its been hard dealimg with this addiction ive beatem it before but somehow it gets bacl imto my life, its never endimg, so i thought i wouod start a rec0very diary, im game for anything if it will help,
22k in the hole lets ses if i cam get rid of half this debt by the emd of 2016 and get my life back
ive not gambled for 5 days so its a start, ive started runnimg agin, and have also stopped smokimg fpr around 7 days, fingers crossed i cam beat them both at the same time, its goimg to be tough, my wife cught me the other day, nd it was tough telling her id lost 2k recently it see,s every time i better my finncial situation slightly i gamble again, i dont know why i feell like a d**k now for it!
anyway im goimg to give this my all amd maybe just maube i cam bring hapiness back into my life by doimg other thimgs to make my mimd more positive.
im signing off for now but ill be back!
Hello Ears. Have you spoken with Gamcare and got some advice. they offer counselling and support. Give them a ring?
day6 to recovery, wasnt difficult today at all, bjt thats how it goes, i will beat this night allz,
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