Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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So, into the early hours of Day 61, and its the weekend for most people. I've got two late shifts to come before freedom beckons me though, but the light at the end of this particular tunnel is five days off after that, and also my favourite holiday of the year - Thanksgiving. I've got a fair bit more than usual to be thankful about at the moment, my finances are just a few months from being in the black, I've got a tidy income between my job and my freelance work, and I'm clean of gambling.

This is how its going to stay, and there is only one way to get further away from this addiction, and that is to make sure I keep getting one day further away every day.

Hope everyone's well, and have a great weekend.



Posted : 23rd November 2013 1:29 am
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone, especially our American friends who are hopefully spending time with the family today. I'm looking forward for a wee drink or two and an NFL triple header later on.

Thanks for the support guys, although 66 days since I last gambled, occasionally it still feels like yesterday when I think of the losses. Hell, it's easy to advise others to forget it and move on, and I know that deep down that's what I should do, but that money now would make a huge difference.

Nothing to be done though, just keep working hard and keep saving, and we'll be back in the black soon enough. Considering where I was when I started my first diary on her with close to 20k of debt, this is fairly small beans, but still looking forward to have 0 next to that debt figure.

All the best


Posted : 28th November 2013 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan, I'm glad you're getting yourself back on track. You've done it before. Learn from last time and get on with living a life gamble free. Russ

Posted : 29th November 2013 5:51 pm
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As we get into December I've adopted a lovely cold to keep me sounding proper nasal and blowing my nose what seems like every thirty seconds. Nonetheless, gamble free and still moving in the right direction I guess.

Thanks for the kind words Russ.

Day 71, and I won't be gambling today.

All the best


Posted : 3rd December 2013 1:46 pm
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Well, into day 73 and I've got a morning to myself for once. It feels like this happens very rarely between shifts at work and my freelance efforts. There is work that I could be doing, but today I'm taking a bit of time, (slept fairly late) and relaxing. Work starts in a couple of hours, so its only a temporary reprieve, but its good not to be focused on earning money, saving and paying debts all the time.

Had a Christmas fair at work last night, and the first event on the Christmas party calendar happens tomorrow, so its going to be a bit of fun for once. Been fairly good with my budget earlier in the month to make sure I don't overspend, but looking forward to enjoying a night out.

All the best guys,


Posted : 5th December 2013 12:57 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for your message and it's so nice to hear from you.

Glad to see you are going great guns and keeping on the straight and narrow.

Enjoy your night out and everything what comes in your new chapter in life 🙂

Keep it up and be proud!!

Nearly 100 days..and then 1000 and so on...well done 🙂

Sandra x

Posted : 5th December 2013 3:08 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan...good to see that your back in the groove and keeping gambling at bay. I hope you enjoy your night out. I am in need of a good night out but I have no idea when its going to happen. Thanks for your support. Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 5th December 2013 7:41 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella well done, the efforts of your abstinence are there for all to see.

For that be proud.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 5th December 2013 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Ryan.....

I admire your perseverence.

Im 10 weeks and a day myself, and am looking forward to christmas for the 1st time in as long as i remember as im not panicking at where to find the money for the kids & family presents.

Leeds is a beautiful city at christmas, and im enjoying walking round town in my lunchour avoiding the bookies like the plague.

Posted : 6th December 2013 11:52 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Thank you so much for your post. I believe you doing great in your recovery and still going strong!!

Way to go my friend!!!!...2 weeks and Xmas...Jeez time flies!!! 🙂

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 8th December 2013 6:50 pm
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Well, into day 79 and things are still going fairly well. Thanks for the support guys, it sure helps just to know that other people who have been and are going through the same emotional rollercoaster are there too.

Don't mention Christmas Sandra - I swear I'm less than halfway through buying gifts etc, although personally I'm not one for lights and tinsel. I don't see the point of putting up decorations as I live by myself, especially when I can appreciate the nuclear-power station draining display from the house over the road!

@leedsv - I agree Leeds is a lovely city, my nephew is studying there at the moment and having a blast. While I'm not from that area myself, my dad's family lives there and I'm overdue a visit to Yorkshire, or as my dad calls it the independent democratic republic of Yorkshire!

This is a period of the year where my neuroses and weird paranoia about going out with people gets tested, and I'm determined to enjoy myself but not go overboard in either the work Xmas party or the night out with my mates.

All the best guys, onwards to 2014!


Posted : 9th December 2013 2:19 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan... and great stuff on your gamble free time.

By the way ive not brought a single exmas present yet.. so no pressure! 🙂

I also live alone and can't see the point in exmas decorations... bar humbug! 😉

Finally I also have the weird paranoia/stress thing about socialising at exmas. Amazingly for me I am going out tonight and tomorrow night. Time will tell whether I actually enjoy myself or not. Hope you enjoy your nights out. Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 13th December 2013 8:26 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan 🙂

What u doing on page 4??

Thank you for the post and i believe you keeping the good fight going!!

If will not have a chance to speak to u later .wishing u very Merry Xmas and a Happy New year..make it special 🙂

S x

Posted : 22nd December 2013 12:26 am
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Wow...I can't believe how quickly time has flown over the last two weeks. No posts between days 79 and today, day 91. Been trying to clear my metaphorical desk of freelance work before Christmas, and I may still get it done if I work hard!

Starting to put money aside so I have a little emergency fund as well as paying off my credit card, and that round the world trip in 2 years time is getting closer.

Thanks for the support guys...generally I'm a bit of a grinch at Christmas, but hope everyone has a nice positive and gamble free holiday. Sandra - still fighting hun, and barely had time to even think or get temptations about gambling. I sometimes wonder if I'm a workaholic when I'm not gambling to replace one addiction with another, I wouldn't be surprised, but at least its a productive one that takes me towards the future I hope to see.

All the best everyone, hope all your Christmases are awesome and all your turkeys have crispy skin and tender, tasty meat!


Posted : 22nd December 2013 12:45 am
Posts: 4881

Hello Ryan... You seem in a good place just now. The round the world trip sounds great... and something to work towards. Your growing savings will have a purpose.

Here's a shocker. I haven't had a holiday (excluding visits to see family) for perhaps 15 years. For me to actually go on a holiday would be quite something.

Anyway great stuff on your gamble free time. Regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 22nd December 2013 9:39 am
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