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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Phew! Today was a hot one, and the rumours are that tomorrow could be even hotter. As a larger gentleman (read usually jolly fat guy), I am not at my best in the heat, and at times it felt like I was really struggling this week. Friday tomorrow though, and can't say that this week has gone quickly.

It's not work problems, but at the moment I'm filling in for my manager whose on long term sick and doing work that is way above my pay grade. In the past I've faltered, and run from pressure and responsibility at work, but I almost feel like I can embrace it at the moment. Amazing what gambling recovery offers. It's tough going, but the experience will really nudge me on towards a promotion when it comes up.

This is a roller coaster, and I don't always post the dark times, but today isn't bad.

All the best folks,


Posted : 17th July 2014 11:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Leeds

Just wanted to say FANTASTIC 300 days without gambling stay strong

Suzanne x

Posted : 18th July 2014 8:08 am
Posts: 4422


Fella great to see you adding some of the amazing knowledge you have gifted yourself through this journey to other folk on the forum.

Regards contraversies on the forum,I don't think there are any that really need to steal our thoughts for too long,my post last night was one of pure frustration,the feeling that another compulsive gambler seeks to end there life in the most part due to the actions of their addiction is nothing short of a travesty.

The silent killer that this addiction is causes so much pain,it really does reap devastation upon so many folk,not just the addict themselves.

As for Joe's poetry night we hope to get an audio of the poems read produced to which

I hope to post a link here.

I see this as part of Joe's recovery from the effects my gambling waged upon his life,he has a very powerful voice and is fantastic to see him dedicate his time to others,a truly selfless act,one I am very proud of.

Love the idea of a tour of the country on your time off,fella if Portsmouth is a destination you fancy ,you would be more than welcome to enjoy some hospitality on me,a room and board not a problem,it would be an honor.

Keep making the right choice

Keep sharing it,as our dear friend Rach used to say, 'to recover you have to give your recovery away'

You are doing just that.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 18th July 2014 11:31 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Firstly huge thank you for your recent email. Time to stop beating myself up and meet challenges head on. Find it hard but hav to take everything on the chin. We are good people and rightly so deserve a good shot in this life. You are doing just that, am well proud of you and happy to walk beside you in this recovery.

You are really huge inspiring and I find so many positives reading your posts. Be proud my friend, keep marching on and hold that belief in yourself.

Thank you once again and speak soon.

Take a good care of yourself and keep making the right choice!!

S x

Posted : 18th July 2014 6:08 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan... well from what you say, today is your 300th day without a bet. Well done mate. Sounds like you will be able to treat yourself when you have your time off in September... and it sounds as if plans are in progress. Thanks for your support as always... S.A 🙂

Posted : 19th July 2014 10:31 am
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Thanks for the support as always guys, this place is such a boon, and is both a crutch and an inspiration. I feel I can lean on here when I'm not feeling strong, and with others also forging on into successful lives, I also feel inspired to try and do the same.

303 days gamble free today, and I'm certain that I will not be gambling today, and I won't be gambling tomorrow either.

SA - I'm not big on treating myself...I've always made a great effort to beat myself up about just about everything I've done wrong in my life. When it comes to September, all I want to do is not to be too sad about the past, and rather to look forward, and look at what I can change.

At times I feel like I write gibberish, but at least I'm still writing, and that is a better place to be that wallowing and not getting my thoughts out.

All the best, just four days til the weekend!


Posted : 21st July 2014 6:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan

Brill 303 days

Keep going and going

Suzanne x

Posted : 21st July 2014 6:53 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Great going on those g free days, time just flies and a little milestone is just round the corner. Keep it up my friend, march onwards and don't look back.

proud to walk beside you, thank you for all ur support .

Sandra x

Posted : 23rd July 2014 3:46 am
Posts: 0
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Another working week out of the way, and still no gambling, not even really a thought about gambling. Neither optimistic nor pessimistic at the moment, just plodding on in the same way I have for this last year.

Finances coming together and starting to approach that debt free mark which should come in the next couple of months, and also got a few weeks holiday coming up in September. August is still to get out of the way, but can't wait for September to come around.

Gambling is a terrible disease, and as I approach thirty two years of age, it will be with very little in terms of material wealth, but I hope it will be a birthday which is gamble free, and with a little hope for the future.

All the best guys,


Posted : 26th July 2014 12:08 am
Posts: 4422


Fella I emulate with you regards material possessions I have very few of any worth,the sad thing is I sold stuff to fund my addiction towards the end,laptop's,pushbikes,jewelry all for a fraction of it's worth all chasing a 500 jackpot in the fobt!! in truth in black and white I can see the madness of it all.

You have come a long way in your own journey,I have had the pleasure in being along your side,your support never wavering to others.

Be proud you will have a debt free life in the coming months,make some plans of what to do with the excess money,look after yourself,because we both know only to well how addiction would like you to mark the occasion,how you could treat yourself!!!

We also know the results if you did,a forgone conclusion!!

You live a new mantra today,one in my mind priceless


7 amazing words,all of your making.

Enjoy it

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 26th July 2014 7:35 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan,

I am ten years older than you and have next to nothing in terms of material wealth as well. One of my friends is 8 years older than me and has next to nothing in terms of material wealth. My other mate is 15 years older than me or 25 years older than you and he has next to nothing and is in the most precarious position of all of us.

Its all relative, but the perhaps the most important thing for all of us is keeping hold of that "hope" that we can move forward to better times and a sense of peace and serenity. At those times when I have lost hope the gambling devil always comes knocking on the door.

You seem to be doing mighty fine my friend. Warm regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 26th July 2014 9:49 am
Posts: 0
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Been struggling to hold things together over the last few days, not in any meaningful sort of way just trying to fight my way through a dose of manflu or some equally malicious disease that left me in bed sweating, sneezing, cursing, and trying to remember who I was!

Almost human again now, and one good thing about illness is that I wasn't well enough to gamble, so today is 313 days on this particular road. The bouts of depression still come and go, and being sick also made me feel pretty shabby about life in general, but whatever happens I am better off and a better person when I'm not shoving money down the throat of some greedy bookie.

Hope is still here, though at times it is faint and fleeting. cr** job, cr** social life, just occasional outings with a group of friends that are quickly becoming settled and well on their way to children. I'm still looking for that inspiration that will actually drive and motivate me.

Ah well, onwards and upwards, nothing is gained if I don't do anything.

All the best


Posted : 1st August 2014 12:03 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Ryan,

Man flu? 🙂 good to hear you are feeling better with yourself and hope you will be 100% soon.

Thank you for your kind words and support. It will get better, I have to stand back up and keep fighting. .I will break the cycle.

Take it easy and be good to you. Very well done on ur ongoing abstinence, be proud, u are worth all the best things in life, I'm sure you will get them when you least expect it.

S x

Posted : 1st August 2014 6:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi mate, You are doing bloody great 313 days free is awesome and not long until the year mark.

Keep it going mate.


Posted : 1st August 2014 2:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi leeds

313 days is something to be proud of

Well done

Suzanne x

Posted : 1st August 2014 3:53 pm
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