SadG wants to be happyG

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Thanks DP.

Marching onwards to 100 days. I know you'll be there 4 days later. Our strength and support for each other has been a big part of this for me. You inspire me to keep going and I thank you for that.

Laaaadddies and Gentlemen. I would like to re-introduce TheBear. Yes our Bear is back once again. Please support him. He's a bear in need of some realization of what his gambling is doing to him. Even when he wins he's not happy. That's pure addiction, When you're doing it out of habit. What's the point any more? When you're gambling has got to that stage surely it's time to turn and walk away from it. Leave it be. Do something else. It's all burned out. So give him your best support please and maybe we can get him on the path of recovery forever.

I'm off to the match(see previous post). Looking forward to it. Only second time this season.


Posted : 9th February 2013 10:40 am
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What a day!

Not only did I watch Spurs win but I sat in the pub afterwards and told my mate everything or as much as I could in the time we had. Told him about my addiction last year, how it took over my life, consumed me but I also felt proud that I could tell him. I am in a very good place now with my addiction and have moved it to a place in my mind that is distant and insignificant. I told him about my losses last year, how it affected me at work but that I am in a very different place right now. I even showed him this thread and said if he wants to read it feel free. I am still ashamed of what I have done but I am proud of myself that I saw the light before I self destructed.

I thought it would be a weight off my shoulders but it doesn't feel like that. I think it's because I've been in a good place for a while now. It was just nice to share it with one of my closest friends, someone who would understand. He was great about it. I could see the shock on his face but he didn't berate me. He just listened to what I had to say and was happy that I'd taken back control of my life. Ian if you're reading this I thank you for listening to me and not judging me.

My life since quitting the gambling has been uplifting. I am soooo much happier within myself and I hope that will reflect in a positive way with the people I interact with in my daily life.

Altogether this has just been a really nice day. I hope I have many like it in the future. I have a life and I am living it finally.

Sad G is genuinely becoming happy G with every day that passes.


Posted : 9th February 2013 7:30 pm
Posts: 944

Such a lovely diary entry to read, really makes me hopeful there is light at the end of the tunnel and just need to stick at it.

Thanks so much for sharing with us and what a brilliant friend to have as well.


Posted : 9th February 2013 7:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi sadg, really great post from you. Firstly congratulations to tottenham, as said yesterday i actually wanted you to win to keep newcastle in the bottom 6.

G , you have this unbelievable ability to transform your inner feelings into words that mean something. Its a gift, whatever you write people want to read. I am very happy you have been able to tell your firend Ian about your addiction and it is great that he has not judged you. Sounds like yesterday was almost the perfect day for you if there can be such a thing.

Regarding the trek in September, do you have a specific date ? i will be in Finland on buisness for 7 days, unsure of the dates yet. It's an international sale meeting let me know. Well done for yesterday, really pleased for you ! today its the MIGHTY HAMMERS turn ! blowing pretty bubbles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Posted : 10th February 2013 10:15 am
Posts: 0

sorry G, of course you did give a specific date first weekend of September, will let you know sooooon DP /

Posted : 10th February 2013 10:19 am
Posts: 0

hi sadG, great post again from you.

didn't know you were a spurs supporter. I went to white hart lane once, last year when spurs played bolton on the FA cup. unfortunately, it was also the game that muamba collapsed in the field - the game abandoned after 42 mins at 1-1. nevertheless the atmosphere in the stadium was great and a very nice experience.

Posted : 10th February 2013 4:21 pm
Posts: 0

Great post G keep it up. Really glad your life is getting better. You have been a huge support to me and many others on this site and an inspirational character.

Looking forward to reading more positive posts.

Posted : 11th February 2013 2:34 am
Posts: 4422

The honourable Mr. G.

Fella be very proud of what you did over the weekend, it takes huge courage to admit our failings to someone else, for it take strength.

I like to think we through each days abstinence not only better ourselves and the lives of those around us, but also add a brick to the wall, a defence wall, one which our addiction sits the other side of,tempting us, wrecking ball ready.

Over the weekend you laid a huge brick on that wall, your addiction can hardly see the summit now.

For that, me I am inspired,you, your resolve toughened.

One day at a time

Continue that streak.

Great to be a constant winner fella.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 11th February 2013 3:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi my friend, gutted for The Bear AGAIN ! ive been tough with my post to him but maybe a change in tac might help him.

West Ham were perfetic on Sunday, i could not believe alladyce saidwe wanted to see what they had to throw at us in the first half ! HELLO Earth calling manager of West Ham , villa are or were devoid of confidence and have not won for 7 games at home. What did we do ? let them get their confidence... never seen such poor tactics.

Anyhow, at least i did not lose backing livepool last night. If i had still been betting i would have steamed into them, good to be away from those gut wrenching feelings after a semi shock like that. Strength & Honour in our mutual fight, Dark Place

Posted : 12th February 2013 4:49 pm
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Day 88

12 days to go till the 100 mark. I won't be celebrating it but will be patting myself on the back for a job well done so far. I'm very aware that this is a life long commitment.

Thank you so much for your responses to my last post about my great day last Saturday. They are all so appreciated.

Not much to say today really. Just off to the gym for another hard workout, clean the flat later, bit of guitar practise, read a few posts on here then off to work tonight. A simple, cheap but effective day in my eyes.

Have really laid off the drink for last 7 weeks. Combination of having no money to go out, recovering financially after xmas, working hard in the gym for that Barbados beach bod in 8 weeks and lots of things coming up. My wife Tess turns 40 next week so looking forward to a big night out with friends.

Stay strong everyone.


Posted : 13th February 2013 4:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G,

Thank you for your post. Well done on the 89 days gamble free, you are keeping yourself busy and have lots to look forward to by the sounds of it.

How different are our lives when we don't gamble? Money can't buy the things we gain when refrain from feeding the demon. Keep doing what your doing because it's obviously working for you and before you know it you will be able to say 10 months gamble free, achieved one day at a time.

Take care


Posted : 14th February 2013 3:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G,

Still 3 days behind me....thats how it!


Womble xx

Posted : 14th February 2013 6:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hello mate, thanks for your kind words as always, on the qpr front that can I say lol, relegation is definitely on he cards lol, all hat money we've spent and look at he state of us lol, you boys are flying, hoping to get the 4th spot for champions league, I really hope you get it, bale what a player just hope you can hold onto him, I'm still gamble free, I'm over gambling mate, there's no room for gambling in my life or yours too, your doing brilliant, you still working down in London? I Bet you miss your family loads!!

How's the guitar practice going, I'm taking up lessons in a few weeks, just got to pick the right guitar, any advise lol??

I don't post as much on here anymore as I feel I'm strong enough to carry on, all the best mate!!


Posted : 14th February 2013 8:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Simmo & G,

Have you heard sky sprorts breaking news ? Harry Rednapp has been sacked. Spokesman for QPR said this morning " we had to move fast when pope benedict became available as we are in need of a miracle " lol , sorry about that. Way things are going West Ham might be joining them, Dark Place

Posted : 15th February 2013 2:25 pm
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91 days down.

Got an alert on my phone 2 days ago about a horse running yesterday. A few of us at work were following it last year and betting on it as we know the owner. Forgot I even had the app on my phone to alert me. Will delete it if course. Anyway I just dismissed it in my mind. Yesterday afternoon after the race this app buzzed my phone again to let me know the horse came a pathetic 7th. I laughed. More money saved from not gambling. Even if it had won I'd have felt nothing. Will remove the app after posting this but lost track of how many times I lost money on a tip from someone over the years no matter how knowledgable they were or how sure they were. Now I just know that money is better in my pocket.

Looking forward to another great couple of days. Got my wife and the boys coming up to London for a couple of days. Seeing as my spare room is free due to no lodger, which is not good, we're making the most of it. Gonna take them to the Science museum tomorrow then get some tickets for Shrek the Musical hopefully( late deal from one of the ticket offices). I love it when they come to me. Makes a nice change as they only get to London about once a year as the spare rooms are normally rented out. Plus Tess has her 40th on Monday so we'll go out for dinner. Party not till next Saturday.

Have a great weekend everyone. I hope you all stay gamble free.


Posted : 16th February 2013 11:36 am
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